With Me


The school day went by fast, and soon I was getting ready for the party with my friends in Samantha's bedroom.

I pulled on my clothes, and perfected my make-up. Then I helped my best friend Carrie curl her blonde hair.

"People are here!" Sam sang.

She always got excited when people showed up to her parties. Even though she knew they would obviously come. Samantha was very popular, the pretty/smart/funny type that everyone liked.

We followed Sam downstairs and heard her squeal when she opened the door.

"Danny!" I watched as she hugged her boyfriend.

I smiled to myself, I couldn't help but think Sam and Danny were cute.

"There you are!" A voice whispered in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine and made goose bumps appear all over my exposed skin.

"Jared, hi." I said turning around. "You were looking for me?"

"Uh, yeah. Well I called you to see if you needed ride over here," He explained.

"Oh. My phone must have died. But I came here after school." I laughed nervously.

He nodded in response. I was about to ask him if he wanted to get a drink with me, but I spotted Missy approaching.

"This party is gonna be awes-" Jared started to speak.

"I'll talk to you later!" I said quickly cutting him off when Missy saw me standing with Jared.

I turned and made my way past people dancing and drinking, away from Missy and Jared.


After a few drinks I was enjoying myself. I was dancing when I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me to the stairs.

"Whoa!" I said a little tipsy as I stumbled upstairs.

"Hurry it up girlie!" Carrie giggled as she tugged my arm.

Behind me Sam was following us up. We walked into Sam's room where all our clothes and make-up covered every surface.

Sam pushed everything off her bed clearing a space for us to sit.

"What are we doing?" I slurred.

"Shh!" Carried giggled again.

I sat on the bed and watched as Sam got out three shot glasses. She turned off her light so only the moon light came through the window lighting up our faces.

She poured the alcohol into each shot glass, and handed one to each of us.

I sat the holding my shot confused. "What?" I asked.

"It's our last year of school, we're gonna graduate." Sam spoke softly as Carrie tried to control her laughter.

"Tonight we are going to promise each other one thing, to make the best of this year, and to... to..." She trailed off.

"To do things we have put off!" Carrie said looking at me.

"What!?" I asked.

"Jared." Sam grinned.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Only if you grow some balls and get that tattoo you always wanted" I countered.

"Done." She said her smile growing.

"And only if Carrie dumps that ass of a boyfriend she has!" I said winking at Sam.

"He's not an ass! Just cause he's older doesn't mean he's bad!" Carrie tried defending him.

"Car, we all know he cheats on you." Sam spoke soothingly.

"I know too. Fine. Whatever." Carrie sighed not giggling for once.

"Alright then, to this year, and to promises being kept!" Sam said raising her shot glass in the air.

The moon light hit it making it turn silver. I raised mine and Carrie did the same. We all clinked glasses and I threw my head back swallowing the cool liquid.

I looked around at my best friends with goofy grins on their faces. We all burst out laughing.