The Mechanics of Love


"And then on the ninth hole-"

"Hey guys!"

Turning away from Peter and his Japanese Golfer joke we spotted Kaycie waving at us from the parking lot. My chest tightened as I watched her walk to us, her long wavy red hair bouncing as she moved. Her blue eyes were a light with whatever it was that made her tick; her smile was contagious, moving through all of us like the plague.

She was wearing a very professional out fit. Black flats with black and light grey pinstriped pants. She wore a white short sleeved dress shirt under a black vest. Very sharp, very sexy.

"Hello guys," she greeted again, "Whats up?"

"I'm almost finished with my Japanese Golfer joke," Peter said.

"Ooo, gross. Well while you finish I'm going to get some coffee, would anyone like anything?"

It amazed me that she had so much spunk. I love watching her do things because she was so happy while she did them. Everything she did looked entirely effortless.

"Robert, do you want anything?" She asked her voice a pleasant alto sound.

"No thanks," I replied, "Maybe a little later though."

"Kay, be right back."

I watched as she walked away, not listening as Peter picked up his joke, and not really hearing everyone's reaction. I watched her until she disappeared in side the school.

"Robert? Robert," Ashley shook my arm to get my attention and it worked, "We need to go inside."

Looking around I saw everyone was moving, "Oh. Thanks." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and walking with her into the cafeteria.

"Robert, Ashley," greeted Cathrine, the director, "Hey nice to see you this morning."

"Cat, you see us every morning," I replied.

"Well it can't hurt to be a little friendly, now go have a seat." She pointed where she wanted us to go and left. We weaved our way through the lunch room and to the "Cullen table." Kellan, Nikki, Jackson, and Kaycie were already there; Jackson and Kaycie talking intensely with everyone else listening.

I let Ashley go and we sat in our seats, jumping in to the conversation.

"Well, if you go by date of death then after Carlisle, you're the oldest," Kaycie said, "Then Edward, Alice or Esme, Rosalie, then Emmett."

"Wait, why Alice or Esme?" asked Nikki.

"Because Alice was changed in the 1920's and so was Esme, but because the books don't go into extreme detail it's up to grabs."

"But how come Carlisle refers to Jasper as the Cullen's newest vegetarian?"

"Jasper was made in the 19th century during the civil war. Stephenie uses this part in our history to create a vampire turf war. When he was changed by the vampire, Maria, it was his job to create as many fledgling vampires as possible. New vampires are extremely unstable so perfect for battles.

"During these times, Jasper drank a lot of blood and killed many humans. In our history books diseases were blamed but in Twilight it was vampires.

"It wasn't until after Jasper's partner Peter left with his love Charlotte that Jasper turned his back on killing. Jasper meets up with Alice in the 30's then together join the Cullen Clan. This is of course after Rose and Emmett were changed."

"Wow," said Kellan, "That's detailed."

"I'm a fan." Kaycie smiled.

"But why does Jasper have a rough time? Shouldn't Alice be as bad?" This was asked by Ashley.

"Remember, Jasper has been killing people for decades. He was over 50 years dead when he met Alice."

"50 years dead," I repeated, sort of mocking.

"Well he wasn't alive. But Alice had only been dead for no less than 20 years, and we're left to assume time is the factor here."

"How many times have you read these books?" I asked.

"Too many it appears."

"Okay everyone," yelled Cathrine, "Battle stations!"

"I'll talk to y'all later," Kaycie said, waving as she walked away.

"Ready... and.... Action!"

Everyone talked quietly as the scene began. I watched as Kristen walked in and stopped near Bella's friend group.

"La Push baby, it's La Push."

"Okay, I'll go if you stop saying that."


They did a couple more shots of the scene, then a few of us. I hated the close ups of me. They wanted me to look straight into the camera which wasn't a good angle for me. But I went with it anyway, because good shot or not, I was "staring intensely." How good can one look when he's trying to look like he's staring at an ancient symbol and trying to figure it out?

After the table scenes, Kristen and I were called over to do a scene by the salad bar Cathrine put together. She said she had an idea she wanted to try, but first we needed to get our lines down.


"Edible art," I asked in my American accent, "Bella."

"You're mood swings are giving me lipwash," said Kristen.

"I'll bet they're giving you whiplash too," we both started laughing, "Because that's what I'm going for."


"I'm sorry," giggled Kristen.

We moved back into place and started over, "Edible art? Bella."

"You're mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash."

"I only said it'd be better if we weren't friends, not that I didn't wanna be."

"What does that mean?"

"It means if you were smart...." I couldn't take it, this was too intense and I could feel a laugh start, "You wouldn't-" I laughed and she sighed.


With a sigh, I moved back to the beginning and started over, "Edible art?"

five takes and 20 takes of me catching an apple later, I finally had a break. The first thing I did was inconspicuously looked for Kaycie. I found her talking to some of the other crew members drinking a bottle of Lipton Pure Tea.

"Hey Kaycie," I greeted.

"Hey Robert," Kaycie smiled at me, but I could tell that it was forced, "What?"

"Well, it's my break now... and I was wondering if you wanted to hang."

"Oh... well I'm actually talking to people right now.... You can join if you want."

"Um, okay. What are you talking about?"

"The last Harry Potter book."

"What about it?"

"We're trying to remember how Harry got all three items at the end of the book."

I was at a loss, "What three items?"

They all looked at me, when Kaycie replied, "The... invisible cloak, the Elder Wand, and the death stone." she used air quotes, "Have you even read the seventh Harry Potter book?"


"Then leave."

"What?" I looked at her for signs of a joke, but there was a none, "Are you serious?"

"As a pregnancy, now leave. We will not talk about this in front of a virgin. Now go."

"Alright, fine, I'm leaving."

Turning I walked down the hall, finding a smiling Ashley waiting for me. As we turned the corner I could swear I heard Kaycie say she was annoyed by me.

My heart sank as my ears heard what she had said, I was so attracted to her and yet she felt nothing in return.