If It's You And Me Forever

The Storm!

Nick’s POV

“Alright guys that sounds great! Lets take a five minute break” I yelled as I sat my guitar down.
Kevin, Joe, and I were at band practiced for a charity concert coming up soon.
“Hey bro! how is Lynn doing?” Kevin asked as he sat down beside me.
I smiled. “Lynn is good! Her tummy gets bigger each day!”
“That is great Nick! The baby will be here before you two know it” Kevin said smiling.
I smiled at him and checked my phone to see if Lynn had called me. When I saw she hadn't’t I decided to call her just to see how she was doing.
“Hello?” Lynn answered. She sounded tried.
“Hey Baby Girl! Did I wake you? You sound like you were asleep!”
“It’s fine baby! I just haven’t felt to well today so I was taking a nap”
That worried me. “Baby do I need to come home?’
“No baby I am fine, you go practice so you can rock the house” She said laughing.
I chuckled. “Alright baby girl! If you need me call me ok?”
“I will Nicky I promise” she said yawning.
I saw Joe motioning me to come on. “ok baby girl I got to go but I love you both very much!”
“We love you too! See you when you get home Baby”
Then we hung up.

*two hours later*

“That was great you guys see you tomorrow” I said putting my guitar away and grabbing my bag.
I heard my cell phone going off so I grabbed it and looked to see what I missed.
7 Missed Calls Form Mom, 2 Missed Calls From Dad
Something must be wrong I thought
I quickly dialed the house and got no answer.
I tried Lynn cell phone and got nothing.
I called my mom cell phone.
“Oh Nicholas thank god!” My mom said. It sounded like she was upset.
“Mom what’s wrong?’
“Nick! It’s Lynn, she is in the hospital” My mother said through tears.
My heart stopped and I felt my eyes water.
“oh no, what happened?’ I said as I backed up against the wall and slid down.
“Baby I will explain everything when you get here! Have Kevin drive you and Joe to the hospital” My mom said sniffling.
“Ok I will be there as soon as I can” I said closing my phone.
I put my head in my hands and started to cry.
“Nick, what’s wrong?’ Joe asked kneeing down in front of me.
“Mom called Lynn is in the hospital” I said through tears.
“Oh no bro! lets get you to the hospital” Joe said helping me stand up.
He called Kevin over and explained what was going on.
We all rushed to the hospital and the whole time I keep thinking what was wrong with Lynn and our baby.
Kevin pulled into the emergency room and I ran inside while he found a parking space.
I ran up to the desk. “Excuse me I am looking for Lynn Howell?”
“And you are?” the nurse asked.
“I am her boyfriend, Nick Jonas” I said out of breath.
The nurse looked up me and stood up.
“Come with me Honey?’
I followed the nurse down the hallway
“Her room is right there where your parents are Sweetie”
I smiled the best I could “Thank you”
I walked fast up to my parents and saw my mom was crying.
“Mom what’s wrong with Lynn?’
My mom looked up at me and grabbed my hands.
“Sweetie sit down”
My father stood up so I could sit.
“Well Nick she came down stairs today to get a snack and all of a sudden past out”
I felt my eyes water.
“Your father and I rushed her to the hospital” My mom said pausing to wipe her tears.
I wiped my own tears that was now falling.
“Of course the doctors ran test on her to find out what was wrong” My mom said afraid to continue
“What’s wrong with my girl Mom?’ I asked afraid to know the answer.
My mom toke a deep breath.
“Well Baby, Lynn has gestational diabetes”
My heart sunk.
“Oh mom this is all my fault! I gave her this” I said as my tears fell.
My mom grabbed me and held me tightly. “No baby you didn’t give this to Lynn! This is no ones fault”
“Well is she ok? How is the baby?’ I asked wiping my eyes.
My mom smiled “She will be just fine and the baby is still health”
I sighted happily and laid my head against the wall.
“You ok son?’ My dad asked me.
“I will be, I need to see my baby girl”
My father smiled. “She is right in there son, sleeping”
I got up and entered the room.
My heart broke as I saw my Lynn laying there with a breathing mask and iv hooked up to her.
I quietly walked over and kissed her forehead sweetly.
She moved a little and opened her eyes.
“Nicky?” She asked so sweetly.
I smiled “Yes baby girl I am here”
“What about practiced baby?’
“Baby girl I am not even thinking about that right now! I am worried about you and our baby” I said trying not to cry. Lynn needed me to be strong right now.
She pulled the breathing mask off her mouth. “So mom told you what happened and what is wrong?
“Yes baby girl I know about everything and I am so sorry honey” I said as the tears fell. I couldn't’t help but think this was all my fault.
“Aww baby come here” Lynn said opening up her arms and moving over so I could lay down.
I laid down in her arms and held her tightly.
“Nick Jonas you listen to me! There is no way that this is your fault baby, no way is this anyone fault” Lynn said softly while kissing my head.
“I know baby but I promise you I will take extra of you and this baby” I said kissing her lips softly.
She smiled and kissed back “I know you will Nicky! Just you being here with me right now is helping me a lot.”
“I am not going anywhere baby girl, not until you get to come home!” I said rubbing her cheek sweetly.
Lynn smiled and put my hand on her stomach where our baby was kicking away.
“Wow that is an amazing felling” I said with tear filled eyes.
“She is telling you that she is ok daddy” Lynn said smiling at me.
I smiled and kissed her tummy “Mommy and daddy love you so much baby”
Lynn smiled and yawned “Can we get some sleep baby? I am so tried”
“Of course baby girl” I laid back down beside her and played with her hair like I knew she liked.
Lynn closed her eyes and whispered “I love you Nicky”
I smiled “I love you more baby girl”
I watched Lynn fall into a deep sleep. I stayed up all night just watching her, glad that both of my babies would be ok with my help.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO SORRY For The Chapter Being Long And Not Updating In A While!!
Hope Everyone Likes The Chapter=D!!
Much Love, Christina=D!!