Status: I know it has been awhile, but I'm working on it.

The Boy Next Door

Chapter 4

"I still can't believe that last play. It was the last second and BAM!" Matt was still going on about the basketball game. It's not a surprise that we won, so I don't know why he's so psyched about it.

"Yeah, uh huh, I'm gonna go get a drink. You want anything?" He looked at me like I had lost my mind.

"Sydney, I told you, NO ALCOHOL! Your only 15" He is so confusing. Matt either acts like a four year old or a forty year old.

"Seriously? I won't get wasted. You know I'm more responsible than that."

"No. I promised your parents I would watch you. I would be dead if I brought you home, with even just a hint of alcohol on you." No he wouldn't. My parents love him.

"You're not my babysitter, Matt. You're my best friend. Don't you want me to have fu-" I was cut off by a deep, familiar voice.

"Hey Sydney. I'm glad you came" Derek said. Matt tensed up. Derek noticed and smirked.

Did I mention that Matt and Derek aren't very fond of each other? Apparently, they both played baseball when they were kids. They were always on rival teams, and let's just say one game didn't go well. Derek accused Matt of cheating, but Matt denied it. Matt says its Derek who cheated. Anyway, they both ended up being band from the league. I think the whole thing is stupid and they should just make up, but nobody listens to me.

"Me too. This is an awesome party." Did I just say that? I'm so lame.

"Do you wanna dance?" I was about to say yes, when Matt interrupted.

"Actually, she was about to dance with me." He said, with venom in his voice. Can't he just let me be? They continued bickering, when I heard yelling a few feet away. It was Sophie and she was definitely drunk.

"So, Matt," I said, interrupting, what looked like an almost fight. "Your girlfriend can drink, but I can't." He looked at me confused, then heard the same voice I had.

"Oh sh*t" Matt ran towards Sophie, leaving me alone with Derek.

"So, can we still dance?" I asked. Derek pulled me onto the dance floor and I started to have the time of my life. After who knows how many songs, I was tired. Derek went to get us water, not wanting to start something with Matt. I looked around and saw Allie and Josh, with cups in their hands. I was about to go talk to them, when Derek came back.

"One water for the prettiest girl here" I smiled and took the bottle. "Look, I was wondering-"

"Syd, we gotta go!" Next thing I knew, Matt was pulling me towards his car.

"Matt! What are you doing? He was about to ask me out!" I was ticked. I was so close, then Matt had to ruin it.

"My mom woke up and realized I wasn't home. Then she called your parents, and they realized you weren't home yet either. So my mom called me, and well, now we're grounded." All of the sudden, his face became filled with anger. "Who was about to ask you out?"

"Well, I don't know if he was. I was just hoping."

"Who, Sydney? Was it Derek, because I swear if he-"

"I can take care of myself, you know!" I yelled. "I don't need you to protect me or act like my dad. That's what my dad is for!"

"Oh, you don't!?" He yelled back. "Remember when we were twelve, and you got lost in the woods. Who came to save you?"

"We were twelve, Matt!" I was still sort of yelling. "I'm just so tired of you always ruining my fun! So what if I want to go out with Derek? Just because he lied about a stupid game when you were kids, doesn't mean he's a bad person! If he hurts me, then that's my problem!"

"I just don't want to see you upset okay. Sorry if I care about you!" We pulled into his driveway and walked down to my house, where our parents were waiting.

"Maybe you care about me too much!" Ohmygosh, he's just so... ugh!


"OH, I WON'T, BECAUSE HE'S NOT GONNA DO THAT!" I walked through my front door, Matt trailing closely behind. All four adults were giving us daggers. I was so not in the mood for a lecture.

"Why were you guys out past curfew? It's 12:30, you were supposed to be back an hour and a half ago." My mom was furious.

"Sorry. We lost track of time. I left my phone in Matt's car and we got split up at the party..." I said, trying to sound innocent. Then Matt interrupted, once again.

"Sophie didn't have a good night, so I had to talk to her. Next thing I knew, it was after midnight, then you called. It won't happen again." Matt tried to sound calm, but you could tell he was still angry from our fight in the car.

"Well, we've already talked this through, and you are both grounded for two weeks. That means no going out, no friends coming over, no Internet, and no phones." Matt's mom stated. We handed our phones over. "Come on, Matt. Let's go home." Matt and his parents let themselves out.

My parents told me to go to bed so I went up to my room. I put on boxer shorts and a cami, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. By the time I got into bed, it was1 am. I closed my eyes, then started to cry. Matt and I never fight. That's just not our thing. Then tonight, why did he have to act like a jealous boyfriend? I know he hates Derek, but he was a little too upset that I like him.

I was finally about to fall asleep, when there was a knock at my balcony door. What the hell? It's 3 in the freaking morning. I opened the curtain and saw Matt standing on the balcony. I frowned and closed the curtain. He knocked again. "Please, Syd. I just want to talk." He whisper yelled. I climbed back into bed, and he knocked for the third time.

I went to the door, unlocked it, and stepped outside. "Hello, Matthew. What can at do for you this morning?" I said, with no emotion.

"Look, I'm sorry. I overreacted. It's just out of all the guys in the world, you had to pick Derek. That made me mad." He sounded sincere.

"And..." I sat on the swinging bench thing, and Matt did the same.

"And you don't need me to look out for you." He sighed. "You can take care of yourself, and I should let you have your space."

I smiled. "But if he does break my heart, will you be there?" I asked.

"Of course. I'll always be there for you, no matter what. That's what best friends are for." He pulled me into a hug and I fit perfectly into his arms. Matt was warm and smelled faintly of alcohol, from Sophie I'm guessing.

"How's Sophie?" I asked.

"She fell asleep right before we left. Skylar took her home." He sounded tired. I wanted to respond, I wanted to know what made her so upset, but my exhaustion caught up with me.

I rested my head on Matt's shoulder and he put his arm around me. Then, my eyes closed. I fell asleep in his arms, and wanted to stay there forever.

When I woke up, I was being carried. bridal style. I opened my eyes just enough, to see the sun coming up. I quickly shut them, wanting more sleep. I was gently put on my bed, the arms letting me go. I shivered as the warmth went away. Covers were pulled over me, to warm me up. I felt someone's breath at my ear. "Sweet dreams, beautiful girl. Love you." Matt whispered in my ear. It sent chills through out my whole body.

"I love you too." I whispered. Only my words were meant differently than his. My balcony door shut quietly. And I drifted back to sleep.
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Comment and subscribe please!!!! And also check out my other stories. Dear Jerk-face is my favorite one.