Status: hope to get moving more quickly on this story...comment please

Rendered Indifferent

Drunken Conversations with Sleeping Rockstars

Val showed me to the guest room. She said that my room was down the hall, but that i could paint it before i moved into it. She seems like a pretty nice person so far. She left me to get settled in and i opened my bag. Inside was of course clothes, but it also held my computer. I pulled it out and opened my journal.

Typing in the date i began to retell the events which occured since my last entry. It was quite a bit. I told about my wants to see Alistar. Of course, now i might be able to see him again. When i was done typing i got a little bored. I decided that i would snoop around the house. I'm going to be living here right? I might as well know what i'm getting into.

My room and the guest room were the last in the hallway, so i peeked into each room as i walked towards the stairs. The first was clean with elaborate decoration in black and red. The room across from it however was filled with instruments. The next two looked about the same. They were both dark, messy and had guitars laying around. The next two differed only slightly. They were dark and messy, but one was themed blue with a bass and the other was themed green and held a drumset.

I walked down the stairs quietly hoping t catch a conversation to help me know more about my new family. I had no such luck. It seemed that everyone was missing from the house. I continues my exploration and found a rather nice modern kitchen and a cozy livingroom. There was a laundry room and another guest bedroom. Then there were the stairs. They led down into darkness. So being the smart person i am i walked into the darkness feeling for a light switch. When i flicked it oni found a sort of recording studio. How typical. The rock band has a recording studio in their basement.

I didn't bother to look around. Instead i just walked back up the stairs through the kitchen and into the livingroom. I was on my way to the stairs when they all came rushing into the livingroom from the patio doors. which i had somehow missed. And by they i meant four huge men, two small women, a small boy, Matt, and Val.

I froze. Matt and Val smiled, but the others just stared at me like i was fluffy the three headed dog from harry potter.

"This is Roselynd. Matt and I adopted her today. Roselynd this is Brian and his wife Michelle, Jimmy, Johnnyand Marie, Marie's son Adam, and Zacky." There was a chorus of 'hey's from everyone.


"Come sit down, and talk to everyone."

"Okay." Val seems polite. I think she is my favorite so far.

Zacky spoke first. "So what's your full name?"

"Roselynd Angelique Asmeralda Martins. I go by anything but Angel."

"I like your name. I'm Michelle Val's sister."

"Oh that must be akward."


"Well they're bandmates. And you're sisters. So if they happen to say anything about their said partner to eachother, it would be strange."

"Fuck. I can never talk to Matt again!" Then everyone began to laugh. Brian seemed to find me amusing. I wasn't used to groups of guys like this so i wasn't sure about what was appropriate to say.

"So, where ya from kid?"

"Huntington Beach old timer."

"Oh she called you old, Jimmy?"

"Shut up, Johnny. And I'm not old kid."

"I'm not a kid either."

"How old are you?"


"Does this mean we can't have strippers over anymore?"

"So Johnny has a thing for strippers?"

"Yeah. Do you know any?" Michelle then slapped Brian on the shoulder for his comment.

"Yeah actually. I do. They're pretty funny peoples."

"What do you mean 'they'?"

"Alister employed like seven to dance privately for him."

"Who is Alister?"

"My father figure."

"If he's your father figure, why do you call him by his name?"

"He's my father figure not my father. Plus a daughter is a weakness in his buisiness."

"What was his buisiness?"

"Drugs. Hookers. Guns. Hits. Pretty much anything you needed that the law didn't like."

"And you know about all of this?"


"Were you like one of his hookers?"

"Hell no. If Alister ever found out that someone had even touched me he would have killed them. That's funny."

"How did they catch him?"

"I don't know but it had to be an inside job. So what are you guys into other than music?"

"Drinking." Again brian recieved a slap for his comment.


After a lot of questions, we finally ate around ten. Everyone was drinking down stairs. I had decided to stay in my room for the night and update some things on my computer. That changed when someone barged into my room.

"Knocking is customary."

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm drunk. I don't care."

"Well Zacky I do. But since you're already here, what can i do for you?"

"Talk to me."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Can you help me figure out why i can't keep a girlfriend?"

"Sure. Well it could be that they're gold diggers that just want money or to say that they've fucked you."

"That's happened a bit. But i had a good relationship a few months ago. Her name was Marrissa. She was hott. And she got along with everyone. And she was smart. But then one day she just said it was over."

"What happened the night before?"

"Well her and a few of her friends went to a bar."

"She might have met somebody. I know that's harsh, but it's possible."

"Yeah. I thought that might be it. But all the guys have great relationships. Matt and Val are engaged. Michelle and Brian are married. Jimmy and Johnny have both had a steady girlfriend for over a year. Why can't i find one of those?"

"Just wait for it. I bet they all felt the same way at one point. Just give it some time. She'll come along. And she'll be amazing. She'll be everything you ever needed. She'll annoy the piss out of you, but you'll be okay with that. And she'll make you feel better no matter how bad you feel. And you'll do the same thing for her. Just give it some time." When i looked over though, Zacky was sleeping. He had a huge grin on his face, and he looked extremely peacful.

I just put a blanket over him and walked down stairs to see if everyone was passed out. They were so i set to cleaning. Within the hour everything was put away, and all of the trash was picked up. I can't sleep in a dirty house. So when i got to my bed, which still held a passed out Zacky i could sleep without disturbance. Even with a grown man sleeping beside me.
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chapter number two
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