‹ Prequel: The Mare Autumnball

Enternal Autumn Nightmare

Enter the nightmare

Shuddering, Felix Oaks tugged his coat tighter around him. He was scared, he heard whispering, he could fell things touch and tug him. Yet he could not see anyone except an old couple a few hundred meters up the road.

It was only the wind around him, or so he told himself. But deep down he knew there was something more. Suddenly the wind hissed, and just as suddenly it abandoned him and blew the hat of the old man.

Still the cold did not leave him, nor the feeling of unease.

He hurried home, his parents would worry if he weren’t there soon.

Mrs. And Mr. Oaks were as old as their house, and almost as worn out. But it was warm, and both of his parents had kind hearts.

“I’m home…” Felix shut the door behind him, no answer met him, no warmth form the fire or sound from the kitchen. “Mother?” He called, worry building up inside him. “Father?” But the house had no trace of his parents. Maybe they were out… But it did not suffice as a rational explanation.

He lit the fire in the oven, and even as the warmth filled the room the chill would not leave him.

He waited up for two, still no sign. The clock was ticking nearer to midnight and Felix went to bed.

The Mare had not let go of the boy for a second. Earlier the embrace had been of lust, now she wished to comfort him.

He seemed so lost, a she new what had happened to his family. She could smell it in the air. Vampires. Their smell were well masked but Mares new every horror that existed in this world.

While the boy sat in the kitchen she slowly stroked his hair, she tried to tell him. Let him now that he would never see his parents again. But it was no use, not when the boy was awake.

Finally, the boy went to bed and she cuddled up against his bare chest to comfort him the only way she knew how. And as he fell asleep Nixie started to sing his song.

It was daybreak; usually the sun would come through the window and wake the boy. But right now his long dead older brother cast a long shadow in the room

The little brother hadn’t had an easy sleep. He could tell even without the unnatural cold as a guide.

“It’s day now. Be gone!” But the Mare had already left. Now that they were alone the vampire moved over to the bed. What would be the best way to introduce his little brother to the world of bloodsuckers? Just turn him now?

Or introduce him properly to the ways and customs like the law instructed? No, their parents had just been a nasty treat for their companions, and they were sure to come back for the rest.

He drew back his lips, ready to knock Felix out so he could start the process. But just then Felix eyes opened. Bleak brown, the vampire noticed. Soon to be tainted by red like his purple ones.


“When I last saw you, you were just a baby.” He broke inn. “How do you feel little brother?”

“Warren?” Felix mouth then started to move without making a single sound.

“That’s right little brother, back from the dead.” Warren grinned. They had a lot of catching up to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
Might be I in some distant future start to fill in more of Warren and Felix past. But that would be a completely different story.