Status: Completed.

Sick Little Games

I'm Finding Me Out

"Oh myyyyyy, stop putting that stupid salad everywhere!" Abbie giggled as Jack tried mixing up their salad with a honey garlic vinaigrette. The sweet sauce was spilling out of the bowl, and more of it landed on the kitchen counter than mixed in with the salad.

Jack looked at her innocently and smiled sweetly, trying to make her forgive him. "I'm sorry, I just get a bit excited when it comes to cooking," he said and she leaned forwards, kissing his cheek.

"It's quite okay," she replied.


"The chicken's turned out reaaaalllly good!" Jack exclaimed as he swallowed a piece of the chili chicken that they decided to opt for. It was served with a side of salad and boiled potatoes with baby corn coated in the sweetest butter that money could buy.

"I know, we're excellent cooks," Abbie said in response, secretly happy that Jack liked her recipe. Jack grinned at her, a small childish look on his face.

They finished their meals and placed all the dishes into Abbie's dishwasher, which encouraged her laziness. She stretched her arms, content with what she had eaten and Jack stood smiling. "So what's for dessert?" he joked.

Abbie grinned and made her way towards the sofa, "How about we watch a film and then get something later?"

Jack nodded his head in agreement, "Okay, but no chick flicks!" he answered.

They dimmed the lights and settled on 'Coach Carter' - one of Abbie's favourite films. Abbie sat curled up on the sofa, her legs resting on top of Jack's thighs. He smiled and stroked her legs with his hands, while they were intrigued by the film.

"Sir, they can cut the chain off the door," the boy said, sitting at a desk with the rest of his team mates, "but they can't make us play."

Coach Carter walked forwards, his body moving slowly, as the boys sat at their desks, studying hard to prove that they're worthy of his coaching.

"I love this scene," Abbie said with a small squeal. Jack looked at her, smiling as she sat there, wide eyed and grinning as she watched the scene before her. She looked towards him, feeling his eyes on her and a small smile crept onto her lips.

"Ready for dessert?" she asked quietly, and Jack smirked back at her, leaning forwards. A knot in his stomach made him feel nervous as he pressed his lips against Abbie's, making her groan quietly. He felt the lust growing in his stomach as he pushed her back against the sofa and climbed gently on top of her.

Abbie smiled into the kiss, wrapping her hands round his neck, letting one hand softly caress his hair and pull off his cap that he was so accustomed to wearing. She played with his soft hair as they kissed, their tongues carefully coming to meet each other. It was nothing new to them, but Abbie felt nervous too - the feeling of nausea erupting in her stomach.

She broke the kiss and took a deep breath, looking into Jack's eyes, their dark brown colour glazed over with a feeling more than just lust. She smiled softly at him, as he leaned down towards her, kissing her mouth and then slowly trailing along her jawline.

She gasped slightly as he made his way to her neck, his soft lips gentle on her golden skin and he sucked gently, opening his mouth and tasting her as he made his way down towards her collarbone.

"Let's take this to the bedroom," Jack whispered into her ear as he made his way back up, kissing her the entire way. Abbie nodded her head and bit her lip, grabbing hold of his hand and dragging him in the direction of her room.


"I tell you man, it's love," Jack said in a soft voice. Alex placed a cup of coffee down in front of him, his face lighting up and he smiled at Jack.

"Well, what happened last night then?" Alex asked, sitting down at the kitchen island. He moved around in the leather stool until he was comfy and waited for Jack to tell him.

"Well, we went to a restaurant and ended up getting chucked out-"

"Haha, you what?" Alex said, interrupting him. "That's not like you two!"

"I know, but some girl was eying me up and Abbie went crazy, started throwing pasta at her and everything. But anyway, we went back to hers and I tell you, her place is amazing-"

"I know, Jack," Alex said, interrupting again. Jack scowled at him and continued with his little story.

"And then we cooked some food, watched a film and then..." he trailed off, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red.

"You what?" Alex said, sitting upright and leaning over the counter. He grinned at Jack's embarrassment and hit him on his shoulder, laughing as he did so. "I knew it!"

"I didn't think she would, I mean... She's been avoiding me for so long," Jack breathed, his cheeks still very red.

"She's into you, man," Alex replied, taking a sip from his mug, "it's only time before there's wedding bells!" he said and starting roaring with laughter. Jack narrowed his eyes and rolled them, still glaring at Alex.

"You're really immature, you know that, don't you?" Jack hissed and stood up.


"Oh Breeeeennndaaaa!" Abbie sang out, her entire body tingling and electrified from the overwhelming emotions she was feeling.

"Don't tell me, you need something cleaned-"

"No, don't be silly!" Abbie said, still grinning as she walked into the small office Brenda spent most of her time sorting out things in.

"Well then, you look like the cat that got the cream!" Brenda exclaimed, her face brightening up at the sight of Abbie.

"I most certainly did," Abbie laughed and Brenda looked at her with a quizzical look. "I'm finnaaallly with Jack."

Brenda made a small cheerful sound and gave Abbie a congratulations hug, her body warm against Abbie's. She smiled at her, and Abbie nodded her head, not too sure what else to say.

"Well then, what happened?" Brenda asked, and Abbie told her how the evening went.
♠ ♠ ♠
New part.
My hand hurts.. I must have 'typer's cramp' haha
I'm really liking this story.
It's ashame it's going to end soon.
Comments and such-like make me happy.
So please go do it :)