If Only I Knew How to Hate You

Mix-Tape Of Her Favorite Bands


“Hey, doll,” I grin as she struts over, the crowd slowly forming though we don’t go on for another forty-five minutes. “How you doin’? I saw you totally crush that guy’s ego. Priceless.”

“Don’t push it,” she instructs, putting her hands on her hips, and looking absolutely incredible as usual.

I can’t get the silly smirk off my face though, and it’s all because of her. “Annnnnyways,” I begin, and bend down on the loudspeaker I’ve found I like standing on… what? It makes me feel tall. Er.

She waits and then I realize I’ve forgotten my train of thought. I start thinking, but after a moment I get distracted cause Bay realizes that, too, and starts laughing that sprinkling adorable wind-chimes laugh that I can’t get enough of.

Yeah, I got it bad. And I don’t care.

“I have to go,” she nods her head back. “Gotta head to the merch table. Luck with your set.”

“Wait,” I whine as she starts off. “Not yet,” I whine again, jumping off the speaker and leaning on my stomach on the stage her way. “I need a kiss for luck,” I pout.

“You look like Georgie doing that,” she informs me, but I do notice she takes a few steps my way, though still right out of reach.

“Well you like him,” I grin. “So this is cute, right?”

“Not so much,” she wrinkles her nose, teasing me. I start pouting again and she grins, and then plants a kiss on my nose. “There, happy, rock star?” She taunts me.

“Nope,” I pop the ‘p.’ “Not enough. Now gimme a big smooch.”

“Demanding much?” She rolls her eyes and gives me a look, hand still sitting on her hip. Man, she is soooo sexy… I nearly have to slap myself to stay in the present, not the almost-would-be-future.

“Pleassssse?” I press.

She sighs. “Well, I suppose one can’t hurt…” she steps forward, bending over the little gate piece that separates the crowd from the stage, and puts my face in her hands. Those small precious yummy hands… And her lips are carefully placed on mine. Then again, and again… and again. “Enough?” She asks in a low voice, knowing the effect she’s got on me.

“Never,” I manage in a coarse tone.

She chuckles, looking into my eyes. “Well too bad for you, rock star. You’ve got a show to give, and I’ve merch to sell. See you ‘round, big boy.” And she just turns around, walking off.

Yow, she’s hot.

And mine.

So stop watching her walk away. That’s my thing. All mine…

“Al! Alex! ALEX! Allllllleeeeeeex!” Jack sings, calling for me. But nothing registers until he bops me hard on the head with a tambourine.

“Ow,” I frown, standing back up. “What was that for?”

“Cause you were drooling your buttocks off,” Jack says simply with a shrug. “Now come onnnn, I wanna do my guitar solo,” he pouts at me.

“Whatever,” I roll my eyes but trail behind, trying to concentrate as we keep practicing until its time for the show. We lay out all the songs, get some water, and it’s time to perform.

Up there on the stage, it’s like a dream come true. I’m singing my heart out with lyrics and music that I’ve helped create, sharing my talent with those that really appreciate it. What could be better?

After all, I’ve got my best friends with me, and the girl of my dreams. Everything is perfect. Simply perfect.
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