Prisoner of Your Love

Home Sweet Hell


Have you ever thought that it would be practically a law for officers to treat female prisoners with some higher ounce of respect? Well, Adele expected that, and it was certainly not what she received.

All the way from the police car to the entrance to the prison, several guards surrounded her, touching her at any opportunity they could find…and in any place they could reach. She shivered with disgust upon reaching the front door, wondering whether or not this would continue.

One of the guards stepped away from her and swiped an ID card to unlock the door. Once the door was fully pulled back, Adele came face to face with Officer Brown.

William Brown was young, but certainly no rookie. He was assigned the job of inspection upon arrival, at first as a joke, since no one thought that someone with so little experience could handle such a task, but he proved them wrong. Standing only 5’9’’ with a thin, yet muscular build, he didn’t exactly have the looks to scare away the newcomers. Somehow he gets the job done, and it’s still a mystery to the higher ups who gave him the job in the first place.

“Adele Luis,” he stated, glancing up from a folder to look at the new female prisoner, a famous one at that.

She nodded briefly, not really deeming anyone in this rat hole worthy of receiving a verbal reply.

“Let’s begin the inspection, then,” he said simply, leading Adele and her body guards down the dingy corridor to a more open room…a room with a glass window. William moved in closer toward Adele, at least much closer than she would have preferred, and rested his hands on her hips.

“This is going to be my favorite part,” he grinned, exposing his crooked, discolored teeth.

“I can do it myself,” Adele asserted, pushing his hands off her.

The smile dropped. “You don’t have that option anymore.” And after a loud buzzer rang, indicating the locked door, William got to work.

He started with her jacket, a black leather one at that. It was tossed to the ground like it was worth no value, which actually almost made Adele mad. She understood why she was being treated the way she was…but her jacket never hurt anyone.

He dragged his perverted fingers down her legs to her boots and pulled them off, shaking them around to make sure nothing was concealed inside. The shirt Adele was wearing happened to be button-up, which was a poor choice on her part. William smiled ever so slightly as he traveled down her torso, then ripped her shirt entirely off; the pants came next.

Adele felt a strange feeling, other than the shivers running down her spine from the chilly air. It felt like she was being watched…like hungry eyes were just devouring the sight of her semi-naked body. She remembered the mirror-like wall that was right in front of her…could it be that that was a two-way mirror?

She turned her head so that she had a better view of the wall. Her eyes squinted tightly together but then immediately widened when the truth came to her. It was a tinted mirror on her side…and a window into her room from the other side. She could now see the outline of what looked like hundreds of guys crammed up against the window itself, all anxious for a good view.

“Perverted horn dogs,” she muttered in disgust.

William glanced up at her, confused as to whether or not he had heard her correctly. Finally, he figured out what she was talking about. “Ah, you figured it out,” he smirked, slowly walking over to a wall covered in switches and panels.

After a small vibrating noise, the mirror went away and was transformed into a legit window. She could hear the guys howling in the other room. She scanned the faces of her ‘admirers’ and her eyes stopped on two of the guys right up front. Something about them…just gave her a very bad feeling.

Brian and Matt got to the party a little late, seeing as they were busy having a little physical fun back out in the yard.

“Why the fuck is the room so packed? It’s not like everyone here has turned gay!” Matt growled, pushing as many guys aside as possible so that he and Brian actually ended up in the front. They both anxiously watched the door knob twist open and Officer Brown walk in accompanied with…a girl?!

“Do you see what I’m seeing?” Brian gasped.

I grinned, “I most definitely do. I never thought I’d say it, but this place just got about ten times better. This is going to be a good show.”

It wasn’t until Officer Brown had lifted the mirror cover that this new female prisoner realized exactly what had been going on. Her eyes centered almost exactly right on Brian and Matt.

“Dude,” Brian nudged, “she’s staring right at us.”

“Good thing too. Then she won’t be so surprised when we pay her a visit,” he snickered.

“Time to finish this off,” William announced, as if Adele would even want to do that anymore now that she had an unwanted audience.

