Hooked On You

This is my entry for Viva La White Girl;;'s Lyrical Photo's Contest.

These were the lyrics I was given: “Talk to the mirror, choke back tears.”- There is a reason... (Panic! At the disco).
This is the photo.

She was a smart, beautiful young girl that had everything going for her. One problem, she hated her life with a passion. That is until she met them. They intrigued her with their rebellious actions. She hated her boring life with all its routines, and wanted something interesting and adventurous for once. See, she had never really been one who was interested in parties or boys. Seeing them with their godly auras made her desperately want to know them. It wasn’t just the fact that they were all absolutely gorgeous but it was also that no one cared what they did. She wished she could have that kind of freedom, to do what she pleased. It infuriated her when anyone got mad at her for doing anything wrong. It’s not like she’s prefect! She just wanted space and she knew they would be able to give it to her.