Prisoner of Your Love

Repressed Desires


As Adele prepared to leave that horrible room, she noticed that the guard was still waiting for her at the entrance. She grinned thankfully, believing that now maybe her thirst for justice could finally be quenched.

“Oh, I’m so glad to see you,” she breathed out once he realized she was ready to go.

He rolled his eyes, “Sorry, I can’t say the same for you.”

Adele was a little surprised by the unexpected reply, but carried on anyway. “Please, sir, I’d like to file a complaint,” she informed him, politely yet urgently.

Yet again, his lack of interest seemed overwhelming. “What do you think this is, some sort of committee?”

She shook her head no, pausing momentarily to carefully select her words. “Look,” she said getting straight to the point, “I was just violated in that shower room, and I would appreciate it if you could please punish those men!”

He started laughing as he forced Adele to keep walking toward her cell. “Hate to disappoint you, but you’re in jail now. No one gives a fuck what goes on in there, so I suggest you get used to it.”

Adele’s jaw instantly dropped after hearing that. “But that can’t be. Criminals have rights too,” she protested.

Unfortunately, they had arrived at the cell sooner than she had hoped. “Just get in there,” he groaned, already tired of the five-minute conversation this female prisoner was trying to drag out.

Adele cringed as the door locked behind her and the hall light simultaneously turned off. The small, barred window was the only thing that was offering any sign of light in the cell. She could tell that Oli was already asleep because of the light, yet obnoxious snoring coming from his direction.

Quietly, she crawled around in the dimness trying to find the switch to the small lamp in the room. After clicking it on, she waited, watching for some sort of movement…either outside of the cell or in Oli’s bed. She was about to change out of her orange jumpsuit and into whatever they provided here for pajamas, but couldn’t seem to find anything but orange jumpsuits in the small locker near the toilet.

“What kind of place is this?” she groaned, feeling her level of disgust continuously increase. She loosened the buttons at the top of the jumpsuit in an attempt to make the outfit a bit more comfortable for sleeping.

She was heading for the bunked beds, ready for sleep, but something else caught her attention. Oli was sprawled across his bed, completely twisted in his sheets, half of which were dangling on the dirty tile floor. Despite the fact that she did not really like this man, and he felt the same toward her, she couldn’t help but approach him.

Slowly, she picked the covers up off the ground and placed them over his body. She tucked the sheets under his body so that he was nice and cozy. Just as she went to reach for the lamp, she heard movement. Adele glanced over her shoulder and smiled as she saw Oli’s hands grip the sheets, pulling them closer to his face as he snuggled his head further into the pillow, searching for the utmost position of comfort.

And Adele felt almost sick to think that she was smiling at this person’s cuteness…when only hours ago he had hurt her. But regardless of what had happened, perhaps there could still be hope for a friendship between Oliver Sykes and Adele Luis – or at least this was what Adele found herself wishing for as she crawled up the narrow metal ladder and rested her head on the cool pillow.

Now, Adele was usually one of those people who not only had plain dreams, but also never remembered them when she would wake up. But for some strange reason, perhaps it was the new surroundings, her creativity was about to flare up tonight…

Adele’s POV

I’m not sure where I’m at…everything seems to be blurred right now. I try and focus my vision, feeling slightly scared not knowing where I was. I heard a familiar voice saying something in the distance. It was Matt’s voice.

“Matt, where are you?” I called out, trying to reach around me, touching nothing but air.

I followed the sound of laughter, hoping to find Matt. With each step that I took forward, my vision would become clearer and clearer. It was obvious that I was still in jail, thanks to the barred window straight in front of me. There was a circular poker table complete with five seats in the center of the room. There was only one open seat left, the others being occupied by Matt…Shadows…Synyster…and Oli.

“Nice of you to join us, baby,” Shadows grinned, his teeth covered in metallic grills. It almost made him look even more demonic, if that was possible.

“Actually, if you don’t mind I think I’ll just watch,” I replied, focusing in over on Matt.

