Status: Completed.

Sick Little Games

I'm Losing The Best Of Me

Abbie and Alex lay there, their bodies exhausted, their minds dazed and confused. Abbie breathed in gently, although it may have been wrong, it was fantastic.

"I didn't think that would ever happen," Alex murmured against her neck and Abbie smiled to herself, but felt that nausea feeling wash over her again.

"Neither did I," she replied and bit her lip. Alex snuggled against her, and wrapped his arms around her, letting her cuddle up against him. She kept wondering about Jack, whether he was okay and if he was as drunk as she was.

"You're really quiet," Alex breathed, Abbie nodded her head and Alex opened his eyes, looking at her. The glow from the dying bulb was a lot dimmer than it was, but he could still see her and her felt tousled hair, tumbling over her face. He reached forwards, brushing it away and smiled at her. "what's wrong?"

Abbie laughed, a sort of sarcastic laugh and looked at him, "I'm meant to be with Jack," she whispered and Alex froze a second, mentally hitting himself and furrowed his eyebrows together.

"Shit," he whispered and Abbie nodded her head, rolling onto her back. There was a knock at the door and the pair jumped apart, grabbing the duvet up to their heads. The door began to open and Abbie felt her stomach twist as the knots made her feel sick, she made towards the bathroom as the bedroom door opened and locked it behind her.

She knelt in front of the toilet and felt herself throw up, the vomit coming flying out and into the toilet. She felt tears streaming down her face as she continued to throw up, but she kept her ears open, trying to listen to what was going on.

"You haven't seen her then?" a voice asked and she heard Alex reply.

"Nope, she hasn't been around."

"Okay then," the voice replied and then there was a pause, "oh god, what poor soul have you upset now? Wait, more like raped, there's clothes everywhere."

Abbie groaned quietly to herself, it was Jack and she knew this wasn't going to end well. If he recognized anything of her clothing, she was doomed.

"Just some easy blonde," Alex replied and she heard Jack laugh and the floorboards creek, his body making it's way towards the bedroom door, ready to leave the room. "she was incredibly drunk, probably puking all over my bathroom."

Jack laughed again and she imagined him nodding his head, "Okay, if you see Abbie, tell her I'm looking for her."


"Is it safe?" Abbie whispered, popping her head out of the room. Alex nodded his head and whispered 'yes' to her and she slowly walked out of the bathroom. Making her way to the bed, Alex lifted the duvet up and she climbed in beside him.

"This is so wrong," she sighed and leaned her head on his chest.

"But it felt so right," Alex said with a small laugh and Abbie gently hit him, "ow, that hurt!"

"It did not," she replied and Alex kissed the top of her head, and placed his hands behind his head, propping himself onto them.

"Do you regret it?" Alex asked out of no-where. Abbie sat up, looking at him. He raised an eyebrow at her and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Not yet," she whispered.


"Where were you?" Jack asked as Abbie came staggering towards him, the change of clothes Alex had given her were now on. Most of the people that had came were starting to leave.

"Just trying to find some clothes," Abbie said and Jack raised an eyebrow.

"Were they really that wet?" Jack laughed and Abbie nodded her head, "Where did you find them?"

Abbie breathed in, choking on her breath. Jack looked at her, a quizzical look on his face. "I got them out of Alex's room, had to interrupt him and his romance though..." she trailed off.

Jack laughed and nodded his head, "There weren't still-"

"Oh, god know!" Abbie said, and they both laughed, "They were completely finished..."

"That's good then, at least you're dry now," Jack said and kissed her head.


"That party was brilliant, completely brilliant!" Jack exclaimed the next morning, he moved around making breakfast, for only himself, "I might be the only one without a hangover!" he literally shouted and the rest of the guys and Abbie groaned, holding their aching heads.

"Jack, sweetie, keep it down," Abbie practically begged and Jack beamed, his cheeky grin lighting up the morning.

"Okay, anything for you," he said and kissed her cheek. Alex looked at her from his slouched position on the sofa, his body draped with a bathrobe.

Rian had been giving Abbie weird looks all morning, and she kept avoiding his eye contact. What's his problem? she kept thinking to herself.

Alex got up, tilting his head slyly towards the hall and Abbie waited for him to shut a door before getting up too. "I'm away to check if my clothes are dry," Abbie said and Jack nodded his head. The entire time she moved, Rian stared at her, his eyes never leaving from her body until she was out of sight.

"Dude, quit staring," Zack hissed and Rian shrugged his shoulders.

"She shouldn't be messing him around," Rian hissed back and Zack rolled his eyes.

"That's for them to decide."


"Rian knows, and I'm sure Zack knows too," Alex breathed, the pair of them at the end of the hall. Abbie groaned, placing a hand to her head.

"And how would they know?" she hissed, Alex shrugged his shoulders.

"Someone must have saw us, going into the room or coming out," Alex sighed and Abbie glared.

"They better not say anything, I don't want Jack to find out," she breathed.

"Want me to find out what?"
♠ ♠ ♠
So, another part tonight.
Aren't you lucky?
I'm surprised that out of all my readers, none of you have commented.
It's very surprising... very...
Posting a new Gaskarth story soon.
But only if you guys let me know if you want it!