Two Shots to the Back of the Head

Hi, I'm Lacey Moore.
And I'm Aisling Holt!!
Aisling don't interrupt.
Oh, shut up. You do it all the time.
Yeah, but when I do it, it's not annoying.
Yeah, sure. You think that...

Lacey and Aisling led pretty normal lives. Yeah, once in a while they let lose and went a little crazy. Every teenager did at one point. And their best friends Seth and Synster always joined them. For as long as any of them could remember, it had always been the four of them.
That is, until Aisling met Frank Iero in her science class one day. He introduced them to the guys, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Bob Bryar, and Ray Toro.

They are really awesome. We're all like one big, dysfunctional family.
That's for sure.

Seven guys and two girls?

This is our story.
There's heartache, adventure, honesty, love-
patio chairs, Nightmare Before Christmas, insane moments, and alot of tickling.
So setlle in and get some popcorn.
'Cause you're in for one heck of a ride.
  1. The Local Strip Club
    "I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies"
  2. Run Around Town Naked
  3. I Want To Have Your Babies