If Only I Knew How to Hate You

Six Feet Under The Stars


I almost worried they’d scared her into shock when everyone appeared like that at her and she jumped in her seat, but she just looks around in disbelief as everyone starts shouting again and starts swarming forwards, and then a faint smile starts to appear around the corners of her mouth. That, I figure, is the obvious sign she’s not upset.

“Okay, people, calm down and don’t crush her,” I joke. “At least let us through the door!” And I manage to push her forward as people start moving chairs around to make it easier for us, and I shut the front door.

“Hey, Bailey. I’m Cassadee Pope, from Hey Monday. I’ve heard so much about you from Alex, you have no idea…” Cass starts talking and I let myself enter the crowd, greeting some more people before reaching the food and bringing some over to Bailey.

John Ohh is there and he gives her a tight, caring hug. I have to remind myself not to be jealous as I grin with a nod to him, handing Bailey a plate of cupcakes and fruit. She laughs as everyone tried to decorate them especially for her, but she claims they taste decent as it is.

Soon enough, she’s talking with Cass and Hayley as if they’d known each other all their lives. Brittany and Gabriela are cheering Jack and Rian to an eating contest, with some more guys joining. Some more are talking, walking around to everyone, and I find Travis chatting with Brendon and Pete, so I walk over and we chat and hang for a while.

It’s getting dark when I finally get to Bailey again, who says she is having a good time, though a little tired. In the corner, I help her find the right medication for the moment, and I think it helps lift her spirits a little, though it does get her exhausted. But when it’s nine o’clock, she looks like she’s tipping over from being so tired. So I announce it to everyone, much to her embarrassment, and tell them to find some place to sleep, outside or in if they want.

“Now,” I take her by the stairs. “Is the trick,” I tell her. “Do I try and carry you in the wheelchair, or carry you alone?”

She frowns, having not thought of this. I see her indecision running through her mind as she tries to figure something out. It just makes me chuckle though, Bailey fighting this, so I bend down and carefully scoop her up.

Instinctively, Bay puts her arms around me. “You can’t just pick me up and carry me up and down ten times a day,” she says softly.

I chuckle. “I won’t. You come down in the morning, and you stay down,” I order jokingly. “And maybe on a special occasion, you can come up twice.”

It brings a small reluctant smile to her face. “Thanks, then, Alex,” she whispers.

“You’re more than welcome,” I grin, easing her onto her bed. “And you’ve two furballs happy to see you,” I add with a laugh, recalling I’d put them up here since it was so crowded below.

Sebastian and Georgie yip and try to jump all over her. It’s obvious Bailey wants them close, but it hurts her so I shove them off the bed, calming them down. After I do, they lick her hand and trot off, probably downstairs now.

Missy’s already put her things close for the night, pajamas and all. I leave to grab her last pills for the night, something to help her sleep, while she changes. When I return, she’s sitting up, under the covers, glancing around warily. She nods, taking her pills and swallows them quickly. She sighs, closing her eyes and then flutters her eyes open, and I see them widen a bit, seeing me next to the light bulb.

“I got something for you,” I add helpfully. “I think you’ll like it.”

“Where is it?” Bailey asks curiously.

“Right here.” And I turn off the light as she takes a deep breath.

But it’s not completely dark. Now, there are tons of glow-in-the-dark little stars on her ceiling, around her window, around her mirror, and around all the records near the ceiling. After glancing around at my handiwork, I look over at Bailey who’s a bit surprised- but, I think, a bit pleased also.

“Well?” I walk over, crouching next to her bed.

“It’s… nice,” she smiles with a sigh. “It’s better.”

“That’s good,” I murmur, pulling her hair back and carefully kiss her. “Sleep now, okay? I cannot wait until you’re feeling better and we can makeout all day and sooo much more,” I chuckle in her ear.

It tickles and she shakes her head with a light chuckle. “We’ll see,” she taps my nose. “Now go help out Georgie and Sebastian. I’m sure they’re hungry. Good night,” she adds after a moment.

“Night,” I grin and leave, heading to obey her orders. I walk around, seeing people calming down. Some still go out for a few drinks, but the rest are calming down. Most brought sleeping bags. The Maine and Hey Monday are out in the living room, We The Kings and Paramore outside in tents, and a few more off in hotels, and all the girls are sharing the other two rooms that don’t really have much in them. I wave them around a bit, get them to be quiet, take care of the dogs, and head back to bed.