Azkaban Is Behind Me.

Revenge is the beggining

Marina's P.O.V

September once again, I had promised myself that after this year i was not going back to that dark, damp square. I had given up three long summers to that place and a fourth year in azkaban was not on my to do list.

Going onto the platform 9 3/4, surrounded by ministry officials and my two dementor prison guards was not good, although handy when getting your own carriage on a train. Well they uncuffed me and handed me my belongings, it had only been a summer but i had missed my wand , magic books and firebolt broom, i couldnt wait to get back to the hustle & bustle of the corridors......Thats when i heard his sharp drawling voice & her high pitched giggle. Draco malfoy my ex-slytherin boyfriend and his future wife were heading for my compartment. Suddenly leaping up i magically locked the compartment door and lowered a blind, praying that ferret face passed but they didnt. Two minutes later they were shouting telling me to open the door and leave. Curling up to thier screams of protest i drifted to sleep.

Draco's P.O.V

Me and my betrothed wife, walked arm in arm down the corridor searching for an empty compartment, I sneered when i spotted Harry Potter and whispered to Pansy "It's Scarhead." Pansy burst out laughing thats when i spotted that our normal carriage had been taken. I had to put my foot down "Oi snotrags, get out of my compartment." I heard this hiss of a spell as the door was locked and the blinds pulled down. 15minutes later crabbe and goyle had joined to inform me that they had another compartment which is where pansy had now floated off too. "It's a principal not a necessity. Now help me get this door open." I sneered as we all fired various unlocking spells while the train shuddered to life, we heard and were awarded with a satisfying click.

Marina's P.O.V

I woke up to silence tilting my head i peered out the window notiving a lake and the fact we were exceptionally close to the school now. Then in the reflection of the glass there was movement, sitting up suddenly i hissed 'YOU' i was holding my wand out ready and i looked at the four of them in my compartment, 'Malfoy, Goyle, Crabbe and Flint.' After a few minutes i lowered my wand and sighed rubbing the sleep from my dar sunken blue eyes, standing up i leaned over and grabbed my robes to change into "So what brings you all to breaking into a compartment when im sleeping?" I laughed and slipped my robes over my head, which muffled thier shifty laughs 'Boys' i muttered darkly and sat down just as the food trolley come passed.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" Smiling i shoved a fistfull of galleons into her hand and she placed a premade box of goodies into my lap, i was thankful for this and whoever ordered it every year since first year.
'Thanks' i smiled "No problem dear, its nice to see you back this year." She nodded and carried on. Opening the box i rooted round for the pumpkin pastry "Aw i've missed these so much." i said glaring at draco, most people knew i didnt support the dark lord anymorebut thanks to draco i'd returned every year since to Azkaban. Shutting my food box again i stood up and grabbed my belongings and nodded at them. All of a sudden draco pulled my hand so we were face to face and he hissed at me.

Draco P.O.V

Staring into her blue eyes i hissed "We will talk later. Its important!" watching her leave i sighed "Pansy has got nothing on that girl." The others just gawped at me and hissed "Pansy was betrothed to you!" they sat watching me think about things until we all clambered into our robe and the sentance forgotton. It must of been 10minutes later when i heard her voice as she walked past talking to that filthy mudblood granger. "Why was she even placed in slytherin.....she should of been in gryffindor." Crabbe, Goyle and Flint all scowled "Honestly Proffessor Snape would of done his nut if his neice ended up in that house." I just shrugged and nodded sitting down again, i then spotted that great forboding castle in the distance "Here we go again."

Marina's P.O.V

Two hours and 58 seconds later the train began to slow and the other studenst began to depart "First years over here please." Came a new voice looking over i spotted a woman in her late 20's with blonde hair and brown shining eyes. Once i'd managed to get out of my train carriage.
Hermoine, Ron, Harry and I all caught a carriage pulled by a bony winged horse called a thestral "So did everyone have a good summer? Oh and thanks for my gifts." They all nodded apart from Harry whom laughed and added 'With the dursleys?' he snorted to which i added "Atleast you werent stuck in Azkaban. I've missed out on alot, There's no way malfoy is going to drag me down that path again." After a five minute journey we stopped just outside the entrance hall where students were already piling in "Right im going to see my uncle....Apparently he has a gift for me." I smiled and pushed through some second years.
Finally managing to enter the great hall i walked up to the head table and smiled "Uncle Severus." I chimed much to the disgust of my uncle "So how's it hanging batman, what you got for me?" I held out my hands and he lay a small golden pendant encrusted with red diamonds. "Wow.....wasnt this my mothers though?" he sighed and nodded "Is mother and father safe? Are they alive? Are they injured?" I began to panick "No thier fine....your mother just misses you, now go sit at your table." My uncle replied and pointed to draco who had a seat saved on his left with pansy sitting on his right.

Draco's P.O.V

I walked arm in arm with pansy into the great hall, where we sat at the dining table and i saved a seat next to me for marina to come and talk with me. I watched as she walked in by herself and headed towards the head table, while there Prof. Snape handed her something to which she panicked an snape quickly calmed her and pointed me out. I mouthed 'Come on.' and waved at her to which she just shook her head and sat down at the very top of the table with some of the seventh years who all welcomed her smiling she spoke and they all laughed and clapped her back. sighing i turned to pansy who was watching me with narrowed hawk eyes. I was still apologising when mc gonagall arrived with the new first years.

Marina's P.O.V

As Mc Gonagall arrived with some new first years i smiled picking out the slytherin students to be. I noted that the had been patched up since the last time, when colin creevey made a noise everyone in the school fell silent and the hat began to sing. Listening to the hat was intresting as it fortold of a war and that divisions between houses should be repaired, at this point i smiled because i was already working with three Gryffindors. After sometime Zyn Swallow was called out and then she was placed in Slytherin much to her pleasure, Dumbledore then clapped his hands and spoke "It gives me great honour to welcome our new potions teacher miss Rosaline Hornby. An a big congratulations to Prof. Snape for securing the defence against the dark arts position. Now let the feast begin." He smiled and then sat down to much appalause. I was watching snape very closely at this point because he had now taken to glaring at harry...this would usually un-nerve me, but i knew with the look and the burning sensation on my arm that voldemort was on his way back.

Draco's P.O.V

I watched Marina carefully while i ate to see her reaction to the burning sensation on her arm. I was alarmed to notice that she didnt even flinch and just carried on talking to the 7th years she was sitting with. However i stood up and took some food with me and left the dining hall. As i exited i spotted Scarhead watching me.
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Part 2 coming soon :P