Smoke Cheeba


Cannabis, commonly known as marijuana or marihuana, and ganja, among many other names. Weed, pot, bud, green. Beautiful names. But they all end up meaning the same thing, the dried leaves and female flowers of the hemp plant, used in cigarette form as a narcotic or hallucinogen. Did ya hear that? Not a fucking drug. Don't ever let me catch you saying weed is a drug. It's a plant. If you smoke enough, you'll get fucked up. Doesn't mean its a drug. Sure, the weed's like crack cocaine, but the risk you take is just getting baked,
you're surely gonna see the next day, I promise. Marijuana, little boys and girls is nothing like LSD, or '"Shrooms'' With those drugs, all you need is one bad trip where you lose your shit, then you can kiss goodbye to the sky with diamonds then, Sweetheart you're fucked. Flick a bic until you're stuck to the couch. Cannabis can be your bestfriend. Trust me.

"Smoking marijuana from a bong, pipe, bowl, joint and or blunt includes dry mouth and itching dry throat, increased heart rate, impaired coordination and balance, delayed reaction time, and diminished short-term memory. Moderate doses tend to induce a sense of well-being and a dreamy state of relaxation that encourages fantasies, renders some users highly suggestible, and distorts perception,making it dangerous to operate machinery, drive a car or boat, or ride a bicycle. Stronger doses prompt more intense and often disturbing reactions including paranoia and hallucinations." I looked into the faces of about six or seven confused ten year old boy faces, one of them was a girl. I smiled to myself and took another hit of my joint I rolled for myself. It was my little sister's birthday party and my little brother's friends were gathered around me trying to find out why I was by the backyard pond, by myself.
"Huh?" One of the little boys said. He tilted his head and squinted his eyes.
"In other words, " took another hit of my joint. I was holding the smoke in so I sounded weird speaking. " You're free to ride your big wheel all you want, and you won't get into a crash. "
The little boy still looked confused. I blew out the smoke and patted his head.
"Stay cool, little dude, wrap you're tool. You'll be okay." I looked around at all the little kids. "Don't you have the birthday party to attend to?"
My names Morgan, and I smoke weed. Lots and lots of weed. Large amounts of weed enters my dome, along with my bestfriend's dome, Whisper. We don't look like stoners, we have jobs, our eyes are in our heads, and we're not skinny as crackheads. See, smoking weed doesn't affect you. I have shoulder length black hair, shaved head at the sides. My eyes are usually painted with tons of eye liner. I'm not a drop dead gorgeous girl, far from it. I have tattoos on my wrist and my back, tongue and lip pierced. Did I mention we smoke tons of weed? Fuck, I think I did. Anyways, maybe I'll tell you more about me some other time.

The little girl cought my attention. She was holding a bear to her chest and looking at the weed.
"My older brother s-smokes that all the time..He gets really h-hungry and funny. He g-gets really hyper sometimes..but t-then other times h-he, uh, he gets really sleepy and s-sometimes doesn't p-play with me all the t-time." She had a cute little studder, and she seemed so shy.
"Well, " I took another hit. "How old is your brother?"
"S-seventeen." She was swinging her body side to side. "He thinks you're cute."
I smiled and laughed tilting my hand upwards to blow the smoke out, making sure the smoke didn't get to them. Though they wouldn't be so annoying if they just chilled out and smoked.
"Alright, well. I'll tell you guys one more thing before you have to scatter away." I leaned in closely and put the joint behind my back. I looked at all of them. "Say yes to the jazz of cigarettes, and say NO to the thrills of pills and blow, smoke cheeba, and live life. Alright? Little dudes and.. " I looked at the girl. "Dudette? Go. Have fun!"
My little brother scratched his leg. "Isn't my sister the cooliest?!"
"MORGAN KRISTIN ROSE, IF YOU'RE DOING WHAT I THINK YOU'RE DOING, YOU'RE DEAD." It was my mothers voice I smiled and looked over my shoulder. I saw my mother with one hand on her hip and her foot extended. I couldn't help but smile at her. I pounded my chest twice and threw a peace sign at her.
"STAY COOL, MOM. YOU'RE GOLDEN." She sighed at me and put her index finger and thumb finger together and put it to her lips then put her hand straight, sliding it across her throat. Sign launage for stop smoking before I kill you. I put two thumbs up to her and smiled big. I patted my little brothers head and gave him a hug and told him to run along. All of them ran off except for the little girl. I looked at her and smirked.
"Yes, my child?"
"When I-i grow older..I w-wanna be j-just like you."
I smiled and wrapped her in a hug. "Thats the way to do it!" I whispered at her and closed my eyes, feeling my high sink in, and a smiled danced across my lips. "Tell you're brother to call me."
She smiled and hugged me back.
I smacked her butt and smiled. " Now, GO! Have fun!" She ran along and I took another hit of the joint, closing my eyes.
I smiled and didn't open my eyes until I lifted my head up. I saw my bestfriend, Whisper. coming towards with me, big fat ol' smile on her face.
"YOU FUCKER, MISTA MCLOVIN! Where the fuck have you been?"
"Ah, fucking around with Dustin an--" I interrupted her. "Fucking shmega." She smiled and continued. " And getting shit from Connor."
"Fuck him, dude."
"He looks gross anyways. Big old nasty shit in his hair, past my boobs, and his ''sex slave'' talks like fucking daffy duck."
I laughed loud and looked at her. "Anything good?"
"Nah, mostly snicklefritz."
She took a baggy from her boobs and I looked at it. "Alright, lets roll in my room."