“Are you insane? There are a bunch of disgusting sickos out there and you want me to get naked in front of them?!” she gasped incredulously.

He shrugged, “Best to get used to it now…you’ll have to shower eventually.”

Her jaw dropped down instantly. Can this honestly get any worse? Adele was positive the answer was going to be yes. Disgusted, embarrassed, and angry, she pulled down the straps of her bra letting it drop down to her feet. Her thong came next. She could only imagine how many guys were jacking off in the other room.

Once the strip search was complete, Adele was handed a very bland orange jumpsuit, a pair of black tennis shoes, a towel, and a room assignment. She followed the officer through the halls, with all too many cells packed into each floor. This place was undoubtedly over crowded.

“Here we are,” the guard said, stopping in front of Cell #2221a.

It was too dark inside to get a really good luck, but Adele stepped forward into the darkness anyway. It had to be better than standing out in the open for more disgusting men to know of her presence. The door clinked shut behind her, concealing her inside.

She walked forward and felt something small hit her forehead…the pull string of a light bulb. She tugged on the metal chain and then light filled the room. Her inmate was asleep on the lower bunk, facing the wall.

The once chipped, white walls had long since been covered in a series of things – writing, blood, piss, you name it. There was a small window up high toward the ceiling, barely offering much view of the prison’s parking lot. It was barred shut, obviously. A small white toilet was on the other side of the room with a sink covered in rust. The mirror was cracked and covered in dirt. Some cockroaches were clustered together under the toilet, which made Adele yelp.

The springs on the mattress were strained, indicating that her inmate was woken up by the scream. “Who the bloody hell are you?” the voice asked.

Adele’s heart jumped up into her throat. She spun around to face the guy that was giving her a very annoyed look. “You’re a guy?!” she gasped, blinking a few times to make sure she was seeing this correctly.

“What does it look like?” he asked, with a very evident British accent.

“Hey,” she defended, “from behind you look like a girl…”

It looked like he was about to leap forward and attack Adele for that one, but he remained seating and just crossed his arms over his chest. “You just wish your hair looked like this,” he muttered.

Adele shook her head, not believing how much worse this situation seems to grow. “Well whatever…least you can do is tell me your name. We’re gonna be sharing this room you know.”

He laughed outright, “Sharing the room you say? Bitch I don’t know who you think you are, but I was here first…been here for a while. This room is mine.”

“Ok, whatever helps you sleep at night.”

“You don’t deserve to know my name,” he said, turning back around and falling asleep.

“Wonderful,” Adele said under her breath. It didn’t bother her all that much…she knew she’d find out his name eventually.

The day turned to night, and Adele had done nothing but count the amount of times “Fuck You” had been written on the ceiling alone. She was at about 16 or so. A buzzer rang out and all of the doors automatically opened.

“Come on you lazy slobs, it’s time to eat,” one of the guards yelled out as the prisoners filed into lines walking toward what Adele assumed to be the cafeteria.

Anxious to get some food, she tried to push her way forward in the line. One of the inmates wasn’t too happy about that, so he had one of his buddies stick his foot up and trip Adele. She went flying toward the ground, but ended up bumping into someone instead.

“Oh shit I’m sorry,” she breathed out, gripping his shoulder for support.

The man turned around, about to say something but froze before the words came out. Their eyes locked and instantly the dismal place they had come to know didn’t seem so bad right then.

“M-Matt Tuck, is that you?” she asked, hardly able to speak.

Matt closed his agape mouth and swallowed. “It’s me, Adele. Why the hell are you here?”

She sighed, “It’s a long ass story. Let’s get some food and I’ll tell you all of it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
a big thanks to: Living Alive, Just_Nicole, TorturedAngel, WaayTooObsessed, lizicea7x, bamftastic, and Synderella-Gates for the comments. you guys rock!

in the next chapter: adele and matt catch up, adele finds out who her mysterious inmate is, and brian and matt decide how to catch adele's attention.

5 comments please!!