Status: Complete :)

Teardrops On My Guitar


”He’s the reason for
The teardrops on my guitar.
The only thing that keeps me
Wishing on a wishing star.’
My name is Kyleigh. Sixteen. My sophomore year and already I’ve moved four times in five months. All because of my mom. No, not of her job. She switches her job every time we’re in a new town. She enters a new façade. A new style and personality just to get a guy. Why, you may ask? Because it’s her nature. She believes everything is right with a guy. She needs a guy to live her life.
My father? Gone, dead, deceased, destroyed my life. He was my mom’s first love, and he was horrible. He made my life a living hell.
For one thing, he tried to kill me when I was younger. All because I wasn’t a boy. Then, he raped me. Over and over again. All I remember was telling him no again and again, but to no avail. But, now he’s dead; and my mother and I continuously move.
Now my mom gets a new beau every town, bad break-up means new town. New town means starting over.
But this new town my mom told me that we’d stay here until I graduate. I can have a life. Even if she broke up with her boyfriend.
How great is my life?
New school. New start. I have no idea what to do here. I don’t know anyone. How amazing. Classes go by until creative writing.
He caught my eye right when I walked in. His brunette hair swaying over one chocolate brown eye. No idea who he is, oh, but I’ll find out. The teacher assigns me to sit behind a girl who sits next to him.
“We’re doing a partner story. I will pick the pairs and the time period. Your task, make a two side story set in that time period,” Mrs. Dupoint said to the class.
“Brendan and Mikayla; French Revolution,” she said. I looked around at this little whore batting her eyelashes.
“Mat and Angelique; Colonial times,” she said as this complete jock looked at this innocent little shy book worm. She called out more names, finally getting to the end.
“Nolan and Kyleigh; Renaissance,” she said, looking directly at me. Nolan? Who was he? The teacher explained me, since everyone looked so confused. She pointed out Nolan to me, ‘cause I probably look so confused.
What I found out was the shock of my life. Mister chocolate eyes and amazing hair. It was him, and god, was I having such a good day. Now, mom better not make us move…
And the bell rang.
“Come to the library during your study,” he whispered as I grabbed my books. I nod to him, feeling the heat rush up to my cheeks.
Oh snap…
‘He’s the song
In the car,
I keep singing,
Don’t know why I do.’
Lunch came quicker now that I was waiting for something. Yet, I didn’t exactly know who this guy was. He intrigued me. A mystery I needed to know about. Curiosity. It should be easy though, right? We’re working together.
Study first, lunch after. Oh god. This was it. Where was the library exactly?
I stared at my schedule, looking at the room numbers. Where I the world was I? I had to get to room 401. Where was I? 102, 104, 106. Gah, I keep getting farther away. I sigh, finally cracking and asking for directions.
“Up the stairs, to the left, across the bridge, go straight,” a young teacher said to me, motioning with his hands on where to go. Yeah, cause hand gestures work wonders.
“Thank you,” I call turning to the stairs, going up them. I followed his instructions. Oh, hey look. 401. Go figure. I walked in like five minutes late. I hate being late. I asked if I could go to the library. I asked if I could go to the library. He nodded and wrote a pass.
“By any chance. Where is it?” I ask, blushing slightly. I hate being new and asking for directions, I always get mixed up.
He sighed, looking bored. More hand gesture as he instructed me to the library. I muttered a thanks, following his instructions.
I walked into the library, looking around. My eyes settled on that hair. His chocolate eyes gleaming as he looked up to me. The new girl was found.
“I got lost,” I told him, sheepishly. He smiled. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s cool. You’re new. This place is huge,” he said, gazing around. He motioned to the seat next to him and I smiled. I sat in the seat he motioned to. “I’m Nolan.”
“I sort of assumed that since you were the one who whispered in my ear,” I said, a soft smile pulling at the sides of my lips. I felt the heat rise slowly in my neck. “I’m Kyleigh.”
“Well, hello there,” he said, giving a soft chuckle. “Do you know anything about the renaissance?”
I nodded, slightly. I sort of did. “Uhm. England. Accents. Corsets. Romance. I think it would be wise to look it up,” I said, laughing a bit. He smiled and nodded, writing something down.
“Alright, well, that starts off some research,” he said, chuckling slightly. He looked to me then, “So, you’re new. Tell me something about yourself.”
“I play guitar and sing. Music is my life,” I said, my eyes sparkling slightly.
“How long have you played?” he asked. Why was he so fascinated with me?
“Uhm, Eight years,” I said, smiling towards him. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.”
He thought for a moment. “I do play guitar, but it’s not my passion. Photography is.”
I glanced at him and smiled. “Photography? That is so cool. That’s such a beautiful thing. Can I see some of your work?” I ask, rambling just a bit.
He chuckled but nodded. “Sure. Do you want to come over tonight? Since we have to work on this anyway,” he asked.
“Sure,” I said. I felt myself blush. Oh god. Here I was, accepting to go to his house. Oh god. Score one for Ky.
I shook myself out of my little reverie and smiled to him. “What exactly do we have to do with this?”
“Two sided story. There’s always two sides to every story. So, that’s what we have to do. Girls’ point of view and guy’s point of view. Switching through chapters,” he said and I felt myself getting redder and redder by the thought of being over his house.
~End Flashback~
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Awh. Wasn't that adorable? They are just too cute. This is just a little happy moment between the two.