Status: Hiatus

He's Really Falling in Love With Me

Awkward Moment.

This morning when I woke up I decided to wear something that would show off my assets, being my boobs. I walked to my closet and pulled out my favorite outfit which was a long black tank top with a low cut, denim skinny jeans, purple, suede heels, and a simple purple heart and bow necklace to draw attention to my chest. I don't really know why I did this, I just really wanted him to notice me, and well boobs normally always get a guy to look in your direction.

Just then my sister Valerie walked into my room probably trying to bum some clothes off me. The only words out of her mouth were "Slut."

"Shut up, hoe." I snapped back some what jokingly. Looks like she's not getting any clothes today.

I left my room and headed down stairs to grab my purse and leave. I walked outside and got in my mums minivan. I was off to school.


The school bell rang giving me exactly five minutes to get to my locker and US History on time. As I was walking the halls towards my locker, our school anthem came on the loud speakers. I got to my locker and pulled out the big ass history book and two notebooks. I was now set until third period. I shut my locker and started off towards room 309 on the opposite side of the school. As I turned the corner to the 300 hallway the Hi Ho song from Snow White began to play leaving me 2 minutes to get to class. When I got to class I took my seat behind my good friend Marissa.

"Hey Maris, what's up?" I said as i sat down.

"Hey! Nothing, do you have the homework from last night? I only got the first half done." she asked turning around to face me.

"Mhmm, I did the last half so can I copy your first half?"

"Sure, I'll copy yours really quick." She pulled my paper off my desk and began scribbling away.

I had nothing to do while she copied my homework so I bent over to check my phone. I had a missed alert from Valerie. Since Marissa and I sit all the way in the back of the class, I took my phone out and hid it behind my large text book. I guess big books come in handy sometimes. Our teacher really didn't care if we had our phones out, well maybe just my friend and I but that doesn't matter. The only reason we had to hide our phones was because or scary vice principal might see them out and get everyone in trouble, and no one wanted to lose the privledge to have your phone out in Marley's' history class.

I pressed to view the text from my sister which read, sorry about this morning. i was just kidding. you look fine. I was about to reply to her when Marissa turned around and handed both my homework and hers to me.

"Here you go, thanks!" She was always really cheerful, that's one of the reasons we became friends. Everyone needs someone who can cheer you up, even if they don't know they're doing it.

'No problem." I took the papers from her and started copying down her work.


Hours passed and it was now time for lunch. I was pretty nervous to hear what Matt had to say. I decided to be really late to lunch today because Jeremy was always at least five minutes late, and I wanted to know. But that's not the reason I wanted to be late, I wanted to make an entrance, i wanted to walk by him in my revealing outfit.

About ten minutes pass, which I spent in the bathroom fixing my hair and make up. I put all my things back in my purse and headed out. The cafeteria was right across the hall. I only had to walk down one isle to get to my table and on the way was Jeremy's. So i walked in the cafeteria, and of course at this point I was the only one standing up so everyone saw me, including Jeremy. As I was approaching his table I looked over to see if he was still looking at me. He was. Have you ever had one of those moments where you look at someone and they catch your eye? Well it was like that but times a billion. I couldn't look away from his gaze, it was like slow motion. I finally turned my head and walked the rest of he space to my table. I felt my confidence come back full force.

As usual, I took my seat next to Matt. I pulled out my brown paper bagged lunch and set it on the table although I wasn't very hungry. What I really wanted was to hear what Matt had to say, and I was ready for it.

"So," I turned towards Matt, "what did you say and what did he say back?"

"Oh hey, well I asked him if he knew who you were and yada yada and he said he thought you were crazy pretty and wanted to get to know you."

"SCORE!" I did one of those hand gestures where you clap then pump your fist in the air.

"Yea, you should talk to him now." he insisted.

"I will when I want to." Why didn't I want to talk to him now? Because my confidence ran away again.

"Fine, if you don't go talk to him I'll bring him over here." Matt began to get up from his seat.

I squeaked out, "No Matt! Don't!"

Matt walked away from our table and headed over towards Jeremy's. I was freaking out at this point. I didn't even know what to say to him. I put my head in my hands thinking frantically about what I was going to say. Oh my god, they are walking over here! FUCK! I fixed my hair really fast and adjusted my shirt. Matt and Jeremy were less then a few feet away and all I could think about was how hot he looked. Thinking that caused all thoughts of what I planned to say to him disappear. This was not going to be good.

Jeremy sat down in Matt's usual seat, up close and personal to me. Matt pulled a chair over from another table and sat on the other side of Jeremy. FAIL FAIL FAIL!

"Hi," was all I managed to get out.

"Hey," his voice was so sexy, it made me melt inside, "how are you?"

'Um, I'm fine, you?" This was going terrible. He probably thought I was dumb.

"I'm good now that I'm here." Oh my god! Did he just say that? I must have imagined it. Then I did the most stupid thing I could have possibly done.


"I'm good now that I'm over here talking to you." He smiled then most adorable smile know to man kind.

I hadn't imagined it, he really said it! What am I supposed to say to that?

"Oh, um, that's good." What else was I supposed to say?

Just then the bell rang. Lunch was over and so was this horrific conversation, on my part. I started to gather my things and place them in my purse. I had completely forgot Jeremy was still sitting next to me. I looked up to see what he was doing. He was just sitting there was a slight grin watching me. Boy, was that embarrassing.

"Can I have a hug goodbye?" he asked sweetly.

"Sure," I said as I got up to hug him. He was really tall. He had to be at least 6'1". I gave him a hug but I only came up to his chest which was funny to me because I'm usually taller then everyone.

"I'll talk to you later or something," he said. He wanted to talk to me again!

"Alright, cya." Then we walked away from each other in opposite directions although I had to go that was too, but I wasn't about to.

Later couldn't come soon enough.
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