

-Chapter One.

The lights at the concert flashed across the sky, blending in with all the heavenly satellites. It was an elaborate set up, big stage, huge curtains, about ten thousand seats. The performance tonight was Panic! at the Disco with Bright Eyes as an opening act. Bright Eyes was playing music from their Casadaga album, and Ryan Ross was watching from behind the scenes. He looked the lead singer of Bright Eyes, Conor Oberst, up and down.

He thought he was beautiful. Even though he was currently pretty steady with Jac Vanek, he felt so attracted to Conor. He looked him up and down, admiring every inch of his thin, perfectly proportioned body. “That boy has such a nice body, especially his ass,” thought Ryan. Conor’s ass was perfect. Nice and round and protruded from his backside just the right amount. It was time for an intermission. Conor was soaking wet with sweat form the hot stage lights. He and Ryan shared a dressing room, and Ryan just happened to be in there when he decided to change shirts.

As he slipped the wet cotton t shirt from his thin but ripped body, Ryan couldn’t help but stare. As Conor revealed more of his tight, muscular stomach, Ryan started getting hard. Very hard. He launched into a fantasy where he had Conor up against the dressing room wall, licking him up and down his firm body until he got to his pants, which he unbuttoned with his mouth, and kissed him lightly there, through his soft cotton boxer briefs. Just as Conor was squealing with joy, Ryan jerked out of his fantasy into a rude reality.

“Hey,” Conor said in a slightly uncomfortable tone of voice. “Nice bulge.” Ryan was left speechless. “Umm…uh…,” is all he could mange.

As Conor walked away, he noticed he was looking at him in a flirty, playful way. Ryan just smiled.
“Hey,” Ryan said. “Sorry about my,uh…problem earlier. Sometimes that just happens unexpectedly.”

“Oh it’s cool man ,”Conor said. “You were totally thinking of me, right?”

“Yeah, you would like to think that, wouldn’t you?,” said Ryan ,”Sooo I was thinking, maybe you and me could hang out tomorrow.”

Conor looked slightly surprised. “Uh, yeah sure I guess that would be cool. I’m not doing anything, and since this is the last day of the tour I was planning on staying in LA for a few days.

” Ryan smiled sweetly. “Alright then. I’ll be at your hotel room at around eleven. We can go to lunch, shopping, all that fun stuff.” Conor smirked. “Ok, I’m looking forward to it.”
Conor made his way out to the tour bus, while Ryan was standing there, a large grin on his face. “He’s mine,” thought Ryan slyly.

The next day, Ryan was driving up to Conor’s hotel room. It was a perfect day. The ocean was azure and the breeze fresh. Palm trees swayed in the wind and the sun reflected off the sprawling skyline. Ryan pulled up to Conor’s hotel. He was staying in the penthouse of the Hollywood Roosevelt. It was a lavish hotel; gold plated ceilings, large entry hall, all the things Conor loved. Ryan got on the elevator.

The only other passenger was a boy who at first Ryan though was a girl. He had on a Jeffree Star jacket with tight jeans and pink Dior sunglasses.

“…HOLY SHIT,” he screamed, startling Ryan. “YOUR RYAN ROSS!!! FUCK ME NOWWW!!!!!,” he yelled. Ryan was very taken aback by his bluntness.

“Uh, well I would love to but I have a date with Conor right now.” The boy, who’s name was later found out to be Tyler, was shocked. “Soooo….you’re GAYY!?!?!?,” He seemed very ecstatic.

“No,” Ryan said. “I normally date girls, but there’s just something about this boy…” “Awww!” Tyler said. “That’s great, but just know…I have a Ryro shrine.” “That’s cool.” Ryan said. “Want my number, email, IM and stuff?” Tyler was speechless; he turned pail. “ Jesus yes.” He stammered.

So they exchanged contact information, and all such things. “hmmm…”Ryan thought, “ I think he seems pretty cool, I think I’ll keep in touch.” Tyler walked off the elevator and walked away with Raquel Reed.

As Tyler got off the elevator, another girl got on. She looked like a scene queen. Her hair was pink with blonde and black streaks in it. She had on a Jeffree Star shirt, rainbow jacket, and her jeans were as skinny as she was. She smiled warmly, and Ryan returned the gesture. The doors opened again, and a guy Ryan recognized as Travis McCoy from Gym Class Heroes got on. The girl's expression changed and she looked angry.
"Oh HELL no! I don't even want to talk to you right now!" she yelled at him. "look just-" he started before she cut him off. "NO! I don't want to talk to you! You're a jerk!" she yelled.

