Prisoner of Your Love

The Truth Hurts


Matt Tuck really didn’t belong in prison. He didn’t ask for trouble or ever have any desire to hurt anyone, until now. He was sick and tired of Shadows and Gates thinking that they ran the show around here. Nothing made them special than any of the other lowlifes in the building, and it was about time they learned that.

Or, at the very least they needed to keep their perverted hands off Adele.

“You know what I think, Shadows?” Matt mocked. “I think that I don’t give a fuck what you think.”

Shadows glared at Matt with such burning hatred. This lack of respect was something that Shadows was not used to and would not stand for. He laughed mirthlessly, “I’m gonna enjoy this.”

Matt didn’t have much time to react. Shadows had his fingers well prepared to strike his face, even before he spoke. Matt fell to the ground as blood from his mouth lined Shadows knuckles.

Adele cried out, turning the other way. She couldn’t bear to watch them do this to him. It also didn’t help that she was drowning under an overwhelming amount of guilt. If he hadn’t stood up for her, there would be no problem, at least not at that time.

But luckily Matt wasn’t down just yet. He sprung to his feet with surprising accuracy, considering his BAC level at the time. He retaliated by faking a punch to the face and instead turning to elbow Shadows in the stomach, managing to knock the wind out of him. Shadows dropped to one knee, fighting for his stance.

“Oh, now it’s on mother fucker,” he grumbled.

“It’s already been on,” Matt laughed, kicking his shin so that he was knocked down to two knees.

Shadows growled as his two large arms flew forward and wrapped around Matt’s neck, securing him in a chokehold. In a quick maneuver, he had Matt pinned down on the ground, resting his foot on Matt’s chest.

Just as Shadows was about to outright kick Shadows in the face, Adele squeezed her eyes shut. “What’s the matter, bitch? You should be used to the violence by now. You’re a murderer after all, it’s kind of a required tolerance,” Oli said, roughly grabbing her arms and pulling her body up against his chest, forcing her to watch.

From the very moment that Adele’s story was shown on the news, Oli knew there was no way someone like her could’ve been capable of murdering someone. Although it wasn’t a violent murder, it still required some sneakiness and general evilness…both of which Oli believed she failed miserably at.

He was counting on Matt to blow her cover – he needed someone to because in all honesty, the only proof he had was his own opinion. Someone close to her ought to be shocked to be just now finding out his friend is a murderer.

He wrapped his arm tighter around Adele’s body and felt her rapid heartbeat against his skin. Was she scared of being found out…or of watching her makeshift boyfriend being killed? He would’ve gladly asked her, but Matt’s reaction stopped him.

He shoved Shadows’ foot away from him and sat up staring at Adele with a near thoughtful or confused expression. “What is he talking about, Adele?” Matt asked, his voice low and quiet, just above a whisper.

Oli felt a sudden wetness on his arm and glanced down to see that it was a teardrop. He had to see this for himself. He released her and side-stepped so that he was now slightly in front of her, able to see her face.

Adele froze in place after the words passed Oli’s lips. She should’ve expected it sooner or later…her cover couldn’t possibly last long. She was a terrible liar whenever a lie would come in handy.

Her eyes met Matt’s and immediately tried silently pleading for him not to say anything stupid, but his expression nearly broke her heart. He looked pained and possibly even ashamed that she could allow herself to stoop so low. Once he responded, she knew she was fucked.

Shadows and Gates turned to her with suspicious expressions.

“I…I…they saw a news story on my case and –.”

“And what? Let me guess, you told them that you really did kill that guy. You thought you’d sound cool if you could blend in with the crowd?” he spat, completely and entirely disappointed after seeing the girl he thought he loved in a whole new horrifying light.

Adele knew that part of what he was saying wasn’t true. It’s not that she wanted to “fit in” with Shadows’ group…she just didn’t want to be stalked or tormented anymore. Maybe in a sense, acceptance was what she was after but not in the way Matt was suggesting…it’s impossible.

Yet, as much as she tried convincing herself of that very fact, she found that she couldn’t verbally deny it. Matt watched for some kind of reaction, but all Adele did was cry and avoid his stare. He didn’t like what he was going to have to do, but in all honesty, Adele brought this on herself. It looked like they really were never meant to be.

Matt shoved Shadows away from him as he stood back up. “Where the hell do you think you’re going? We’re not done here,” he said.

Matt glanced over his shoulder and replied coolly, “It’s over, Shadows.”

He continued walking forward, ignoring all the burning stares of the shocked men surrounding him. He paused shortly in front of Adele, refusing to look at her. “I’m sorry to say this, Adele, but from now on you’re going to have to fight your own fights.”

