A Wolves Story

Morgal's Victory

It was twelve years since the great wolves have roamed the forests and protected their packs. When the forests were green and full of life, the howling parties that went on made the woods come to life. There was one particular wolf that would soon discover that they might one day become a hero. And this hero was a young wolf from the Wolve-er-een pack.
In that pack they say that the great spirit of the might wolf still roams the forest. Keeping watch over the young and protecting the elderly from harm. He was the greatest leader in wolf history. Everyone and every pack envied him as a great ruler. But since his death the packs made their own adjustments to have their own leaders, and ever since that there was war all over. The Wild Woods was a disaster. None of the packs got along. One pack betrayed the others and started a great war.
Now here is the story of how it all began…

It was a late, dark fall. Ever since Star Gal died his evil brother Morgal turned against the packs to be the supreme ruler of the whole Wild Woods. He was jealous of his brother. He always wanted to be the ruler of the woods, ever since his father past away. He was the oldest, and meanest in his family. His brother Star Gal was his little brother. The cutest, kindest, sweetest, little wolf of the family. He knew ever since that brat was born that his parents liked him best. So he became ruler of the Wild Woods. Star Gal even made sure that his brother would never be able to rule the woods. Now that he was dead, Morgal had a chance to take back what belonged to him.
“Attack!” shouted Morgal angrily. It was the middle of war. And he was winning! He had many packs on his side because they gave up, not wanting to be killed by his evil ways. They had to live under his rule if he won. If not they would have to face the other packs for betraying them.
“Star Face! You go take care of those three hiding in the bushes, I’ll take care of the other two behind us.” Star Face obeyed Morgal and darted for the three. They were only beginners so they were easy. They fell to their feet trying to get away. Only one got away. Her name was Moondust. She ran through the forest with incredible speed. She was tangled up in fear for her life. When she got to safety she rested to prepare to go back and help her pack in battle.

“Retreeeeeeeeeat!” yelled a wolf on Star Gal’s side. They were no match for Morgal’s mighty army of wolves. They all ran with remarkable speed to get away. Not all made it but most did. They retreated to there homes to prepare for another attack.

Moondust was finally rested to help her pack with the battle. Little did she know that all of the wolves retreated. When she got back she found that they were gone. She started to cry because she didn’t know if Morgal had them or just killed them, or if they got away and retreated.

“Rap Tail kill her.” Morgal growled. The army was hiding in the woods under rocks, trees, and holes in the ground incase any came back.
“But Morgal she’s just a pup!”
“Are you arguing with me?! Do it now! They’ll never miss her. She probably can’t even find her way back home. So just do it!”
“Or…maybe we could take her and then she’ll be on our side?” Rap Tail said in a questioning form. He wasn’t sure if Morgal would agree with him or not.
“No! She’s the daughter of the leader for her pack. She’ll never betray her father so Do…It…Now!” Morgal said in a deadly voice to scare Rap Tail into doing it without any more questions.
Rap Tail obediently sneaked up and tried to kill Moondust, but she sensed it and ran like a rocket to her home. Rap Tail ran after her showing his mighty fangs, beady eyes, and powerful legs to catch her. “Here doggie! I want to pet you! I promise I won’t hurt you!”
“Grrrrr! Pet yourself and I’ll never trust you!” Moondust knew better than to trust one of Morgal’s wolves. Moondust picked up speed and ran off leaving Rap Tail in the dust and tiredness.
“Morgal will never know that she’s alive or dead. If I say she’s dead he’ll never know the difference unless he attacks that pack again…I’ll be dead!”
He tuned around and headed for his pack.
“Well did you kill her?”
“Grrrrrrr! You’re all failures! You hear that all of you?! You can’t even do anything right! Though it doesn’t even matter. I’ve won any way. I rule the Wild Woods now! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!” All of the other wolves from his pack began to howl with joy over there own victory. Now they were the rulers of the Wild Woods! While the wolves were howling off their joyful victory, Morgal looked up at the sky and said to his brother “Now who’s the one in power?! Ha ha yes me! There’s nothing that can stop me now! There’s a new ruler for the mighty Wild Woods!” he started to howl with the others over their victory. It is about time! He thought to himself.
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this is my first story. Hope you liked it! :}