Status: Completed.

Sick Little Games

And Watch Them Name Theirs Kids After Cars

Abbie sat patiently, waiting for Jack to arrive. Her stomach in knots and the typical feeling of butterflies trying to escape and push their way from inside her and back to the outside world. A feeling of nausea washed over her and Abbie placed a hand on to her forehead, breathing in deeply.

She smiled to herself, feeling completely helpless over the emotions she was feeling at this moment. She couldn't believe what was happening, was she finally starting to like somebody?

"Abbie.." she heard a voice begin and she looked up to her office door, her face breaking out into a smile, which was all too obvious but she could have cared less. Jack stood there, his dark hair framing his face and his dark eyes lighting up from seeing Abbie and most importantly, her giant grin.

"Jack!" she said, a bit more enthusiastically than she would have preferred. He walked towards her slowly, his nerves showing through, but Abbie couldn't wait any long and she jumped up and ran towards him, grabbing him into a hug. "I'm sorry for being such a bitch," she whispered and Jack nodded his head.

"It's okay," he replied. He wrapped his arms round her waist and held her close to him, a warm feeling passing through his body as he stood there. There was a silence that passed over them, but it wasn't at all awkward. Abbie kept a smile on her lips, as did Jack. "So do you fancy going out for food then?"

Abbie pulled back from him and smirked, "Okay then."


"So why did you leave?" Jack asked, taking a sip from his lemonade. Abbie bit her lip, trying to think of a reasonable answer, but the more she thought about, she decided to tell the truth.

"Well, I knew I wasn't ready for a relationship," she began and Jack looked at her, tilting his head slightly, "and I just thought that's all you were interested in. I didn't intend for it to go as far as it did.." she finished.

Jack paused a second and nodded his head, "I didn't expect you to stay the night," he whispered and Abbie shrugged her shoulders.

"What can I say, your bed is comfy!" and they laughed together while Abbie stuck out her tongue at Jack. She took a sip out of her fresh orange juice and played with the straw, stirring it round in the glass. Jack watched her every movement, and smiled softly, taking in everything about her.

She smelt delicious, and looked gorgeous. Her dark eyes were framed by a thick coat of mascara and although she didn't wear a lot of make-up, Jack could tell she'd look good either way; natural or fully loaded. Her hair was slung into a low ponytail that dropped over her left shoulder, leaving her neck exposed and the pendant visible. Jack smiled to himself, he couldn't believe his luck, and the thought of finally being able to go out with Abbie made his heart jump and do flips.

You've got one chance, don't mess it up, his mind kept saying but Jack kept batting it away, not even his insecurities would ruin this for him.

"You look lovely today," Jack started and Abbie blushed, her nervous and embarrassed side shining through.

"So do you," she said in return and Jack grinned, a goofy type of grin that made Abbie laugh. "You're really adorable, Jack." She said and this caused his grin to widen.

"Who ordered the cheesy tomato penne pasta?" The waitress said and looked at Jack, her face turning soft and she stood a bit more sexy as she waited for an answer. Abbie glared at her, and noticed her bad jealous counterpart kicking in.

"That would be me," Abbie said and narrowed her eyes at the waitress as they met each other's eyes. The waitress, who's name-badge read 'Maggie', glared back at her. Her blue eyes contained too much eyeliner that had ran all along her eyelids, giving her a dark sort of look to her. She had mousy brown hair that was slung into a bun-type bob at the top of her head.

Maggie placed down the other order, a pepperoni pizza, in front of Jack before placing the pasta down in front of Abbie. She slid it down in front of her, causing some of the pasta to go splashing over the other side and land on Abbie's white gypsy top. Abbie screamed as she looked down at her clothes, the tomato sauce staining as the pasta sat there.

She looked at the girl before her, anger raging through her. Jack sat there, his mouth wide open. "I can't believe you just did that," he breathed and Abbie stood up, the pasta falling from her top.

"I can," she snarled and grabbed a hand-full of pasta, throwing it in Maggie's face. Jack roared with laughter and the rest of the customers in the restaurant turned round to see what all the commotion was about.

"You bitch!" Maggie screamed, but before she could do anything, a manager appeared before them.

"Maggie, what the hell is going on her?" He roared, looking at the two woman before him. Jack sat in his seat, almost exploding from laughter as Abbie gave a deathly stare towards Maggie.

"You're stupid little waitress dropped pasta all over me," Abbie began.

"I'm sure it wasn't intentional-"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure it was," Abbie shouted, interrupting him, "jealous fucking cow." she continued, pushing Maggie backwards. Maggie retaliated by lunging forwards, her face turning into an ugly snarl as she was held back by the manager.

"Just get out!" The manager shouted at them, "and you," he said turning to Maggie, "you're fired!"


"Oh my god..." Jack breathed, as they ran down the street, making their way towards Abbie's apartment. Abbie laughed as she grabbed his hand, "I didn't think something like that would ever happen."

"Well, what can I say? I'm very defensive," Abbie said as they slowed down, she stopped outside her apartment and Jack looked up at it.

"Wow.." he breathed and Abbie looked at him.

"What?" She asked and Jack just shook his head.

"High paying job then?" he asked and Abbie nodded her head.

"If we're successful," she laughed and walked into the building. They made their way up to the second floor where she opened the door and let Jack walk in. He smiled as he looked around.

The ceiling was as high as it would be in a theater and it was very spacious, most of the rooms merged together; that being the living room and the kitchen, but there was a small doorway which let to a hall. Left of the hall led to a spacious bathroom which had a medium-sized jacuzzi bath which fit about six and a large shower with build-in fancy electronic devices.

Across from the bathroom was a guest room which Abbie had turned into a study where she kept all of her work stuff; more like an office than study. Then down from that was another bedroom, the master bedroom with en-suite, which was obviously Abbie's room.

There was a large king-sized bed, with dark wooden poles that held up drapes that hung over the side and on the bed there was two expensive cushions sat on top of the pillows - Abbie thought too many cushions cluttered the place and this led to a fuss if the room was a mess.

"Well you must be very successful," Jack said once he came back from exploring. Abbie nodded her head and smiled.

"I try to be," she replied. She walked towards the kitchen where everything was mainly glossy black, or white. "So, order in or shall we try and cook?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, new part.
I must sound scary or something when I'm like "COMMENT, COMMENT!"
But anyway, I'm loving this story, although it's only got a few more chapters to go.
Or does it...?
Maybe comments will persuade me? :)