I highly doubt that he would be seen with the likes of these low-life…and yet, here he is playing poker and laughing with them as if they’d been friends all their lives. Hell, even Oli had a smile on his face.

“This seat was meant just for you,” Synyster insisted as he gave a hard tug on my arm sending me flying into the metal chair. Looks like I’m stuck playing now…

The game continued onward, each of the guys making stupid comments and taking swigs of their beers. I just played the game to the best of my ability, only ever betting small amounts. Then, just as it was my turn to draw, the air became suddenly sticky and hot. “Has it gotten hotter in here?” I breathed out.

“You know,” Oli pondered, “now that you mention it, I suppose it has gotten a bit toasty in here.”

And nearly simultaneously, they all ripped their white t-shirts off and sat at the table, completely shirtless. I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander at the sight before me. Shadows and Synyster, both with their tattooed, sculpted torsos within eye’s sight. And of course Oli and his entirely tattooed chest. And Matt with his hair falling into perfect position on his bare shoulders.

“Why don’t you take your shirt off, too. You’d be cooler,” Matt suggested with a tone of lust that reminded me of those nights we spent together during my brief stay in London. Oh how badly I wanted him back then. Perhaps now something could come of it. Perhaps destiny is finally lending its hand.

Nervously, I pulled my own white t-shirt off, leaving me in my bra and pants. As predicted, all the guys put their cards to the side and stared unashamed at my chest, with my boobs completely filling the C-cup bra.

Even though Synyster and Shadows were sitting at opposite sides of the table and the room was dimly lit, I could tell that they were exchanging glances. “I don’t know about you boys,” Shadows began, licking his lips, “but I think I see something a little bit more interesting to play with than these cards.”

My eyes widened as I watched each of them smile in agreement and place their cards down on the table. “Matt,” Shadows announced, “why don’t you have the honors?”

Matt, who seated next to me, smirked as he turned to face me and without any hesitation at all, leaned forward, pulling my head closer to his until our lips met. Waves of happiness and fulfillment passed through my body as I wrapped my arms around his neck, further encouraging this.

The other guys sat around the table watching almost excitedly, giving the occasional cheer. Matt pulled back a little, staring directly in my eyes as he rested his forehead on mine. “I’ve waited so long for this,” he smiled. I

never realized how badly I had missed him…or how badly I had wanted him. I seemed to be at a loss of words at this point, so I simply nodded my head and waited for him to return to what he had been doing. And just as he was about to continue, Synyster spoke up with a new suggestion.

“I think that’s enough, Matt. We all need a turn with her.” Matt was hesitant to back away, but the moment that he did, insanity was let loose.

Syn grinned with eyes full of lust as he turned me to face him. “Actually,” he pondered, standing up and walking behind me, “I like being center stage.”

He leaped forward, pushing me off the chair and right onto the poker table. I cringed as my back made contact with the table and stacks of chips. “Shads, help me out here,” Syn said, pulling my arms above my head where Shadows was sitting. Of course he gladly obliged.

Now, with both of his free hands, Syn pulled my pants off in one quick motion. “I’ll show you some real pleasure,” he grunted as he crawled on top of me, suddenly pants-less himself.

I wanted to protest, I wanted to scream, and I wanted to escape. But I didn’t. I just laid there, practically spreading my legs for him…almost wanting him to continue with this. I finally did, however, let a scream escape my lips the moment after Syn’s rather large dick made its way into my vagina. I couldn’t tell if it was out of pain or pleasure….but I didn’t want this to stop either way!

Shadows suddenly released my arms as he jumped up on the table, sending the cards flying all over the place. He lifted my body up so I was reclined against his legs. The bra was removed and his hands so generously replaced it, squeezing roughly.

“I want some action, too,” Oli complained right before he joined us on the table, sucking on my neck with the occasional sharp bite or two.

Although there wasn’t much room in between all of us, Matt still found his way inside. “Now, where were we?” he smiled, leaning forward and meeting up with my lips, this time not waiting before shoving his tongue inside.

