Maybe I Could Sweep Her Off Her Feet


Her name was Melissa Rose Brock. She was the definition of perfection. She had dark brown hair that always fell in soft curls over her shoulders. She had the brightest smile and the darkest chocolate colored eyes. She had flawlessly tanned skin and wonderful curves. She had a voice that left you in a daze and kept you begging to hear her talk more.

Yes, she was the heart breaker for most boys.

And yes, she was also his high school crush.

At the ripe age of seventeen, boys thought they had it all figured out. They thought they had the full proof plan to land a date with Melissa and nothing was going to get in their way of carrying it out.

Even Martin Johnson had a plan of his own to coax Melissa into going out with him for a night.

“So you’re going to do it this time?” His long time best friend Bryan asked, screwing back on the cap to his water.

“What stopped me last time?”
“She already had a date with some other guy,” He reminded. Martin shot him a look that told him not to ever bring it up again.

“Whatever,” Bryan mumbled, “If you’re gonna ask her, do it now before someone beats you again.”

Martin wiped his palms on his jeans before getting up from the table and walking to where she sat. His heart was racing in his chest and getting faster with every step he took.

“Uh hey,” He said nervously.
“Yes?” She smiled, turning her body around to face him.
“I-I was wondering,” he stuttered quickly looking down at the floor, “I-If you wanted to go out tonight?”

“I’d love to.”

His head shot up, “Really?”

“Of course!”
“I’ll pick you up at seven then?”
“Sounds good,” She said and they traded numbers.

Martin walked back to his table, smiling proudly.

“She said yes?” Bryan questioned. Martin nodded.

Almost four years later she still remained a part of his memory. He still thought of her as the idea of perfection, but now he was experiencing other forms of it that made him second guess everything.

There were beautiful girls on tour. There were slutty girls on tour. There were the creepy girls on tour. There were the fan girls on tour.

There was every type of girl a boy could dream of, except for her.

Why was he still hung up on her? Well no one will ever really know the full answer, but for the sake of time, it was because he wanted to be the first one to be her boyfriend.

Plan failed.

He was so nervous to take her out that night, but she found it really cute; too bad that after it ended he didn’t call back. He felt too embarrassed to call back after what happened.

“You wanna go out there and sign some things?” Paul asked standing in front of him as he laid sprawled out on the couch.

“Yeah I’ll be out in a bit,” He said clicking on his old high school website.
“You know they’re gonna start screaming for you.”
“I’ll be out,” Martin said looking up from his Mac book, “Promise.”
“Alright,” Paul said cautiously, walking off the bus.

He moved the cursor over to the yearbook section and clicked on it.

He scrolled through the names and clicked hers. Her face popped up on his screen and he let out a sigh.

She still looked like perfection.

He closed out of the windows and shut down his laptop, placing it on the couch and heading out the door where he was greeted by screams.

“Thanks!” A short blonde smiled before walking away with her friends.

A dark haired beauty soon stepped forward, “Could you sign this for my sister?”

“Sure,” He smiled and took the hoodie from her hands, scribbling his name on to it.
“Thanks,” She said as he handed it back.

For a moment, he was lost in those dark chocolate eyes again.

He blinked, “Melissa?”
She blushed, “Y-Yeah.”

He stepped over to her and offered a warm hug, which she gladly accepted.

“It’s been a while,” She giggled, “Since you know…”
“Yeah,” he shrugged, “It has.”

“Mel?” A guy said walking up behind her, “You ready?”
“This is my boyfriend Derek,” She introduced, “Derek this is Martin.”

A few quiet ‘heys’ were exchanged, and a few looks of jealousy.

“Carli’s waiting in the car for you,” Derek spoke up.
“Right,” Melissa sighed, “Well it was nice seeing you again Martin.”

“You too,” he nodded.
“Bye,” She waved as she walked off. He waved back and turned for the buses.

“Was that just……” Paul trailed off.
“Yeah, it was,” Martin huffed, slumping down on to the couch.
♠ ♠ ♠
the end.