Don't Be Scared, I'll Be Here

Don't Be Scared I'll Be Here (The Maine) Ch6

“Byron,” I heard Loren yell, “Dude cool you brought Ken too! What up man?” I was still looking at Pat; he took a big gulp and slowly looked over at Chloe. Her face was getting red, fast. “Yea she’s over there,” I heard Loren announce loudly. Within a minute I felt as if someone was standing behind me. I turned around expecting to see a very adorable face with a warming smile, beautiful deep green eyes, and a welcoming hug, when I did turn around all I saw was a chin.
“Not the best hello but we can work on that,” a voice said.
“What’s wrong Shawn? Are you speechless?” he smiled.
“Um no,” I said looking up at his face finally. Sure I would love to see his face plenty of times but Kennedy’s was the one that I really wanted to see.
“What’s wrong with Pat?”
“Oh uh well, Chloe is here, and she is apparently...”
“Kennedy’s ex,” he said walking over to her.
“Uh John? What are you doing?” I called after him.
“Pat do you know what he is doing?” I asked turning to Pat.
He just shrugged his shoulders, and said, “But Kennedy is coming this way and if she sees him... well let’s just say no one plans on going to the ER today.”
“Right,” I nodded my head. I turned around to see Kennedy coming this way; I smiled and ran to him. “Hey,” I said hugging him.
“I didn’t know you’d be coming. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It was a last minute decision; my brother forced me to come.”
“Oh,” I laughed.
“So let’s go this way,” I said pulling him towards Loren and his group of friends and away from Chloe.
“I DON’T THINK SO TROTTER!” a girl’s voice screamed. My eyes got wide and Kennedy turned around to see the voice was none other than Chloe’s.
“Wait, Trotter?” I questioned, “She must have the wrong person then right Kennedy?” I asked. Kennedy dropped my hand.
“I cannot believe you JF! It’s only been a month and your already trying to get in that sluts pants?!”
“Slut?! Who are you calling a slut?!”
“Who do you think blondie?” she spat. I couldn’t take it any more I launched her I was caught by three pairs of hands.
“Abby take her away now!” someone yelled, with that I was thrown into someone’s arms and taken to a tennis court on the other side of the park.
“Hi I am Abby,” the pale girl said to me. He had big hazel eyes and long black hair.
“Hi,” I spat crossing my arms across my chest, “so I am guessing you are not taking me back to the group.”
“Not until your cousin calls me and says it’s ok.”
“Great,” I said sarcastically, “Tell me this, why did Chloe call Kennedy JF and Trotter?”
“Ah you caught that didn’t you?” she sighed.
“Yea otherwise I wouldn’t have asked,” I spat.
“Well I am not allowed to tell. You are going to ask have to Kenned that yourself,” she said sitting down on the grass.
“Fine I will.”
“Ok.” We stayed there for about 15 minutes, Loren called her and we walked back to the group. Mark and Chloe had left which made me happy but Kennedy had disappeared with them. I went to find Loren too because he had disappeared also, all of a sudden I got this feeling that they didn’t want me to know what’s going on. I got close to a shed and stopped when I heard talking.
“You have to fix this.”
“I know. I am trying to trust me. It’s just hard she keeps popping up in my life for some reason.”
“Yea well I don’t want Shawn to be caught up in this.”
“Neither do I, trust me. I will do everything I can to keep this away from her.” With that I broke down crying and ran away not caring where I was running to. I turned a corner and bumped into someone.
“Whoa what happened Shawn?” I looked up to see John standing in front of me.
“Everything,” I screamed and buried my face into his chest.
“Come on lets go home.” I nodded my head and we walked to his car. As we pulled away I looked into the side mirror and saw Kennedy looking for someone. Most likely that someone was me.

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i put up abby's picture in the description too just so you know. but yea comments?? thanks for reading