Well I Know I'm Not Alright


I walked into the bathroom with Mike behind me. He helped me fix myself. My lip was bleeding and I had a bruise on the side of my face. He told me that it could have been worse, and that it should heal itself in a couple of days. "You know, I thought you would be a little smarter on walking home by yourself." He said when we entered the living room.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well. You never wanna walk home all by yourself in this time at night. During the day your fine."

"Are you telling me that I can't take care of myself?" I asked.

"No, Lizzie, I'm just saying that you walking home tonight was stupid. Those guys could have raped you." He said.

"I know that. Why do you care anyway?" I asked. Mike looked at me as I held a paper towel to my bleeding lip.

"Never mind. All I'm saying is that don't walk by yourself at night anymore. It's dangerous."

"I'm not trying to pick a fight you know."

"It seems like it."

"That's because your not answering my questions." I said. He started to get annoyed.

"Oh my god! Just drop it." He said. Billie moved into the kitchen.

"No. I want to know why you care so much."

"You really want to know?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well, you won't find out." He said.

With that he got up, and walked into the bathroom. I sat on the couch, and looked at the t.v. with a bloody paper towel in my hand. I didn't understand why he cared so much about me. I knew he did. He just didn't want to say. I looked at Billie who was smiling away at me. I kinda hated him at the moment. If it wasn't for him making Maegan late to pick me up, none of this shit wouldn't be happening to me right now. "You know, Lizzie, Mike cares about you." He said as he leaned against the wall. I sighed.

"I know. It's just a little weird." He looked at me with a confused look.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked me.

"Just that no other guy has cared about me like this. You would think that he liked me or something." I said. Billie looked away from me.

"Um . . . sure." He said getting up. Then I looked at his back.

Then my eyes went open. "Billie?" I asked. He didn't answer me. I got up, and walked over to the sink were he was. I stood in the same spot looking at Billie who was trying to ignore my presence. I kept looking at him until he looked at me. His green eyes looked at me. A grin appeared on his face. There was no doubt about it that Mike Dirnt, my next door neighbor liked me.

I walked out of there deep in my thought. I walked into the apartment find all the lights shut off. Maegan was in her room sleeping, and Elaina was at work working on a big cake with her boss. She wouldn't be home until late. I walked over to Maegan's room, and woke her up. She grumbled a few words, and looked at me. She then made a face. "What the fuck?" She asked.

"This is what happens when you forget to pick me up! Mike had to get me tonight, and it was almost too late!" I screamed, and walked out slamming the door. I didn't hear Maegan.

I opened my door, and shut it quick. How could have this happen to me? I mean, I shared my sad story with him, and all of that. Still! I then went back two months, and tried to see where it all began. Then I realized something that night when I got so drunk I couldn't stand anymore. I remembered! I kissed him!

I sat down on my bed. "I kissed him?" I asked myself. How? Was I that drunk? Did I sleep with him? I wasn't sure. Then I remembered two weeks ago when he came over here and wanted to crash that night. He didn't need a place to stay, he just wanted to see me! It all made sense now.

Here's the question though. Did I like him? I did. In a way I did. I wasn't sure if I could go out with someone again. I would have to work on my trust. Then I heard a knock on my door. I knew who it was. I ran for the door.

I stopped as I came face to face with the door. What if it wasn't him? What if he was trying to play me? I wouldn't know unless I found out.

I went up to the door to find Elaina standing there with her make up smeared everywhere. I looked at her with a frown. I was kinda hoping it would be Mike. "What? I don't live here anymore?" She asked me. I shook my head.

"No. I just thought you were someone else that's all." I said, and returned to my room.

The next few hours I couldn't sleep. I was thinking to much. I was wondering if Mike was still awake. It was two in the morning. He doesn't sleep very much. I shrugged and grabbed my hoodie. Maybe he was thinking about me.

I shut the t.v. off, and walked over to the door. Once I opened it, and was ready to walk out, I saw a someone in my way. I looked up to see Mike standing there with his arm up ready to knock. "Hi." He said. I smiled at him.

"Hey. Can we talk?" I asked. He nodded.

We sat on the stairs outside. It was kinda like that night me, and Mike shared or past to each other. We were on the same sides, and everything. He was smoking a cigarette while I watched him. I sighed and leaned back watching the stars. "Mike, did we kiss?" I asked him. He looked at me as he exhaled the smoke from his lungs. He looked down on the ground.

"Um . . . yeah. We did kiss at the last party we had." He said. I looked away ashamed of myself.

"We didn't do anything else that night did we?" I asked.

"No. We didn't, Lizzie. I made sure of it." I looked at him again.

"Is that the reason you stayed over two weeks ago?"

"No! I would never use you like that!" He said.

"Okay. Good. Then why did you sleep over at my place?" I asked.

"Well. I honestly just wanted to see you." He looked at me.

"Lizzie, I think I like you. I'm not sure yet because, well, your so fucking hard to figure out! I mean, when I slept in that bed with you I felt like you didn't even want to see me. Then tonight, you were being a bit of a bitch." I looked at him. He was right. I was hard to figure out.

"Mike, I think I like you too. It's just that . . . I'm not sure if you can handle me with my trust issue. I have tried to date after my huge break up with Chris. I just can't seem to trust any guy out there." I said with a tear going down my face. Mike looked at me.

"Do you not listen to yourself? You think you can't trust anyone because you think about it too much." I looked at him. "Here me out, Lizzie. Just give me a chance. I'll be passionate. I can wait." He said. I looked at him. I thought for a minute.

"Okay." I said. He then kissed my cheek causing me to blush.
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They are not together yet! I'm building up to it. You will have to wait a couple of more chapters. Sorry guys. <3