Status: On Indefinite Hold...

Lisa Queen Cheetah

Post-Cognitive Vision

"OK, what was his name and why did he attack me?" Lisa asked after the alien disappeared into a swirling vortex.

"His name is Kish," the blond haired guy replied. "I'm Ryou, by the way. And I don't know why he attacked you. Do you have any ideas yourself about that?" He turned in her direction as she stood to her full 5’2” height.

“Well,” she muttered, “maybe it’s because I’m a human and his queen wants us all dead?”

“Probable,” he murmured. “What’s your name?”


“Nice to meet you, Lisa,” he said, extending a hand.

“Pleasure,” she replied, shaking the hand. “What do we do about Kish?”

“First, I need you to come to my café,” he said, gesturing in the direction he’d been heading. “Everyone needs to know about your vision, and the easiest way would be to have you tell them yourself.”

“OK, I’ll come. Lead the way.” Lisa was slipping back into her ditsy, unobservant, pre-vision mode, but, of course, she didn’t notice. Ryou didn’t try to talk to her, just led the way to the new Café Mew Mew.

Suddenly, she gasped, her eyes losing their green tint in their cloudiness. She was having a post-cognitive vision this time, meaning it wouldn’t be as vague.

((From: Tokyo Mew Mew, Volume 1: I DO NOT OWN THIS PART OF THE STORY!

A girl with shoulder-length deep red hair and dark eyes, about twelve years old, was skipping at around at a zoo. She looked so thrilled about something. Then she spoke to herself in Japanese. Even though Lisa didn’t know much Japanese, definitely not enough to understand what she was saying, she knew what the girl was saying anyways.

“That could only mean…” she’d said aloud, leaning forward a bit.

“What does it mean?” someone else asked. It was a little blond girl with brown eyes. She popped out in front of the red haired girl, her face covered by a scary mask. “I found you!” she shouted.

“Whoa!” the red haired girl shouted back, black cat ears popping out on her head. When the blond removed her mask, she squatted down and the ears disappeared. “What is it? What do you need?”

“Your ears,” the blond murmured.


“Wow, you have cat ears!” she shouted, lunging at her. “How cool is that!” The red haired girl had a look of devastation on her face.

“Wait a minute!” she shouted.

“Here, kitty kitty!” The blond was running around with a little paper cat cut-out on her forehead. “Kitty kitty!”

“What about a cat?” a voice said from above.

“What?” said the red head.

“I wanted to see the human trying to sabotage our plans,” said that same voice. “But you’re pretty cute!”

“Who are you?” shouted the red head, looking to see a silhouette on a tall post. The person tossed down a large piece of fabric and it landed over her head. “Aaah! Wha—” she shouted, lifting it so she could see. He’d leaped gracefully to stand in front of her. When her face was clear of the fabric, he kissed her.

“My name is Kish,” he said when he pulled back, licking his lips with his large bit of fabric thrown over his shoulder. “Thanks for the kiss.”))

Lisa blinked, her eyes refocusing on Ryou who was looking back at her. He had one eyebrow raised.

“What was that about?” he asked rudely.

“I was having a post-cognitive vision,” she growled back. “I have those sometimes when the higher power believes I need to know something that happened.”

“What do you mean ‘post-cognitive’?”

She sighed. “A post-cognate psychic is a psychic who sees the past. Pre-cognate psychics see into the future. I’m both.”

He nodded. “Interesting. Anyways, we’re here. This is Café Mew Mew.” He waved a hand to a cute building with pink and gold paint.

She sucked in a breath, cupping her hands around her jawbone. “It’s so cute!”

“That’s the point. Come on.” He opened one of the double doors and led her in. The interior was decorated with white circular tables and heart-backed chairs. The paint was the same color scheme as the exterior: pink with gold trim. The waitresses were dressed in these cute uniforms, each with their own color. “Ichigo!” Ryou called.

The red haired girl from Lisa’s vision, only around seventeen now, rushed up. “What’s up?” she asked.

“Ichigo, this is Lisa. Lisa, this is Ichigo. Ichigo, Lisa is crucial to stopping a certain someone’s new plan. She’s gonna hang around the café until closing time so she explain. Give her what she asks for, it’s on me, and after work, she’s coming to a meeting in the basement with everyone.”

She nodded. “Anything else, Ryou?”

“Well, other than the fact that you should inform the others, no. Be nice. Later.” With that, he left.

“Right. Where do you want to sit?” she asked with a smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
The part in the double parentheses is from the first volume of the Tokyo Mew Mew manga. I DO NOT OWN IT! I thought that putting part of that up would make people want to read the manga.
BTW: The anime isn't out in English. The only thing you can get is English subs. Who thinks I should write in somewhere to get it out in English? Let me know and I might make it happen!
Subscribe Please! to write forever from the vampiric shadows! -- Kisshu Lover