Status: Complete :)

Teardrops On My Guitar


‘He’s the reason for the
Teardrops on my guitar.
The only thing that’s kept me
Wishing on a wishing star.’
I felt his warm hands covering my eyes. The heat from his hands mixed with the heat of my blush. I had no clue where he was taking me, nor why he told me to bring my guitar.
“Where are we?” I ask, a playful tone in my voice.
“You’ll see, just grab your guitar,” he whispered to me. Gah. I loved him. I felt the blush deepen against his hands as I held my case close. “Alright, step, step, step.”
I heard the creak of a door opening and the cool air conditioned air fanning around me, cooling the heat my body was generating.
Nolan guided me up a whole other set of stairs. I had no idea where I am. What if I couldn’t find the front door to go home later? Oh no.
His hands lifted from my eyes, though they were still close.
“Open your eyes now,” he said, and I obeyed. I gasped in awe at the bed, the multiple cameras, many amazing pictures, and a dark room was there. “Welcome to my sanctuary.”
I can’t believe he showed me this. This place is gorgeous. A month ago, I wouldn’t have expected seeing such a place, yet here I was now. God, was it gorgeous.
“My parents decided to put a bed up here for me. I fall asleep working on my photographs all the time,” he said, giving a slight chuckle. He flicked his hair out of his eyes as I set down my guitar.
I smiled to him, sitting in a chair next to a digital camera, opening the case to my guitar. I take it out, situating it on my lap, softly strumming a lullaby my mother used to sing to me.
“So, how often do you bring girls up here?” I ask, keeping my eyes on the neck of my guitar.
“Never, you’re the first,” he said, smiling. “I just feel attached to you.”
“Why me? There must be hundreds of girls out there,” I said, keeping the familiar tune, but gazing to him.
“I don’t exactly know why…” he said, trailing off.
“Are you a virgin?” I ask out of nowhere. He couldn’t be a virgin, could he?
“Yes,” he said, a little shyly. Awh, he’s so inexperienced.
“Why?” I ask.
“Because I’m waiting for that one special girl. One I won’t regret being so intimate with,” he said, gazing behind me. “Are you?”
“No…I’m sort of addicted to sex, actually…” He just seemed to stare at me. I placed my guitar on the ground, moving towards the bed to lay down. This was going to be a long explanation.
“Tell me about your family,” I said to him, laying my head against the pillow.
“Hm, well, they’re alright. Like normal parents, I guess. My uncle is the one who’s interesting. He’s a recording artist. He looks for new acts, like you,” he said, moving to me on the bed. I move over a bit so he can lay next to me. I smile a bit to him and he returns it. “Tell me about your family.”
I laugh softly.
“My dad tried to kill me when I was younger. Continuously raped me. Then he died about three years ago. My mother is a slut. Every time she breaks up with a boyfriend, we pack up and move. It’s been like this for a while. I guess that’s why I go to guys. I don’t have time for friends. Sex is the best other option,” I said, staring at the ceiling.
He looked shocked a bit. Just a bit.
“My mom said we were staying here until I graduate. Don’t know how long that will last.”
“Do you believe in love?” he asked suddenly. I took my gaze from the ceiling to him.
“Yes, even though my mom was never a good example.”
“If it wasn’t with someone you love, then in a sense, you are a virgin.”
I stared at him, he had a point.
He gave me a soft smile. I probably looked so vulnerable at the moment. He pressed his lips to mine softly and I stared wide-eyed. My eyes eased closed, kissing him back. Oh god… What was I doing?
He pulled back slowly, gazing into my eyes. I got lost in his chocolate orbs.
“Will you be mine?” he whispered. My response?
I kissed him again.
“Yes…” I whispered against his lips.
‘He’s the song
In the car
I keep singing,
Don’t know why I do.’
We continued kissing on his bed for what seemed like forever. His lips against mine felt perfect. Soft and delicate, I felt his tongue asking for entrance, and I gladly accepted. This was what I was used to. Felt natural, somehow. This was just a distraction. Just an escape. No, not escape. Just an urge. A good urge.
My thoughts escaped me. What was I supposed to do? Just say no? No, I needed this. My body asked for it. My heart raced as his tongue danced with mine. He moved on top of me slightly. Or well…leaned more into me. I pressed my body against his lightly, his hand moving down my body.
