Status: Completed.

Sick Little Games

I'm Having My Doubts

"So, what's our plans for tonight then?" Abbie asked, sitting down beside Jack on her sofa. Jack grinned at her, it was Saturday, and everyone in his band knew what that meant.

"Well, we're having a party. I was just about to mention it," Jack began and Abbie instantly sat up, her body tingling with anticipation, she loved parties, she lived for parties.

"And you were going to invite me?" she said, sticking out her tongue and Jack nodded his head, smiling at her.

"I sure was!" He replied, and ran a hand through his hair, "it's to celebrate our success so far. You know, a small 'congratulation to us' party." he said, his cheeky grin causing Abbie to smile and lean forwards, kissing him.

"I guess so..." she replied, trailing off. "I guess you deserve it!" And she stuck her tongue out again and Jack jumped forwards, tickling her sides. She squealed and begged him to stop, tears almost escaping from her eyes as she laughed so much.

"Jack, please. Stop!" Abbie shouted, her voice breaking from laughter and she tried gasping for air. "Jack it hurts, stooooopppp!" she tried again. Jack laughed and climbed off of her, letting Abbie get back her breath.

He stood and placed a hand on his hip, jutting it out and pouting. "You're such a baby," he joked and Abbie glared at him, fixing her clothes and patting down her long hair.

"That's it," she said, and jumped towards him. He raced away from her, as she chased him through her apartment. "I'll catch you, don't you think otherwise!"


"Hey, Abbie! Jack!" Alex shouted, as they walked into the house. "It's lovely to see you two!" Abbie smiled and walked over to him, kissing him on the cheek and embracing him.

"It's nice to see you too," she breathed and looked around for Jack. He was already getting attacked by heaps of people, congratulating him and just asking him how he was. They were all friends of his, but Abbie couldn't help but feel jealous that there was a lot of females here.

"Would you like a drink?" Alex whispered in her ear, so she could hear him. Abbie nodded her head and smiled at him, walking towards the kitchen. Alex placed down his bottle of beer, looking around for something more lighter for Abbie. "What would you like...?" Alex said, trailing off as he looked around.

"Just give me a beer," Abbie laughed, picking up a bottle opener. Alex passed her a bottle, and waited for her to take off the top before handing it to him. He threw it across the room, and it landed in a large plastic bag.

"Guessing that's for the rubbish," Abbie said, the words sounding so obvious in her mind. She felt weird, a sickly form taking over her. Alex nodded his head and took a sip from his beer, letting the alcohol slide down his throat.

"Sure is," he paused, looking around. "Where did Jack go?"

Abbie shrugged her shoulders and walked towards the open door. Jack was stood with a bunch of girls who were all over him, trying to pass moves. Abbie narrowed her eyes and turned to Alex.

"Hold this," she breathed and Alex took the bottle from her, and looked in the direction she had her eye glued to. He watched as she walked over to the girls.

Abbie snaked her arm around Jack's waist, earning a few glares from the girls. She spun him round, sliding her hands up his body and around his neck. She leaned forwards, kissing his lips and allowing her tongue to slide into his mouth. Jack smiled into the kiss, and placed his arms around her waist.

The girls looked disgusted and their top lips were raised as they glared at Abbie. She pulled away from Jack and looked at the girls with raised eyebrows. "And just so you didn't realize, he's mine," she hissed and the girls rolled their eyes, walking away from the pair.

"Wow, you're really defensive," Jack breathed, holding her by the waist again. He placed his arms on her hips, her strong and curvy figure holding his weight.

"I just want to make sure nobody takes you from me," and she placed her lips on his quickly before walking away.

"All right, so I'm guessing they took the hint then?" Alex said, a smirk on his face as he watched Abbie walk back into the kitchen and down the rest of her beer.

"Give me another one," she hissed, "it's going to be a long night."


"Abbie, I dare you to jump into our pool with all your clothes on!" Alex screamed as the bottle landed on her name tag, which was one of many that surrounded it, once again. Abbie regained her breath; she just had to run around the streets shouting at the top of her lungs 'I love All Time Low' and screaming while lifting up her top and flashing to anyone that passed.

She shook her head, the alcohol clouding over her mind. She felt like she couldn't breathe and any air she could get, she was thankful for.

"Let me catch my breath," she gasped and the group of people surrounding the bottle started chanting. She grinned, the thrill of people watching her made her excited. "okay, okay!" she shouted and told them to stand back.

She took off her shoes and socks, which Alex protested too, but she raised her middle finger, throwing him off of what he was saying. She took a running start, and reached the pool.

