The Mechanics of Love


We were going back to get some solo shots of the Cullen table. The discussion topic was on World War II and how Operation Valkyrie was a huge bust. I was the one who suggested it and Robert, Kellan, and Jackson went with it. the cameras were no where near them, neither was the boom so topic matter really wasn't important. Cathrine called print and we were done. I went to my little station and picked all my things up and was stopped by Robert, Nikki, Kristen, and Jackson.

"We were wondering if you wanted to hit up a food place or something." said Nikkie with a smile.

"Yeah, sure. Let me call my room mate first and let her know what's up." I let them head to the exit while I pulled my phone - Patrick - from my back pocket. Walking I hit speed dial one which was Sonnie's cell and got her voice mail. I left a short message saying where I'd be, how to reach me, when I might be home, and that I'd call the apartment's land line. True to my word, I hit speed dial two and got an answer.

"Mm - hello?"

"Sonnie, hey I'm going out with Robert, Nikki, Kristen, and Jackson. I don't know when I'll be back but-"

"I kissed Michael."

I stopped, "What?"

"I kissed Michael."

"Tell me?" I had caught up with my group hanging slightly behind while Sonnie talked.

"We went to the park and played on the merry-go-round, but then I got tired so we decided to go home. So I'm in his car and I fell asleep."

"You fell asleep?"

There was a second of silence, "Yeah... I said I was tired right? So I fell asleep."

"I can't believe you fell asleep in his car."

"Kaycie, will you shut up?"


"So I fell asleep in his car because I was really tired and when I woke up, we were at our apartment. So I thanked him for the ride and just kissed his cheek!"

It was my turn not to talk, "You kissed his cheek," this got the group of actors to turn around and give me weird glances, "You made it sound like you full on tongued him."

"No I didn't."

"Well you hyped it up enough.... What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I booked it right after I did it. He's going to hate me."

"Okay. I feel like hate isn't the word you want.'

"I feel like it is."

"I feel like everything will be okay."

"I feel like you should stop saying 'I feel like....'" said Kellan. I stuck my tongue out in response. Childish? Maybe. Effective? No. Fun? Hell yes.

"Hey. I've got to go," I said, "Everything will be fine. Call me if anything happens, text me if you need anything, and I'll call when I'm leaving."

"Alright, mother."

"Well you did marry my daughter."

"This is true."

I chuckled, "Bye Sonnie."

"See ya, hun."

Hanging up I saw Robert give me a look, "What?"

"She... married your daughter? You have kids?"

"It's an inside joke from high school," I laughed, "I mean, come on... do these hips look like they've birthed someone before?"

Kellan and Jackson laughed, "You have the most ridiculous choice of words." said Jackson, his southern accent amplified by the giggling.

I hate southern accents. I also strongly dislike Boston accents, most bay area - mainly California - accents, most Detroit accents, and only the really sloppy British accents. I know. Wow. But the fact that I could hold a pleasant conversation with Jackson Rathbone and not cringe while he spoke really said something. What it said exactly, I have no idea, but it said something.

"So where are we going?" I asked, we were in the parking lot headed for Kellan's SUV.

"No, idea."

"We could do to Port Angeles," Nikki said, "I hear that Italian place Kristen and Rob shot at was to die for."

"But that's so far away," I said, "There isn't any place local?"

"Come on Kaycie," said Kellan, "You gotta lighten up babe."

"You know, you're the only person I let call me 'babe.'"

"I call you babe," said Nikki.

"Well the only guy."

"Port Angeles is only an hour away," continued Nikki.

I thought about it, then sighed, "Okay."

Nikki cheered, "I call shot gun!"

I laughed and got in the car. Kristen and Jackson were in the back seat, Robert and I sat in the two seats in the middle with Kellan and Nikki in front, "Why isn't Ashley coming," I asked.

"She felt sick after the shoot," answered Kristen.

"I hope she feels better," I said.

"It's Ashley," replied Kellan, "Her rebound from sickness is intense."

We all laughed and conversation was light the rest of the ride. At the restaurant, we sat in a large booth. Robert sat next to me while I was at an end. We sort of had our own little conversations, the topics ranged from Twilight to Harry Potter. Under the table his knee and foot rested against mine. From across the table, Nikki shot me a look and my heart stopped.

I hope she wasn't getting the wrong idea....
♠ ♠ ♠
Woot! We actually updated.
(and by we... I mean me.... Sorry guys. :( )