Status: hope to get moving more quickly on this story...comment please

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"Roselynd! Come down stairs please!"

"Yeah yeah. Please doesn't count when your yelling, Anthony."

"It's Mr.Mathews." He said smiling. It was obviously fake. I looked to my left to see a couple. I knew them as Matt Sanders and his fiance Val. They were both the kind of gorgeous people who make everyone else look like shit.

"I don't show respect to those who do not deserve it, Anthony. I've been here a month. You should know that by now." The girl giggled and the man smiled at Anthony who appologized for my behavior. He claims that i know no better. I have better manners than him. I just don't use them because these people don't deserve it.

If you had been taken from the only person who cared for you and not allowed to see him, you would know how i feel. Anthony proceeded to tell them that i was a troubled girl with many needs, but under the surface i was just lost and confused. "Fuck you, Anthony. I know exactly where and why I am. You just don't understand my ways of thinking. Perhapse you should spend some time with Alister. He could show you your short comings." I just smiled as he cursed under his breathe. I was leaning against the wall watching as Anthony tried to salvage the 'image' he had created for me in the couples head.

The couple listened politely to Anthony before talking amongst themselves. This is what every couple over the past month has done. They never really want me. They make up some excuse and pick another child. I don't mind. I don't want to be adopted. I want to go home. That isn't going to happen. Alister isn't going to be free again. I do want to visit him though.

The couple came back about five minutes later. They were both smiling, but oddly their smiles were real. I can always tell. The girl looked at me with the same smile. "Hi. I'm Val and this is Matt. If you don't mind we'd like to adopt you."

"Can i visit someone?"

"Of course. Val and I wouldn't keep you from your friends." Matt had a lovely voice. So did Val really. "So who don't you go get your stuff. And we'll handle the papers while you're gone." I nodded my head showing my approval of the idea, and left for my room to get my things. The state had let me get some of my stuff from home before i left, but i didn't get to keep all of my clothes. What i did have was kept in my suitcase. In all i looked like this when i was finally finished getting my things.

Val and Matt were waiting by the door when i was finished getting my things. We walked out the door which was closed rather quickly i might add. They had an SUV sitting at the curm which Matt put my suitcase in. I was mentally preparing myself for the interrogation i was sure to resieve in the car. Certainly they would have questions. And they did. Val was obviously the more out going of the two because she asked the first question.

"Can we play 21 questions?"


"Okay. Then Matt and I will alternate asking you questions and you can ask us questions as we go. Is that fair do you think?"

"Yes. Shoot."

"Okay. What is your favorite color?"

"Purple, teal, and neon green are my favorite colors. How long have you and Matt been going out?"

"Two years. We're engaged. I asked Val three months ago. What do you prefer to be called?"

"Oh. I go by anything you can come up with. Just don't call me Angel. Why did you want to adopt?"

"Well, we wanted to have children, but I can't have children. Why not call you Angel?"

"Alister is the only person who can call me Angel. He hates it when others call me Angel. Why adopt me?"

"You were spunky. You had character even though you knew we didn't have to adopt you. Who is Alister?"

"Alister Carmikeal. He is who they took me from. They think he hurt me or something, but he'd never do anything to hurt me. He always made sure i had anything i wanted or needed. Where do you live?"

"Huntington Beach.Why were you with Alister?"

"My dad sold me to him after my mom died in labor. Alister says she was a wonderful woman, and i look just like her. Does anyone else live with you?"

"The band. I'm the frontman of Avenged Sevenfold. Were you close to Alister?"

"Yes. Do any of them have children?"

"No. But Jimmy's girlfriend has a six year old son. How close were you?"

"He was everything to me. He raised me like he was my father. He was the only family I had. He was who i went to for advise. When you live with someone all day everyday for your whole life, you get close. I don't have anymore questions so it's all you."

"What do you mean by all day everyday?"

"I didn't leave the house. If the police found out that Alister had me it would be that much easier for them to take him down."

"What do you mean by 'easier to take him down'?"

"Alister ran one of the biggest drug rings in California. They wanted him down bad, and if they knew he had bought a child that would make it easier for them to bring him down."

"How long is he in for?"

"Oh. He probably won't get out again. He's got drug trafficing charges plus all the hits he ordered. If he gets anytime it will be for life. But he'll probably get life. For them to have caught him they had to have someone on the inside."

"Did he have all of this in front of you?"

"Yes. I was the woman of the house. I knew everything that happened under my roof. Alister didn't keep secrets from me. The state wants me to testify, but I refuse. I don't snitch on people. Even if I don't like them."

"Well i guess the game is at an end. We're here."
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sorry about some of the pix not coming out right.
i hope you enjoy the story
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