If Only I Knew How to Hate You

Shakedown On A Saturday


That little twerp. I shake my head as I clamber down the back steps, nodding to security and the like who say things to me and about me, but I don’t really pay attention. Brushing my hair back, I let the curls fall down my back from the lousy ponytail as I walk around, eyeing the stands and the people.

It’s long past noon when I buy a snow cone, but I throw it at the man at the counter finding some alcohol laced in it. That stupid jerk was probably giving it to all the girls just to make them vulnerable for unworthy uncaring bratty boys who deserve to be tossed to the bottom of the ocean.

Anyways, Jack comes around soon after, pulling me from murdering the pig [only had a bloody nose shamefully], and distracts me for a while. We meet a few more bands going around that we haven’t just yet, and we just stroll around and he keeps making me laugh.

Yet after that, Alex comes around and snatches me away. I can’t say I’m bummed, though he does seem a bit suspicious. Still, I let him lead me around. By then, it’s finally getting dark. Warped isn’t done by any means for another two or three hours. Still, he keeps a firm grip on my waist, keeping me wandering around and not staying anywhere for a while.

“It should rain,” I sigh, glancing to the darkening sky. It’s finally ending, Warped for the day, and people are trailing out and others are beginning to clean up. We have to pause every few minutes for the last few fans who want pictures and autographs with Alex.

“Why?” He asks, stopping me at the entrance gate, pulling me to a stop.

I step back but manage to keep my balance, turning around. “Why?” I shrug. “I like rain. I miss it. You don’t exactly get it in L.A. after all, and all this hot weather… it’s just making me miss it.”

He glances around and then peers at me. “Missing it meaning you grew up with it. Up north, somewhere? Maybe like Washington? Michigan? Maine?” He grins.

Unconsciously my face pales and I bite my lip, letting my eyes wander away for a moment. “Sure,” I say finally, letting the breakthrough come just a tiny bit. “If you want to think that,” I add, just for the questioning effect.

Alex chuckles, nodding. Then he tugs my hand. “Come on. I think it’s okay to come to dinner now.”

“It’s okay?” I echo confused. But he doesn’t say anything as he keeps looking around, checks his watch, and all that weird stuff. But it’s Alex and I give up on questioning him as I get pulled around past the buses and finally the tents that cover the tables for dinner suddenly appear in view and-


I flinch, grabbing Alex’s arm tightly since he’s closed, looking around breathless. My eyes widen finding it’s just… everyone. Everyone here at Warped. They laugh at my expression and start another clearly deliberate off-key version of Happy Birthday.

The song finishes and Alex chuckles, prying my fingers off his arm. There are marks. “Sorry,” I flush a little, embarrassed. “It… surprised me.”

“That was the point!” Jack speaks for Alex, coming up happy and laughing. He grabs both of us and tugs us under the tent tops to talk to everyone. They all pass by to congratulate me, but I don’t pay attention to half of it, feeling so very distracted by everything.

Not that I’m upset, no. I’m just… caught off guard. It’s not the best day for me, really. It’s not… it’s not just a… a reunion of my birth. But… more. The night wears on and the memories press forwards. I keep my arms pressed around myself constantly, but inside, I just keep getting colder.

“Presents! Open mine, open mine, mine first!” Jack shoves a box in my hand. Badly wrapped, too. But I humor him well enough and find a skelanimal in it. I’m not too familiar with them, though Missy has a few. But it’s a little… vampire thing, and I find it pretty cute.

More people pass around gifts, some are simply CD’s and merch they sell around here and it’s something like a joke, but it’s nice of them all the same. Its just immensely awkward- and truthfully irritating, just… just receiving everything. Its not like they all know me, or even like me.

My thoughts are drawn off as Alex yells my name. I turn, recalling that he’d disappeared for the last while. He shuffles through the crowd, continually looking down. I stand and watch as he comes through, with… something under his shirt that he’s desperately trying to hide…and it’s moving.

And wiggling and snuffling and… “Alex…” I say cautiously and he just beams at me, saying happy birthday and something else. Shaking my head in disbelief, I wrap my arms around myself and wait for him to… let the thing free or something.

“Bark!” Some people jump, girls squeal, and everyone laughs and cheers as he pulls out a small dog. I stare at the brown and white Papillon and then at Alex. How crazy can he get? But he doesn’t mind as he beams, holding the dog in his hands.

“I…I, uh, we already have a dog,” I tell Alex, stepping closer.

“But he’s so cute,” Alex pouts. “And his name is Sebastian. And he’s little. And he’ll love Georgie and-”

I smirk. “And it sounds like you got him more for yourself.”

“No,” he insists, and puts Sebastian in his arms. “You’ll love him! He can ride easily on the bus, too. It’s perfect. And I bought everything he needs, too.”

♠ ♠ ♠
saw newmoon at midnight. intriguing...only slept four hours, though. and i'm doing a speech tomrrow that i haven't memorized...heh :D mebbe i'll post it sometime.... 'How To Be A Tyrant' thats what it is....everyone loves it.....eugh. tired. nearly fell asleep at work. :D BUT I wanna watch Lost. on netflix. catching up...season 2. hehe
someone make me banner. please??????
nnnd i want a skelanimal. lol