Ryan felt kind of awkward being trapped in a little box while the two argued. Not that he really got a word out. When the doors opened again, the girl stormed away. Travis turned to Ryan and said "White women!" exasperatedly, and then followed her. Ryan fought the urge to laugh, before getting off the elevator himself and going to find Conor's room. He found the door, and knocked. Conor answered.

“Hey there,” he said. Ryan didn’t speak, instead, he bum rushed Conor and pinned hime against the wall, kissing him deeply. Conor just moaned and returned the passionate kiss, slipping Ryan the tongue. Conor reached down and started to fondle Ryan’s package. Ryan shooed his hand away. “Not just yet,” he said. “We have to go on our little date first, remember?” “Yeah,” Conor said.

They walked down the opulently furnished hotel hallway and heard a crash in one of the sitting rooms. Contained in the room were Travis and his lady friend, who he later found out was named Juliette, and was Tyler’s best friend. The crash apparently came from when Juliette had picked a large metal nick-knack from a side table and hurled it across the room at Travis. It had gone through the window, possibly hitting someone’s car. “OH! You gonna call me a silly white woman? I’ll show your dumb black ass!” she yelled.

She then proceeded to walk over and beat up Travis, which, oddly enough, ended in them passionately kissing. “Uhm, I think they must have a love hate thing going on,” Conor said hesitantly. “Yeah,” Ryan said, “Let’s go babe.” He put his arm around Conor’s waist and they went off to Ryan’s car.

They drove to the more artistic part of town, and pulled up to a small indie theatre which happened to be showing The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the time. “Wow!,” Conor exclaimed, “I fucking love that movie!” “I do too,” Ryan said smoothly, “Well, shall we?” Ryan was very suave in the way he carried himself, especially when he was around Conor. He was more attracted to him every second they were together, and it had taken a lot of self control to not try anything immediately.

They entered the theatre, holding hands of course, and found their seats. Since this was an older theatre, sometimes it had to improvise on seating. So Ryan and Conor sat on a big, old van seat towards the back. The unusual seating gave it character, and made a lot of people to want to visit it. Ryan and Conor sat as close as possible to each other, fingers interlaced, Conor’s head on Ryan’s shoulder. They were both so attracted to each other, but neither of them wanted to admit it.
They both were afraid of rejection, so they just stuck to meager lust. After the movie and the make out session, Conor suggested that they go for a walk in the park.

“That sound like a wonderful thing to do,” Ryan said in his usual deep, charming voice.

They both then got in Ryan’s car and drove down the eccentric streets lined with crazy little shops to the local park. The park in this part of town was beautiful, the grass was green and lush. It covered the park like a thick, green quilt. There was every kind of tree imaginable and the rainbow of wild flowers was in full bloom.

“This is so beautiful,” Ryan said, “I’ve never been here before.”

Conor smiled, “I have, and now I’m going to show you my favorite spot.”

They walked off in the direction of the pond that was the central focus of the park. There were a few happy couples there, and some older people feeding the pigeons. Conor took Ryan to a secluded part of the park. It was a small alcove just off the walking path that encircled the pond.

There was a patch of flowers, and an ornate bench that was on an old pier that jutted out over the pond. They both sat on the bench, their bodies close, and gazed out at the fiery embers of sun that flicked the sky as the sun set over the edge of the pond.

“This is so beautiful…”

Ryan trailed off. Apparently he was enticed by the beauty of the sunset and Conor. “I really thin it’s time to go back to my room and…uh…watch a movie,” Conor winked, and Ryan got the picture.

They drove quickly back to Conor’s hotel, and almost crashed because Conor was giving Ryan head while he was driving. Just enough to tease, but enough to please. When they got back to Conor’s suite, they wasted no time. Ryan was pulling off his shirt, and his jeans came soon after.

“So,” Conor whispered lustfully, “ what do you tell your girlfriend when you come to see me?”

Ryan stopped for a second, in the middle of undoing Conor’s pants with his mouth. “Well, seeing as we’ve only been together for a little while, I just tell her I’m going to meet a friend,” Ryan said, sweat already starting to accumulate on his smooth, perfect face.

“But,” he began, “I think your better than any girl I’ve ever been with….” Ryan grunted and slowly lowered Conor’s khakis, kissing his package over his boxer briefs.

Conor began to get hard and wet with the slow, smooth kisses. Ryan was in nothing but his boxers by this time, and Conor’s clothing was becoming less and less. Ryan slid off Conor’s underwear abd pulled out his thick, quivering member. Ryan began to suck Conor off, sliding up and down his cock in a slow, fluid motion. “Oh god!” Conor moaned, “It…feels….so good!” Ryan continued what he was doing, and it wasn’t long before Conor came. The warm, gooey luiquid was all over the sofa and Ryan.