True Love Never Ends

Chapter 1


The teacher stood at the front of her class and looked at the children in front of her. They were all 3/4 years old as she was a playschool teacher. Today they were going to have an art day. Half the class were doing painting and in the process literally painting the tables and the rest of the furniture. The other half were playing with playdough, making little people out of it. She sat back in her chair and relaxed. Meanwhile 5 boys and a girl were having the time of their lives.

"Matt, im going to get you for eating my banana." Brian, a very hyperactive child shouted. He picked up a clump a pink playdough and chucked it making it land in Matts face. Pretty quickly a playdough fight erupted. Bits of different coloured plasticine were flying everywhere. The teacher just smiled. She wasn't going to stop them, they were having fun. Where's the harm in that?
"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYSSSSSSSS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAA TAAAAAAKEEEEEEEEEE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHNYYYYYYY DOWWWWN." A boy with short spikey black hair ran across the room and jumped on a small brown haired boy. Chaos was everywhere. Lou, a girl with blonde, shoulder length hair was giggling away, watching her friends being complete idiots. She was used to it though. James, a rather tall for his age boy stood up on the table. Stamping his foot down he shouted.
"Everybody...Lou's my girlfriend and I loooooooooooooooove her." Silence crept around the room. All the children look from James, to Lou. James, still stood on the table had a huge grin on his face. Lou, however, had gone red in the face, clearly embarrased. She pushed James off the table making him land on the floor. The silence was broken by laughter. All the children were laughing at him. Tears left his eyes and slipped down his rosy cheeks. He was only 4 yet he had never been so humiliated in his short life. He looked over at Lou. She was laughing with his friends, Matt, Brian, Zacky and Johnny. That made him feel worse. He ran off out the classroom and hid in a corner. This was the moment in his life that he would never forget.