He could’ve sworn that he heard her choke back on her tears suddenly, but wouldn’t allow himself to check. It didn’t matter, really. She picked them over him, it was that simple…or at least that’s what he tried continuously thinking.

He left the room without looking back. Adele felt a sharp pain in her chest suddenly after hearing Matt’s words and watching him walk away mercilessly. Who knew a heart could really break.

Shadows ignored the fact that Matt technically stood him up and left in the middle of a fight – mostly because he had bigger and more fun issues to deal with. If there was one thing that Shadows hated more than anything it was to be cheated on or lied to. Adele had lied to him and misused his trust, and that was simply unforgiveable.

He illustrated this fact by shooting her the ugliest and angriest look she’d ever seen. It made her body temperature drastically drop as goose bumps appeared along her arms and chills shook her spine.

“Well, well, well looks you don’t have a protective-boyfriend bodyguard on your team anymore. It’s kind of ironic, isn’t it? He wanted to protect you, yet his words just acted as the signature on your death sentence,” Shadows said surprisingly calm and collected as he approached Adele.

She watched him warily, knowing he was planning on doing something any minute. He looked like a lurking tiger, ready to jump out from behind the tall grass and sink its fangs into the unsuspecting zebra.

“Why did ya do it, Adele? Why did you lie to me?” he demanded, purposely invading her personal space.

She felt her fingers twitch in worry. She couldn’t decide what could possibly be said to get her out of this mess. His dominance was suddenly overwhelming and nerve-wracking causing her brain to spasm. “I…I…It just all happened so fast. I tried denying it, and don’t even think about ignoring that detail! I told you it wasn’t me but none of you would listen to what I was saying,” she declared.

It was true, honestly, and all three of them knew it. But they would never admit to such a thing.

Gates smiled and took a step forward. “Oh, Adele, you should’ve been able to speak your mind and not fear our reaction. You had no reason to fear us – key word being had.”

Adele’s eyes widened as she realized that she was officially no longer safe around these men, one of which she has to live with. She needed to get away, as usual when it came to keeping this company.

The room fell silent as a chill passed through the air. Shadows maintained his hate-filled glare, Gates stared at her in drunken perversion, and Oli smirked in amusement and happiness at the sudden turn of events. Adele, however, gave all of them the same look – a defiant glare.

Once she was sure that everyone had seen it, she quickly spun around and made a mad dash for the door that was mere feet away from her, undoubtedly within reach. Time seemed to slow as each step she took felt like her feet were encased in cement blocks.

Shadows held his arm outward and unleashed his army of rabid prisoners onto the girl. Gates led the crew into the assault as he wrapped his arms around Adele from behind, easily tackling her to the ground. She cried out, possibly out of shock that she had been caught so quickly, as her body made contact with the unforgiving tiled ground.

The most immense feeling of discomfort descended onto her as multiple hands roamed her body, groping her breasts, sliding fingers along her crotch, and making skin-to-skin contact. Someone tugged roughly on her hair, pulling her head back and completely exposing her neck. From what she could guess, about three or four men sunk their teeth into her flesh all at once, earning a piercing scream.

All of the noise disappeared once again after Shadows snapped his fingers a single time. “Back off. I have some things to discuss now,” he ordered, stepping through the clearing crowd until he landed right in front of Adele. “Why are you really in jail?”

The simplicity of the question caught Adele off guard as she stared back into his prodding hazel eyes. She grew curious to know why he gave a fuck in the first place. “I killed a man,” she sneered, unwilling to give him anything he wanted after the awful experience she just had to endure.

“ADELE!” he shouted, shoving her up against the wall, keeping his hands tightly wrapped around her arms. “Why are you here?”

Adele couldn’t possibly be expected to think straight in a situation like this. She didn’t realize how evil Shadows could really be when he didn’t get what he wanted. She thought she was saving what was left of her dignity, but truth be told, it would cost her much more than she would ever imagine.

“None of your fucking business.”
♠ ♠ ♠
in the next chapter: shadows angrily attacks adele, but some guards arrive just in time to help her get away and break up the party. as the days pass, she finds herself hardly ever leaving her cell, which pisses Oli off, of course. is there anything she can do to help her face Matt again and stand up to shadows?

also big news...there will be a brand new story uploaded this thursday morning called "In The Devil's Company." It's going to be GREAT I've already written a few chapters :D

also, beginning next wk i plan on resurrecting some "forgotten" stories, so check and see sometime then when they come back to life lol

5+ comments would be great...the next chapter is called "Brutality" so as u can shall be epic!