Status: Completed.

Sick Little Games

You Would Never Have Guessed

"Yes... YES! FINALLY!" Abbie shouted, her excitement taking over her. They finally perfected the scene that they had been at for weeks now. She beamed, a big grin filling her face. The cast were clapping, congratulating their approved success.

"About time," Richard muttered from beside her. Abbie ignored him, not letting anything break her good mood.

"Abbie?" Brenda called out, standing beside the office door. Abbie turned to her, her grin still on her face. "These came for you."

She handed Abbie a bouquet of flowers, the red and white roses were enough to calm everyone down and stare at her. Abbie grew red from embarressment, her face almost the same colour as the red roses that she was faced with.

"They were delivered by that boy," she continued, "you know the one that was here-"

"Yes, Jack.." Abbie sighed, and ran a hand through her blonde hair. "Put them in a sink with some water please, Brenda."


"You brought this on," Abbie retorted. Alex threw his hands up in the air.

"I did not!" He defended, but the smirk on his face gave everything away.

"Honestly, Gaskarth. I thought I warned you it. Can I remind you that you warned me not to mess around with him? And look what you're making him do!"

Alex laughed, his hair falling around his face. His brown eyes met Abbie's brown eyes and a serious expression came across his face. "What can I say? He really likes you, and we both know that we can't live our lives with one-night stands-"

"Alex, we're TWENTY-ONE. Not fourty-one," Abbie fumed. He was such a hypocrite at times, and no matter what he was going to say. Abbie wasn't going to stand for it. "We shouldn't have to get into relationships and get all lovey-dovey!"

"I'm not saying that, I'm just saying 'give a relationship a go'," he breathed and took a sip out of his beer. Abbie grabbed hers off the coffee table and drank the rest of it. She shook her head, letting the alcohol run through her veins.

"You're an ass," she whispered.

"And you're a bitch."


Abbie walked round the supermarket, picking up the necessaties she needed to get her through the week; a couple of bottles of wine, a case of beer, wholemeal bread, some strawberry jam and a few tubs of ice cream. Those were the basics, but of course she had a few items of fruit, vegetables and a selection of other food.

She paid for her items, and stacked them into bags. Grabbing them, she made her way out to her car, but was surprised to see a group of people cheering and talking outside the front doors.

"Excuse me!" She shouted, trying to get past everyone. She managed to brush past people and came to the centre of the collection of bodies that had stopped to see the entertainment.

"What the fuck.."
♠ ♠ ♠
I've got the hang of this now.
So it's time for bribery..
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Mwaha haha..
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And a happy writer, writes more.. hmm..