The Mechanics of Love


“Do you want me to get it started?” Sonnie said as she looked over at me with her big blue eyes.

“N-no uhm,” I stammered and looked down, “I can push it if you want to get on it first…”

Sonnie climbed onto the slightly tilted merry-go-round that had been in the park for a good ten or fifteen years and was in desperate need of a new paint job. I grabbed onto one on of it's brightly colored metal bars and sped it up. Sonnie let out a small squeal as she slid toward the edge and held on tight to the curved bar. Once it got going to the desired speed, I somehow managed to jump up onto it. After a little bit of spinning, the speed began to slow down to a leisurely pace. I watched the breeze blow through Sonnie's hair while she watched the trees fly past as I searched for words to strike up a conversation.

"So, eh... I think this merry-go-round might need to be fixed. It's m-mighty tilted." I'm sitting here in a park with Sonnie, and that's all i can think of to say?

Sonnie looked away from the trees and towards Michael. "Well, I had a friend once tell me that it's tilted because of momentum... or something like that. I honestly don't understand it." she replied, shrugging her shoulders in the process.

"Yeah, that would make sense."

"So, as of late, Kaycie has been making me watch a lot of movies as of late." She nodded and pursed her lips, as if emphasizing a point.

"Oh, well, what kind of movies?"

"Just the really amusing kind. Like Robin Hood, Men in Tights and Annie."

"You had never seen Robin Hood, Men in Tights?" I thought everyone had seen that movie.

"Not until she made me watch it. I quite enjoyed the beginning."

"Did you enjoy it at least?"

"Mmmm, yeah." She said, then looked away from me and began to observe the trees again, but this time they were only swaying because the merry-go-round had almost come to a stop.

"Well, g-glad to hear it." I hated it when she only gave me one word responses, as if closing the conversation.

Sonnie looked back over to Michael again. "You know what i should do?" She asked, looking incredibly serious.


"I should grow my hair out." Sonnie said as matter-of-factly as she could muster up. It was amazing how easily she could come up with something to talk about, just out of the blue.

"Uhm," what am I supposed to say to something like that? "If that's what you really want to do..." I looked at her uncertainly.

"Well, Of course it's what i want to do! Otherwise, i wouldn't have mentioned it." She looked almost offended by my response, then her face turned quickly into a smile to let me know that she was just kidding.

I wish that I could be so certain about everything I said and wasn't afraid of the reaction. Then, maybe i could tell her how i really feel.

"You know," said Sonnie, bringing Michael out of his daze, "I think I'm getting kind of sleepy," she stifled a yawn. "Would you mind driving me back to the apartment?"

"No, n-not at all. Let's head back to the car then." I got up off of the merry-go-round and held it still so that Sonnie could climb off of it. As we walked back to my car in silence, I couldn't help but notice the sway of Sonnie's hips for every step that she took. I wonder if she knows just how mesmerizing she truely is.

Before Michael was ready for the walk to be over, they arrived. He walked quickly around to the other side of his little compact beast and opened the passenger door for Sonnie, then walked back around to get in and start the car. Eventually, She dozed off to the slow and steady hum of the car driving her back to the apartment.....

"Hey Sonnie?" Said Michael as he shook Sonnie's shoulder lightly. "We're back at you're apartment"

It took her a moment to blink herself awake and establish what was going on, and unbuckled her seat belt. "Thanks for the ride, hun." She smiled and leaned across the middle of the car to plant a kiss on Michael's cheek before quickly climbing out of the car and into the door of the apartment building. Michael could only stare after her in shock wondering just what was going through her mind.
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shitty end? probably. gimmee your thoughts por favor. :)