He broke apart slightly to kiss the corner of my lips, my jaw, right under my ear, my neck and I kept breathing a little heavily. My hands ran through his hair.
He smirked against my neck, his hands on my hips.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked him softly.
“Yes, I’m positive I won’t regret it. Not with you…” he trailed off, kissing my neck up to my lips again. I quickly kissed back.
My stomach held butterflies as he said that. Oh god. This was going to happen. He really did want to have sex with me… Oh god.
My hands ran down his clothed chest, swiftly going underneath, brushing his bare chest with my fingertips. I slid my hands up, his shirt coming off with it.
“Are you positive?” I mumble against the kiss. He smiled against me, but kept the kissing. I’m assuming that’s a yes. I toss his shirt to the side of the bed.
I felt his hands moving up my sides. I was turned on by now just from the heated kisses. His fingers brushed my neck, down the collar of my shirt, down to the first button. His touch left goose bumps as he unbuttoned my shirt. Why did I have to be a good girl today and not look like a slut? I actually had a cami on under.
Because I actually like this guy, that’s why…
My heartbeat rushed as he finished. I arched my body off the bed, so he could pull the first shirt off, the second soon after. That left him in jeans and me in jeans and a bra. Sheesh.
He found the clasp to my bra, working to take off. God damn bras.
Finally figuring out how to open a bra, he tossed it aside like all the other pieces of clothing. He kissed down my chest to one breast, flicking his touch over my hardened nipple. Oh god… He took it in his mouth, sucking on it softly.
He moved to the other one, and I could feel myself becoming extremely wet by now, yet his hands moved to my pants.
He still sucked on my breast, he managed to multitask with unbuttoning my jeans, slowly, ever so slowly pulling the zipper down. My breathing quickened as he kissed down my stomach, hooking his fingers into the hem of my pants, pulling my panties along with it.
God, how I loved foreplay.
Discarded clothing scattered around the bed. All that was left were his pants. Stupid clothing in our way. How I needed this now. Needed him now.
He took his finger and ran it along my clot. He felt how wet he made me and smirked up to me. He shoved one finger in me, gently pulling it out and thrusting it back in. It opened me up slightly as he stuck another in there, doing the same thing.
He got me going in the instant. I satisfied him apparently. He took his finger out, and I just laid there for a moment. As he got up to unbutton his own pants, I smirked, sitting up and pushing him back to the bed.
I straddled his waist. I kissed down his chest, his stomach, to the edge of his pants. My fingers followed my lips, brushing against his skin. I gazed to look at him, my fingers working at the buttons. What I was used to. Safety.
My thumb hooked into his jeans, pulling them down, his feet kicking them off. His boxers happened the same way. I kissed back up his chest, seeing his stomach flutter from his unsteady breathing.
My hands found their way back around his hardened length, rubbing gently, getting the slightest bit rougher. My lips found his, kissing him again.
He breathed out of his nose, and I knew he couldn’t hold it as long as I could. I knew he was new to this, but that didn’t matter.
He flipped is over as he caught his breath for a moment. Awh, he was so cute.
His lips found mine as he positioned himself at my entrance. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck, making it easier for him.
The instant shock of his first thrust made me gasp for breath. He stopped moving, yet I urged him forward.
“No…It’s all right,” I soothed as he started his gentle thrusting. Gentle at first, yet it got me moaning against his lips to go faster. He obliged like the good boy he is. He moaned, well, sort of grunted as he thrusted in and pulled back out, only to thrust in again.
That instant I realized I was really falling in love with this guy. Like, no lie. Completely and helplessly in love with him. Nolan Reynolds. I did love him…
I snapped out of my thoughts to feel my walls tighten. I was almost there, this was almost done.
I moaned, arching my back. His name escaped my lips as he came first, me soon after. The fiery sensation overwhelming me.
He pulled out to lay next to me.
“I love you, you know,” he whispered to me.
“Don’t say that. You’ll only get hurt when I have to move…” I said, trailing off.
“Then I’ll pack up and leave with you,” he said, and I kissed him.
“I love you too, Nolan.” I whispered.
~End Flashback~
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Awh, and this is when you get that they do actually love the other. They are meant to be...