‹ Prequel: Cirque De Panicke

Cirque De Panicke: Part Deux.

Chapter 4.

Ella just stared at him, before turning her back to him. “I know you went to see her, El.” She could hear him get up, move towards her. “I saw you casting the spell earlier.”

“You had no right to do that.” She turned, her voice sharp. Brendon was a few feet away from her. “You don’t have any right to spy on me.”

Brendon raised an eyebrow. “Who spied? Anyone could have looked in and seen you. And it just so happened that person was me.”

Ella looked down, staring at her wedding ring and spinning it around her finger. “She’s working in a bookstore.” Ella said finally. “A little quiet one. And her name’s Rosie now.”

“It’s not too far from before.” Brendon said, a small smile on his face. Ella sat down on the bed, and Brendon sat beside her. “What was she like?”

“She was everything that she was before. Same sense of humour, same everything.” Ella leaned into Brendon as he put her arm around her. “She’s 22. That’s how old she was when she got pregnant and had me.” Ella’s eyes glistened. “I wish… I wish she knew who she was before. I would give anything for one last conversation with her.”

“Hey, hey. It’s alright, Ells.” Brendon put both his arms around her, holding her close as she cried. “It’ll be fine, Ella. I’m sure of it.”

Ella nodded, but stayed where she was. William wouldn’t get jealous if he walked in and found Ella practically in Brendon’s lap, he’d just make a joke. That was something she loved about William. He wouldn’t get jealous of a single person in the circus if they hugged her or kissed her cheek.

15 minutes later, Ella had composed herself enough that she could go find everyone else.

“Bren, can you not mention this to anyone else? Especially dad.” She said. “I don’t want him to get hurt.”

“Sure honey, if that’s what you want.” Brendon said.

“Honey?” William walked in, eyebrow raised but a mischievous smile on his face. “Not cheating on me, are you baby?”

Ella sighed dramatically. “I’m sorry William, I’m in love with Brendon.” She swooned into his arms, making them all giggle.

“I’ll leave you guys to it. And keep the privacy spell up next time. We don’t want to hear you going at it again.” Brendon smirked, making Ella blush profusely.

“That was 20 years ago! Get over it!” William shouted at Brendon’s retreating back.

Ella just stood there giggling until William picked her up and carried her to the bed. Ella waved a hand, said a spell, and from all appearances outside, nothing was happening inside the tent of the married couple.