‹ Prequel: Into the Goblin Wood
Status: VERY slow updates. Sequel to "Into the Goblin Wood".

Free From the Wood, Yet Slave to the Heart

The Start of a Search

The nearly twenty year old man strode through the halls, his footsteps echoing in the cold stone corridors. This was it. The date he’d set just two years ago. It was the day he ordered the search for the woman he had not seen in more than those two years, since she had bravely remained behind so that he and their hobgoblin companions could escape.

His name was Colin van Sheri, and he was King. For over three years he had been trapped in the former Royal Forest, which was now dubbed the Goblin Wood. In his eyes, his entire escape began to become possible the day he met her.

His inquiries had led him to believe her of lesser nobility, nearly a peasant, by the name of Raya el Talon, who had disappeared from the village that was at the edge of the capitol around the same time that he had met her. She had made a lasting impression upon not only him, but the two hobgoblins who now took residence at the palace. The young hobgoblin named Tratzl had taken to asking his foster mother, the hobgoblin Mika, when Raya was coming back. Mika would always reply with ‘soon’, although the only assurance they had that she was even still alive were the words of the king’s aunt.

Tessalyn van Sheri, the king’s own aunt, was a Seer who would assure him several times over the years that Raya was alive and that they would meet again. Colin had no way of knowing whether Tessalyn was just saying that or if she had truly Seen this occurrence, so he let himself believe. He had to believe that he would see her again, for, as Tessalyn, Mika, and even his mother often teased him gently, he was a ‘slave to the heart’. And he agreed utterly and completely.

Before the escape, he had always believed Raya would be with he, Tratzl, and Mika, whatever happened. He couldn’t help but wish that, once he found her again, she would remain close to him, even as just a most trusted advisor, if need be.

Yes, he was certain of it now, although the time they’d known each other was just a few months.

Colin had fallen in love with the golden haired woman who, he was sure, was the only reason that he and the hobgoblins had escaped, for it was she that had been the target of the creatures following, not the dark elf that was there assisting. And, with a pang of guilt, Colin realized for possibly the thousandth time that the last glimpse he’d had of her was after he’d taken Tratzl from her, and glanced over his shoulder only to see Raya and Lilith, the dark elf, disappearing into the trees.

These flashbacks brought Colin to the conference hall, where all the leaders of the parties that were to be concerned in the search should already be gathered. Taking a steadying breath and squaring his shoulders, the young king pushed open the doors and strode into the hall. Silence swept among the assembled, including his mother and father - who had willingly relinquished their rule to the Crown Prince just months after his return.

“I see that everyone I have asked to be here is here,” he said, in a voice that was stronger than he felt. “Thank you.”

“The search begins immediately, Majesty?” the phrase was more question than statement.

“Yes.” Colin confirmed. “As soon as we can get the details fixed and leave this room.”

“Very well.”

The question had been asked by the spymaster, who had also been keeping his men and women out and alert for news of Raya ever since Colin, still a prince, had announced to his parents this date as the day he would begin his search.

“Then we should begin.” Colin’s father said, clearing his throat. “The sooner we do so, the sooner we get to meet this woman who has swayed my son to such measures.”

Colin was grateful to his father for taking control. He handled it as Colin had hoped to, but in a more time-efficient manner, and within three hours the leaders were leaving to set the plan in motion.

“Thank you, Father,” Colin bowed respectfully to the former king.

“It is nothing,” Reginald placed a comforting hand on his son’s shoulder before leaving.

“We know how important she is to you, Colin,” his mother said softly, embracing him. “We will do our best to help you find her again.”

Colin nodded as she smiled at him and followed his father.

“Raya…” Colin muttered to the now empty room, “I will find you. Or I will die trying.”

With this he, too, swept from the room to supervise a bit of the training of the pages, with whom the squires were sparring with today.
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It's short, sorry, but I'm just trying to get it started, so...yeah. Here's chapter one, and if it confuses you it's because you haven't read it's 13 chapter prequel, Into the Goblin Wood.
Hope you like, it's my first ever sequel, and It's going to be longer than thirteen chapters...haha.

<333 Amanda

PS: Comments are appreciated xP