Status: I know it has been awhile, but I'm working on it.

The Boy Next Door

Chapter 1

"Matt! Give me the phone!" I yelled, as I ran down the street.

"I already told you, you have to catch me first," Then he started running faster, I swear, sometimes I think he's eight years old. "But you won't with those short legs of yours." Ugh. I can't go one day without someone commenting on my height.

"If you don't get back here right now, I will be forced to use drastic measures!" Sophie would love to hear the real reason Matt didn't call. It's fun being friend's with his girlfriend. Well, sometimes. "Sophie wouldn't like this very much, don't ya think?"

"Oh c'mon. You know she won't care. Soph knows how tight you and I are" This was true. Matt and I have been best friends for four years now. We know everything about each other, and are almost always together. I don't remember the last time I went a day without seeing him.

"I don't know. Today, in biology, she was complaining about how you never call. So I promised her you would tonight." He looked at me, unsure. "Pinky promised" Everyone knows those you have to follow through on. At least, that's what Matt and I believe.

"I'll call her."He sighed."I would have sooner, but I've just been really busy lately"

"Busy doing what? Do you steal other girl's cell phones too?"

"Ha ha very funny. School has been crazy these days. It's like none of my teachers realize that some people actually have a life"

I gasped. "You have a life? Wow, I'm really happy for you, it's about time" He refused to respond to my joke. "Anyway, she's really not handling the whole you-switching-from-public-to-private-school thing very well." Sophie's dad is strict about dating, so she can only see Matt when her dad's on a business trip or she finds a way to sneak out. Unfortunately, she's not stealthy like that. Anyway, Soph has come down with what is known as boyfriend with drawl. I guess I'd be panicking too though, if Matt didn't live three houses down. "So, are you going to tell me why you took my phone?"

"Well Syd, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have a cell phone addiction. I was just trying to help. Then you started PMSing on me" He smiled playfully. Man, was his smile beautiful.

I know what your thinking, no I don't like Matt. I have before, actually I loved him, but that was a long time ago. We tried dating, but it wasn't for us. That's how Matt put it, two years ago.


"I'm sorry Sydney, but I don't think dating is for us. We're better just being friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend. You feel the same way right?" He looked at me with his blue eyes, that had speckles of green in them. They were breath taking.

"Yeah, of course. I was worried you didn't feel that way" I lied. I can't believe it. I've been stressing about what I was going to get him for our six month anniversary, all week. Apparently, he's been wondering how to dump me.


We barely spoke for about six months after that. It was the worst six months of my life. I cried almost every day. My heart was broken. It felt like I lost my boyfriend and my best friend. It wasn't until we were partners for a school project, that things got back to normal. Well mostly, I'll always have a whole in my heart. Anyway, we all have to move on, so Matt met Sophie and "fell in love". Which is insane, they are so wrong for each other, but I would never tell them that. I've dated other guys too, but, honestly, none of them were as good as Matt. Isn't it funny how nobody compares to the person who breaks your heart?

"Hello, anyone there?" Matt pretended to knock on my head. I completely forgot he was there.

"Oh, sorry, I zoned out for a second."

"You are so strange sometimes"

"Okay, you've insulted me enough for one day. By the way, I was not PMSing. I just don't like it when freaks take something out of my hand, and run away. Especially, when it's something valuable." He smiled at me again. "You didn't text anyone, did you?"

"Actually, I texted Kyle." Crap. Kyle is Matt's least favorite of my ex's. "I told him that I was gunna kick his ass the next time I saw him" Matt's lips spread into an evil grin.

"What did he ever do to you?" But I already knew the answer. Kyle went out with me.

"He went out with you, and acted like a jerk." See, I was right. "I just need to teach him a lesson." Matt was way too protective of me. If a guy even looks my direction, he instantly hates them. If only he knew, the only guy I needed protecting from was him.

"I just don't think holding a grudge this long is healthy. That was a long time ago, you need to move on already. Get over it." Whoa. Did I just say that? I should probably start taking my own advice.
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