Marlboro Boy

Society High.

I drive to school the longest way possible; the old highway near the shutdown nuclear plant that was closed since the seventies. No one goes on this highway, since they built the new fancy one. I drive on this highway for one reason; it totally disgusts me, I totally dig it.

Of course the high school is in the suburbs, and I live in the urban area. Typical. Why do the rich kids get everything?

I pull in the school parking lot, and smoke my newly lit cigarette, glaring at my ‘fellow’ students.
I see a geek go pass my car hurriedly, clutching his binder. I hear heavy footsteps behind him. A huge jock, Josh Penisler slams the poor geek to the floor. His glasses smashes on the pavement and the papers in his binder go flying. An outburst of laughter breaks out.
Poor kid.

The jock stood up and made eye contact with me. “What are you looking at?” I snap at him.
“What did you say?” josh breathes angrily.
The laughter stops, and everyone is staring at us.
I blow smoke into his big red face. Some one needs a hearing aid.
“You want me to repeat myself?” I ask coolly.
Josh just cracked his knuckles.
The bell rings and all the kids, including Josh panic to make it to homeroom.
What Pussies.
I sit in my car listening to my tapes, when I hear a knock on my window.
I jump and try to hide my cigarette, from the teacher who’s probably knocking on my window.
I look up with my big blue eyes and see Dan the Man, also known as the person who gets all my ciggs.
“Hey!” I shout and let him inside my car.
He plops himself in my passenger seat tucking his long greasy hair behind his ears.
“Hey, man” He shouts and giggles.
“Dude, are you high?” I laugh, but I just laugh to be polite. I don’t dig drugs.
Dan made a face and started laughing hysterically.
“Dude, I’m not down with this, Just give me my pack and let’s got o school”, I say impatiently.

Dan started to dig in his pockets. He held out a shaky hand and dropped a plastic bag filled wit white powder in my outstretched hand.

I held the bag up to my face and stared at it with disbelief.
“What the fuck?-“
“Shhhhhh! Shhh! My man, I just gave you the best shit.” Dan said quietly talking with his hands.

“I don’t want drugs Dan, I want my pack!” I yell in distraught.

He smiled hazily and walked out of my hair. He slammed up the pavement and tripped on the curb.