True Love Never Ends

Chapter 3

Lou's POV

I felt so useless. So pathetic. So stupid. I should have known that she would have slept with my boyfriend, well I should be saying ex-boyfriend now. It's been obvious for ages that they liked each other. I just ignored the signs. Kays came and sat with me, trying to comfort me in some way. It wasn't helping. On the outside it looked as if I cared about it, but on the inside I felt numb. I didn't seem so care really. I felt nothing.

I noticed Jimmy earlier, the way he was looking at me. It was as if he wanted to tell me something but was too scared to. Had I done something? He seemed reluctant to come near me. Oh god, I hope I haven't fucked that friendship up. All of us have been best mates ever since I could remember. I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks, rolling off onto the pillow of my bunk. I was only on this tour because I was in charge of the lights, sounds and pyrotechnics. It's not as if I was going out with any of them. I sunk further into my blankets and sighed deeply. I couldn't leave now because then the boys wouldn't be able to put on such a brilliant show.

I heard the curtain of my bunk being opened. I pretended to be alseep. I didn't want to be bothered at the moment.

"Oh..." A soft voice spoke, sounding slightly upset. I heard footsteps getting quieter and further away until nothing.

I turned around, that one word replaying over and over again in my head. Something finally clicked in my stupid head. That was Jimmy. What if he wanted to say something? Something he had been trying to say earlier? Thoughts went whizzing through my brain.

I sat up abruptly...just a bit too quickly though. I felt a sharp pain in my head. The bunk started spinning. I swayed sideways and fell out of the bunk. As soon as I hit the floor I felt light-headed. I heard Jimmy get up, a look of confusion on his face. About two seconds later I fell limp on the floor.