The Mechanics of Love


"Sonnie are you ready?"


"That's what you said ten minutes ago."

"Well, now I mean it this time!"

I smiled as a sigh involuntarily came out. Sonnie has always been like this, as far back as I can remember, but I love her anyway. She is my best friend and always will be.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the television, flipped through random channels as I waited for her to finish her hair. Spongebob Squarepants was on talking to Sandy about how it's good to laugh at yourself every now and then. I got to the part where Sandy's in the general store looking for deodorant when Sonnie came down.

Looking over the couch I saw her leaning against the wall in her usual attire: her hair loved checkered vans which shes had since high school, a pair of skinny jeans with her cell phone in her pocket, a Burning Yesterday shirt we got at a concert years ago topped off with a bright rainbow necklace. Her short blond hair was straight and fluffed in the back; her bangs were pulled back with a cute black bow barrette.

"Is my hair okay?" She asked, her hands petting the flat part of her hair.

"Yes, you look awesome, now can we go? Michael's going to think we've been kidnapped or something."

"Yes, I's ready."


I grabbed my bag as I turned off the TV and grabbed my keys. Together we left our apartment and headed down the four stories of stairs to the main floor, then we went to my awesome red convertible M3 BMW and drove off to the cafe.

Sonnie rummaged through her bad and pulled out a CD. There really is no compromising with Sonnie when it comes to music, so I let her put in whatever she wants. We have a similar taste in music so I didn't mind hearting the sweet sound of Aiden as it blared through my speakers.

It didn't take long to get to the cafe and I was relieved to see that Michael was still there. We got out of my car and headed into the building.

"Hi, Michael." I greeted.

"Hi, Michael." Sonnie said, adding a wave.

"Hi Kaycie. Hi Sonnie. Wh-What took you so long?"

"Someone had to do her hair," I said, looking at Sonnie who smiled shyly.

"Oh, I liked it." Michael gave a shy smile as he fidgeted with the coffee cup in front of him.

Most - if not all - people think that Michael acts shy and awkward in films because it's what he's good at. What they didn't know is that it's not an act. Michael really is shy and awkward. It's how he's been since high school. You over look it after a while, but it's entertaining to watch people talk with him for the first time.

"S-So what are you two doing today?"

"Nothing," Sonnie said, "It's my day off."

"I have to catch a ride in an hour to head to the school. We're doing the school shots today, well some of them."

"Do you want to do something then," Michael looked hopefully at Sonnie.

"Sure, like what?"

"I don't know.... We could go to Olympia."


It was cute. Sonnie was absolutely in love with Michael but is too shy to say anything. She confessed her liking of him to me when we were all seniors in high school. She was afraid that once his acting career took off, and once we all graduated, she'll never see him again. I told her that'll never happen and that she should tell him how she felt, but it's been years since then and still no move.

Sonnie and I got up to order drinks since that's why we came here. A line had formed so we stood in the back. I asked, "When are you going to tell him?"

"When I know he's made a decision.... He's still giving mixed signals and I have no way of knowing...."

"Maybe if you tell him he'll make up his mind."

Sonnie gave me a blank stare, her blue eyes letting on that she is going to smile, "You know what? Fuck you."

"Bitch, I love you."

"I love you too."

Soon it was our turn to order and I let Sonnie go first. She ordered a venti ice mocha while I ordered a tall s'more coffee. I love their flavored drinks. They were made a few minutes later and we resumed our seats next to and across from Michael. We didn't get the chance to say anything before a group of girls screeched.

"Oh my God! Michael Cera! Can you sign my Juno shirt?"

Michael blushed a bit before saying "Y-Yeah. Sure. Do you gotta pen?"

The girls' smiles faded as they felt around for a pen. I felt bad so I felt around in my purse and grabbed my black sharpie, and handed it to Michael. The girls thanked me as Michael signed the shirt then they walked away giggling.

"Thanks Kaycie."

"What the fuck? Do you always carry a sharpie to help celebrities?" Sonnie mocked.

"It's my job," I stated, giving Sonnie a cute smile, "Speaking of work, I need to head home. Do you mind lugging Sonnie around with you?"

"No I don't mind," Michael smiled, fidgeting with his cup again.

"Okay kiddies, I'll see you later."

Grabbing my drink, I walked outside and got in my car, driving home to be picked up for work.

"Hey, Frankie," I greeted getting into the car, "How are you doing?"

"Hey, Kaycie. Not bad, just looking forward to filming inside today."

"I know."

We continued to talk as Frankie drove to the school where I was to play entertainer to the stars.
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