Status: I know it has been awhile, but I'm working on it.

The Boy Next Door

Chapter 8


He looked at my lips, then back at my eyes. My heart was going crazy and my stomach was doing all these back flips. He brought his face even closer. I could feel his breath on my lips. We were not even a centimeter away from kissing. I closed my eyes, praying for a kiss.

Our foreheads were pressed together and our noses were touching. I had closed my eyes, but I opened them, so I could see what he was doing. I got lost in his eyes. They have been memorized in my head for years, yet I always find something new about him. Like, you could see the green better in his left eye.

I didn't know what had happened to Sophie. She either left or was watching us from a distance. Either way, I didn't care. Matt and I were having a moment. For a while, we were just staring at each other, not paying any attention to the world around us. Then, he smiled.

"Sorry, but I've seen where your lips have been." He whispered. "And I don't want to get some kind of nerd infection." Then he kissed me on the cheek and went home.

I just stood there, in my neighbors yard, shocked. Matt had actually made me think that we were going to kiss, then went and used my words against me. That little... butt head. After a minute, I decided to go inside, knowing my mom would show up any second.


Saturday Class. Let's just say, it's hell. I would rather go to school naked and sing 'Best of both worlds" in front of everyone. That's how horrible it is. Then, to add to the torture, I'm stuck with the four worst people imaginable. There was Sophie, Kyle, Tina, and Melvin.

Kyle, my ex, was there for who knows what. I think he just comes out of habit. The kid goes to the principal's office everyday. That's why I had liked him in the first place. Every girl has to have their bad boy.

Tina's the popular cheerleader. She was in there for going on the morning announcements and calling Ashley Scott a whore. They were best friends, until Ashley hooked up with Tina's boyfriend. Tina and I used to be friends, but then, in fifth grade, we wore the same thing on picture day. You can guess what happened after that.

And then there's Melvin. He's been stalking me ever since I kissed him on Tuesday. When he found out that I had Saturday class, he pulled the fire alarm. His little stunt earned him three Saturday classes. At first, I was grateful, because the alarm got me out of an oral report in history that I was not ready for. But now, I just want the darn kid to get away from me.

Everyone was sitting in the library, being bored out of our minds. Senorita Fluentes was suppose to be watching us, but she went to her classroom to grade projects.There our hundreds of people in the school, yet I get stuck with these people. I felt like I was in 'The Breakfast Club". Tina was painting her nails an insane color of pink. Kyle was sitting way too close to me, staring at my assets. Melvin was glaring at Kyle. And Sophie was across the room, glaring at me.

She had gotten Skylar to take her side and they have been attached at the hip all week. Lexi, Derek, and Shane have sided with me. Allie refuses to choose, so at lunch, she sits at a different table everyday. My mom said she needed a break, so she hasn't gone to work since Tuesday. Which means, I haven't seen Matt since Tuesday. That would be a new record.

"So, Sydney, about what happened between us the other day," Melvin started. "You see, I have never had a girlfriend before, so I don't kno-"

"What happened between you two?" Kyle chuckled.

Melvin straightened up. "She kissed me." He said proudly and a little too loud. Everyone burst out laughing. I put my head in my hands, in shame.

"Damn, Syd. I didn't know you would be that desperate after we broke up. You should have told me and we could have gotten back together. You know how good I am in bed." He whispered th last part in my ear.

I shot my head up. "One, only my friends can call me Syd and your definitely not one of them. Two, I'm not desperate, I kissed him on a dare. Three, we are never going to get back together. And four, you're like half an inch, so you're not good in bed." I snapped.

He rested his hand on my inner thigh. "You're hot when you're upset," He tried to sound seductive. His hand started to rub my thigh.

"Slu-ut" Sophie sang, from across the room. I just ignored her.

"Follow me." I whispered in Kyle's ear.

I got up and walked to one of the library offices. Kyle was right behind me. He saw where we were going and grabbed my butt. I wanted to slap him, but that would have given away my plan. I stopped outside the doorway. "Go inside and take off your clothes." I winked. "I'm going to make sure no one is coming." He nodded and started to take off his shirt. I shut the door and went to find the key. It was under the main desk. I went back to the little office and locked the door. Then, put the key back in it's place.

I got back to my seat and sat down. Sophie was still glaring, Tina was now blowing her nails dry, and Melvin was pouting. "So, that's why Matt was laughing, because he dared you." Melvin said.

I felt sort of bad. He had really liked me. "Yeah, but I didn't think you would take it so seriously."

"I guess I should have known, I mean, why would a girl like you actually like me?" He sighed. "Especially, when you have Derek Michaels drooling over you." He added.

I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled and looked away.

"Wait. You're the girl Derek has been obsessing over?" Tina asked. I turned a deep shade of red.

"Umm, I guess. I didn't know he was obsessing, though." I told her.

"Oh yeah, Sweetie, you're all he talks about in math class." I smiled at the thought. I imagined him telling his friends something funny I said or rejecting girls who ask him out. "I was worried that he was crushing on some freak, but obviously not." She added.

"No offense or anything, but why are you being nice to me?" I asked. Tina being nice was impossible.

"I saw what you did to Kyle. I have to respect a girl who would do something like that." She smiled at me. Sophie just rolled her eyes. She was really starting to annoy me.

Senorita did have to check on us, so an hour later, she came into the library."Susana, donde esta Kyle?" She asked.

"I don't know where Kyle went. I did see him walk that direction though." I pointed towards the office I locked him in.

Kyle had been banging on the door for the last forty-five minutes, so it didn't take long for Senorita to find him. I heard her gasp. "Kyle! Please put clothes on and get back to your seat! I don't even want to know why you did this!" Once she left, everyone burst out laughing. Actually, it was only Tina and I. Sophie and Melvin weren't even paying attention.

Kyle came back, giving me a cold look. "You little bitch." He growled.

"Aww, thanks Kyle. You're not so bad yourself." I said, innocently.
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Okay, did you like this chapter??? Great cliffhanger, huh?

Haha. I'm kinda hyper!

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