The Mechanics of Love


After Kaycie left, an awkward silence seemed to settle over both Michael and I. I've gotten use to this though. It's just how he is.

"So, when do you think we'll be heading to Olympia?" I asked hoping to end the quiet that hung over us like a newspaper umbrella in the pouring rain when you have a blown tire.

"Well... I suppose that we can leave whenever you want."

"Why don't we finish these orgasmic drinks of awesomeness."

"Oh...uh.... Alright."

I watched Michael as he sipped his coffee nervously. This was one of those times where I wondered if I has said the wrong thing to him yet again. Then again, it could have just been my paranoia kicking in as usual. Note to self: smooth out the edges of my personality some more.


I looked up at the sound of my name to see Michael giving me a quizzical look.

"Don't you want to drink your coffee?"

Shit. I must have zoned out again. At least I wasn't totally staring at him.

"Oh. Well, if you're ready to leave, I can just bring it along."

"That works too..." he started to look nervous again and took a big drink from his cup, "Well, I'm done soo... I'll go throw this away...."

"I can come with you."


"Er... I mean, we can just leave after you throw it away."

"Oh. Alright."

As I was standing up, Michael did the same, and instead of following him to the trash, I just walked out to his car.

"That whole conversation could have gone a lot better." I mumbled to no one in particular. It's not like the birds near Michael's car can help me figure out if there is anything between him and I. I hate all of these mixed signals I keep getting from him. It seemed like decades had passed before Michael emerged from the Starbucks. Although, I'm sure that little bird would disagree.

"There you are," Michael said while approaching the car, "I thought you had vanished."

"Me? Vanished? Are you just hoping that'll happen?"

"No! N-no, that's not what I meant at all."

I had no idea what to say after that. This kid just made me speechless. You can even ask Kaycie. I always have something to say. So, que the awkward silence.

He always seemed so uncomfortable around me. Sometimes, I think he likes me, and other times I'm pretty sure that I just make that up because I love that kid so much. I'm pretty sure that I do, anyways. I'm just too nervous to tell him because I don't want him to be even more uncomfortable and have our friendship fall out. One of these days I'll bring it up. I'm just not ready for it yet.

"Hey S-Sonnie?"

"Yes?" It looked like it was taking him a lot of effort to tell me what he was about to, so I definitely didn't want to ruin this.

"Do you... uh... do you mind if we don't go to Olympia today?" He looked over at me and met my gaze for a second before looking at the road again. I wish he would do that a little longer so I could try to read his expression. Well. When he's not driving anyways.

"Well. Yeah. So, I'm guessing you want me to go home then?" Good lord I've never felt so crushed in my life.

"Nonononono... that's not what I meant at all. I just kind of... uhm... want to go sit at the park or something?"

"Oh! Of course. I would love to." I let a sigh of relief slip out. I've got to stop coming to conclusions and saying them out loud. At least he seems to enjoy my company.
"There's this really amazing park near by. Want to go there?"

"Sure, do you know how to get there?"

"Oh, yes, turn right here."

"What kind of park is it?"

"Well, it has some swings, benches, merry-go-rounds, and trees. You know... the important stuff."

"Away we go."

Today might turn out much better than I could have ever hoped. Just me and Michael. Alone. At a park. Not too sure where I'm going with this, but I know one thing is for sure. I do love Michael Cera. The question is does he feel the same way? If only Kaycie were here.

Once we had arrived at the park, Michael seemed to relax more, which was nice considering we had hardly struck up a conversation since Kaycie left for work to do who-know-what. She tried to explain it to me once or twice before, but I just couldn't stay focused long enough to understand what she actually was supposed to do.

Michael and I headed straight for the merry-go-round, which was nice because we didn't have to feel awkward from heading in different directions.