With Me


I, Jordyn Casey, stared at my math homework blankly. I had no idea what to do. It was only the first week of school, and the teachers had already given piles of homework.

A crisp fall breeze blew through the window and the papers went flying everywhere.

"Ugh!" I groaned in frustration. I got off my bed and walked to my window

I pushed back my curtains and reached to close the window. But I stopped, I could hear someone talking on the phone.

I knew who it was right away. Jared Staffman. My neighbour and my crush.

I peeked through my window trying to catch a glimpse of him.

I must have been standing there with my arms reached up mid-air to close my window for a while. Just as I turned around I saw movement in Jared's bedroom.

I turned back to my window and saw him standing there. He waved with the phone to his ear and smiling.

I felt myself blush and waved back before closing my window. I was pretty sure he didn't see me staring, but at least I closed the window so it looked like I was standing there for a reason.

Suddenly Jared's smile faded and his face flashed with anger. He turned around, closing his blinds and shouting into the phone.

I sighed and went to pick up my math papers. It was going to be a long night of homework.


I pulled on my coat and grabbed my purse. School started in 30 minutes, and I still had to walk there.

I was walking down my drive way when someone called my name.

"Jord!" I turned to see Jared.

"Oh, hey." I smiled while my heart skipped a beat.

"Wanna walk with me?" Jared asked pointing a thumb towards the school.

"Yeah, sure." I answered. Jared and I used to always walk to school together, but since we got our license he had been picking up his girlfriend.

Jared and I hung out in the same crowd, but had different close friends. We went to the same parties and shared classes. (This is not the typical hot amazing guy and plain boring girl fall in love story ;] ).

I started walking beside Jared down the small hill of our street.

"So, what's new?" Jared asked.

"Um, nothing, you know. The usual." I said.

"Yeah, excited for this year?" He asked as we turned the corner.

"Kinda. I don't know, it feels the same." I answered honestly.

"I know, same. Everyone keeps asking if I'm excited, or whatever, and I'm like no. It's all the same!" He exclaimed laughing a little.

I smiled brushing a strand hair out of my eyes "Hey, you going to Sam's tonight?" I asked. Samantha was a close friend of mine, and tonight she was having her annual first week of school shindig. A.K.A party central.

"Oh yeah. You?" He asked looking at me.

I nodded. "Sweet." He grinned.

We walked up the sidewalk to the front of the school. I saw Jared's girlfriend Missy standing there giving me the evil eye, surrounded by her clones.

"Well, see you tonight." I said waving and turning towards where my best friend was standing.

"Definitely." Jared waved.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him walk up to Missy and wrap an arm around her waist.
