Well I Know I'm Not Alright

No one knows

I washed the dishes as I could hear Elaina talk. She was talking about the most random things. I rolled my eyes as I continued to wash the dish in front of me. The thing about Elaina talking is that she never ever shuts up. She could talk for hours and still be able to have a voice. It was a very well gifted talent she had, and she was very good at it too.

I walked out of the kitchen with Elaina following me. I nodded my head as I pretended to listen to her some more. She then stopped talking. I smiled as the room fell silent. I sighed and sat down. Elaina looked at me. "So what's going on with you and Mike?" She asked me. I looked at the ceiling and laughed a little.

"We're not together yet." I said.

"So, you guys are just hooking up?" She asked.

"Um . . . yeah. I guess so. Well . . . no . . . I don't know Elaina! It's complicated."

"I understand. You don't know how you feel about him yet. Is that it?"

"No. I do like him. I'm just not the type of person to automatically assume that were together after one date."

"True. It just seems like you two are together. That's all." Elaina said.

She then got up and walked into her room. She did have a point. It did seem like we were together. I just wasn't sure if he considered me a girlfriend or not. So I couldn't really tell you if we were together.

Me and Maegan went outside to take a break from work. I started working here the two days after I left Best Yet. Maegan inhaled her cigarette as I watched her. She looked at me and offered me one. I shrugged and grabbed one. I knew very well that I hated smoking, but I was a little stressed out.

Maegan and Billie were considered together since they have became inseparable. I lite my cigarette and blew the smoke out. As I sat against the wall, I noticed Maegan looking at my cheek. She hated Chris from the beginning. When she found out what he did she went wild. She grabbed a knife and wouldn't stop asking where he went.

"What did they do to Chris?" Maegan asked.

"The cops came and took him to jail. He was sent home to New York the next morning and I filed a paper saying that he is not to be within a hundred miles of me and is to not call my phone." I said with a smile. Maegan nodded.

It's been a week since that whole night. It was the worst, and best night of my life. The fact the Mike cares enough about me to save me from an asshole, and for me to stand up to my nightmare made my life.

I sighed as I finished my cigarette. We saw our manager come outside to call us in. We nodded and headed back in to work.

Maegan talked about Billie as I unlocked the door to our apartment. I nodded listening to every word. It was funny how she fell for a boy that was everything her dad hated. It was also very cute at the same time.

I opened the door to find Billie and Elaina watching some stupid cartoon. Elaina was falling asleep and Billie was eating cereal out of the box. Maegan ran over to Billie and kissed him on lips. I smiled and looked around for Mike. He wasn't here.

I went into my room and jumped on my bed. I loved my bed. It was now considered my best friend since I work at night now. I looked at the time. It was ten thirty. I shrugged and changed into my sweat pants and my large Who shirt.

I said good night to everyone as I headed over next door. I smiled as I walked over. I knew he was sleeping. Well, maybe trying. He always had trouble falling asleep now. I had the same problem.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. I waited for another minute and knocked again. No answer. I shrugged and opened the door and found Tre asleep on the couch with drool going down his face. I smiled and tried not laugh.

I tip toed over to Mike's room where I found the light on. I knocked softly and heard his foot steps come closer to his door. He opened it and smiled as soon as he saw my face. "Hey there." He said and kissed my lips. I kissed back.

As I walked into his room, I noticed his t.v. was on and he was watching some old show. I sat on the bed and looked at the woman who was running around with her hair on fire. Mike laughed and sat down next to me, shutting the light off.

After the show he started to kiss my neck. I smiled and looked at him. He looked at me and kissed my lips. As I felt his tongue go into my mouth I opened my eyes and realized what was going on. I stopped and Mike looked at me. "What's wrong?" He asked as he started to kiss my neck again. I really didn't want him to stop.

"It's just that I don't want Tre to come in while we're doing it." I said.

"Tre sleeps through everything. He fell asleep high as a kite. He won't wake up for hours."

"Promise?" I asked.


I woke up a couple of hours later and noticed someone's arm around my waist. I also noticed that I had no clothes on, and I was sweating. I looked around the room. It was still dark out which meant that it was still late. I looked at the clock that was next to me. It read one forty five. I turned around and noticed Mike's eyes still shut. I wanted to poke him and see if he was still alive. "It's not nice to stare." He said. I smiled as his eyes opened.

"I like to stare." I said.

"I can see that. What time is it?" He asked.

"It's a quarter to two."

"Wow so we were out for two hours?"

"Hour and a half." I said.

"I wonder is anyone heard us?"

"I hope not." I said looking alarmed.

"By the way, when was the last time you had sex?" He asked me. I suddenly felt a little warm.

"Um . . . about a year ago. Why?"

"No reason. The last time I had sex was like five months ago." He said.

"That's a little shocking." I said.


"Well. Your really good looking. I would have expected you to get a lot of girls that's all." I said.

"I guess not."

I then snuggled up to Mike and rested my head on his chest. I fell asleep to the sound of his heart beat.
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