The harder Oli bit, the deeper Syn dug inside me, the rougher Matt squeezed, and the better Matt kissed, the more my body seemed to convulse under all the pleasure.

Matt grinned as I moaned into the kiss, unable to keep my feelings to myself. All at once, as if they all knew what they were doing to me, they sped each of their actions up with great intensity. My stomach felt like it was about to explode as the pleasure continued to collect. My head titled backwards as I felt myself reach my peak and release my juices all over Syn’s retreating dick. And I was loving every moment.

Adele woke up in her new bed startled and screaming as she glanced around the room, making sure she was anywhere but in that damned poker room. Her heartbeat was racing probably faster than it should have been, and she felt ridiculously on edge.

“What the bloody hell is your problem?” Oli muttered angrily from below her.

Adele took in a few deep breaths to calm herself down. “Sorry…just had a bad d-dream,” she managed to get out.

He scoffed, “Aw, what a little baby.”

She just chose to ignore his comment and try instead to analyze that awful dream she had just experienced. Perhaps what disturbed her the most was the fact that not only did she not stop what had happened, but she enjoyed it as well.

“What kind of sick…slutty person am I?” she questioned herself quietly.

The only way she was able to comfort herself, after several minutes of trying, was to assure herself that none of that would happen in real life…that she didn’t have those feelings for them in real life.

All she had to do was avoid Shadows and Synyster entirely, keep things with Matt on a friendly basis alone, and just stop even trying to make peace with Oli. By the time she sorted out her mind, Adele found herself smiling. Now she had a resolve to live for…and a way to prevent that dream from ever happening in real life.

Thus, throughout the day, Adele crept around every corner, glanced over each of her shoulders, and hid behind some large inmates to avoid being seen at all costs. Even when she saw Matt out in the yard, she just couldn’t allow herself to run out there. She wouldn’t be able to be alone in the open for a couple more days. Hopefully by then, Shadows and Syn will have forgotten her and moved on to torturing some other unlucky person, or so she wished.

As she was returning to her cell, she saw that Shadows and Syn were standing, or rather intimidating some poor inmate, right on the path leading to her destination. She groaned before quickly hiding behind the wall, running into someone walking in the opposite direction.

“Oh, I’m really sorry. I didn’t know someone else was here…it’s so dark,” she said sheepishly.

The man continued walking forward, but stopped and faced her once he was standing in the light. The man was none other than Oli Sykes. “Could you be any more annoying?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and looking sincerely bothered.

“I said I was sorry,” Adele said lowly, not anywhere near in the mood for his attitude.

“You seem to be hiding from something. Mind filling me in?” he asked suddenly.

Adele’s eyes widened in surprise, not only that her intentions were obvious, but also that he cared enough to ask her about it. But nevertheless, she was hesitant. This man didn’t deserve to know what was on her mind…and yet she felt the need to tell someone about what had happened, just to get it off her chest. She’d prefer that person to be Matt, but perhaps Oli will just have to do.

Reluctantly, Adele told Oli about the shower incident yesterday and how she feared those men, hoping to never run into them again. “And that’s why I’m all jumping and sneaking around,” she admitted, “I refuse to run into them again as long as it’s in my power.”

Oli didn’t have much advice to offer, other than that he understood why she wouldn’t want to get tangled up with guys like Shadows and Synyster. After the conversation, Adele looked around the corner and saw that the guys had left.

“Are you heading to the cell?” she asked Oli.

“Err, no. I have other business to attend to first,” he said, heading back in the direction he had come from.

Yes, Oliver Sykes did indeed have other business to attend to…as he spoke to two people in a dark corridor.
♠ ♠ ♠
in the next chapter: syn and shads seem to know adele's every move which makes her even more nervous, the boys close in on her, causing her to break into a full out sprint, she makes it safely to matt's cell and tells him everything

and of course a huge THANK YOU to: MusicMadness, bamftasic, Ello Ashleyy, Just_Nicole, onelove., screamedlullaby, MusicMakesMeLove, and brianna7x for the great comments =]]
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