Grabbing her knees up to her chest, she cannon-bombed into the pool, the water going everywhere and the guests screaming as some of them were soaked. Abbie let her body expand as she kicked off the bottom of the pool, which sent her hurdling forwards to the top of the water.

She flew out of it and breathed in air, her body falling back into the water, but she steadied herself and swam about, a collection of people applauding and cheering her successful pool dive.

She smiled, and kicked around, swimming towards the edge. Alex was laughing hysterically, his face a massive grin. "I didn't think you'd do it," he started but Abbie placed a finger to his lips.

"I always do my dares," she interrupted and the crowd cheered again before returning to the bottle, waiting for it to land on someone else.

"Let's get you some clothes and dried off," Alex said and Abbie nodded her head, walking into the house.

She looked around, trying to find Jack, but he wasn't to be seen anywhere. Thoughts ran through Abbie's head. Was he disappointed that she was a party animal? Was he with some other girl? Abbie shook her head, the last thought sounding strange to her.

Jack had wanted her, right? She he wouldn't disappear with another girl... Surely?

She followed Alex upstairs and passed Jack's room, the door was wide open and Abbie decided to take a quick look. She popped her head in, and looked around.

Nobody was there.

She smiled to herself, content with what she saw and continued to follow Alex.

"I should have some of your stuff here," Alex said, raking through his wardrobe. Abbie raised an eyebrow.

"Why would that be?" She slurred, the obvious coming through; she was drunk.

"You used to stay here a lot, remember?" Alex began and came across a tank top and some denim shorts. "These will do, right?" he said and Abbie nodded her head.

Alex disappeared for a moment and Abbie sat on the edge of his bed, looking around. The room was extremely tidy for Alex and Abbie couldn't help but giggle at the ridiculous collection of photos beside his alarm clock.

She got up and moved round to look at them; pictures of her and him surrounded by more pictures of him and the band and a few pictures of his family. She laughed as she thought of Alex being sentimental and loving; she didn't expect him to be like that.

"I've got you a towel, so you can dry," Alex stated as he walked back into the room. Abbie turned round and smiled at him, then pointed at the photos.

"Didn't think you liked remembering everything that happens?" she asked, tilting her head. Alex nodded and then sighed.

"I like to remember the good memories," he began, but he stopped, not sure what to say next. Abbie giggled and felt the alcohol once more, pass through her brain and make her mind cloudy.

She walked towards him, and grabbed the end of her floaty top, she pulled it up over her head, leaving her standing in her soaking wet bra and jeans. Alex smiled at her and handed her the towel, which she refused until she reached behind her, unclasping her bra.

Alex's smiled dropped a bit, and became more of a smirk. She took the towel from him and wrapped it round her, it covered her body as she reached for her jeans and let them drop to the floor. Alex's eyes were glued to her as she stared back at him. He knew this familiar look and bit his lip, wishing she would just hurry up.

"You know... we should maybe..." but Alex didn't have a clue what he was trying to say.

Abbie smirked back, her face soft and beautiful in the lighting of his room. The glow coming from the dying bulb was enough to light the room and give it a soft feel to it.

"We should what, Gaskarth?" she asked and Alex shrugged his shoulders, not taking his eyes of her as she removed the last of her underwear from underneath the towel. He gulped; a sensual feeling coming over him.

"We should.." Alex breathed, but he couldn't contain himself. He lunged forwards, cupping Abbie's face and attacked her lips, throwing his tongue into her mouth. She kissed him back, not entirely sure what she was doing, but the thoughts in her mind told her to go with it.

Alex's hands traced over her bare shoulders and towards her chest where the towel was folded in, to keep it up. He slid his hands into the gap between the towel and her body and managed to unfold it, letting it drop to the floor.

Abbie grabbed his jeans and unbuttoned them, they soon joined the towel on the floor, followed by his t-shirt and underwear. He pushed her towards his bed, him falling on top of each other. Alex continued to kiss Abbie, and then broke the kiss. He kissed down her jaw and towards her neck.

She groaned and Alex smiled to himself, the sound of Abbie making him ecstatic. He felt he was doing right and continued to kiss downwards, over her shoulders and towards her breasts. Abbie placed a hand on the back of his head, as he continued down towards her stomach.

He looked up at her and waited for her to open her eyes and to look back at him. He gave her a questionable look, as if to say 'is this okay?' Abbie nodded, the lust growing inside her.

"Keep going," she breathed.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, a bit sexy. Ayyyeee?
It was long too.
Big question,
Bad Abbie Or Good Abbie? :O
Or even Poor Jack or Yay Alex?
Let me know in comments!