Don't Be Scared, I'll Be Here

Don't Be Scared I'll Be Here(The Maine) Ch 9

A little girl with blonde hair in two little pigtails was hugging her bear she just got. Her eyes were full of tears.

“Daddy please don’t go. Mommy scares me.”

The man bent down on one knee to be eye level with the girl, “I know princess but mommy and daddy aren’t getting along.”

“But you’ll be back right?” the little girl pleaded. My eyes closed even tighter and my jaw tightened.

“I don’t know honey,” the man said shaking his head and looking at the floor. The image went black. I shifted my position. Another image came into my vision. Two school doors. I opened one and walked forward. I was in a hall with a bunch of lockers and classes. Some kids were standing around. One group looked familiar.

“Hey guys,” I said. They all looked at me like I was crazy. The smile that was once on my face faded. “Oh come on. John what about the food fight we had?”

“Who are you?” the tall brown haired boy said. My eyes started to water. My position shifted again.

I thought he was messing with my head so I turned to the boy next to me, “hey Pat do you want to go to Mojo’s with me later on today?”

He looked slightly confused, “I don’t know you but ok,” he shrugged.

“Oh come on patty cut it out.”

“Don’t call me that my name is Pat.”

“Okay. So Kennedy about the other day, I’m sorry.” I said to the boy with long brown hair standing across from me.

“My name isn’t Kennedy it’s JF,” he said angrily.

“JF!” I heard a girl squeal. There was Chloe right next to Kennedy. She gave me the most disgusted look ever and kissed Kennedy. I dropped my books and ran to the bathroom and sat against a wall and cried. My eyes shot open and tears were streaming down my face. Loren was sitting at the end of my bed.

“Are you ok?” he looked worried.

“Um, I think so,” I said sitting up.

“You were screaming, I thought you were being attacked or something.”

“Oh sorry, bad dream.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Um, no I will be ok,” I said lying back down and huddling under the covers. Loren got up and went towards the door. Before he closed it he turned around and said,

“I’m always available if you want to talk.”

“Thanks Lor.” I closed my eyes tightly and went back to sleep.

It felt like minutes later I had to get up for school. I ran around my room trying to find something to wear. I went through four or five different outfits before I decided to wear destroyed shorts from Hollister and a red halter-top. I threw on a pair of white flats and grabbed my purse and ran down the stairs and met Loren outside at his car. I got in and started doing my makeup.

“So...” he said.

“Yea?” I asked while throwing my knotted hair up in a messy bun.

“Are you ecited?”

“Uh, sure.”

“It doesn’t sound like it.”

“Yea,” I said looking out the window. We pulled up to the school and I was having de ja vu. I walked through the doors into a crowded hallway, only to be pulled by the arm into a janitor’s closet. I was about to go off on the person when I saw it was John.

“Uh hi,” I said in shock.

“Hi,” he said in a daze.

“Um John what are we doing in a janitor’s closet?”

“This,” he whispered and leaned his head in to kiss me. It was an amazing kiss but I knew it was wrong. I pushed him away.

“No I.... I can’t,” I said and I ran out the door only to bump into Kennedy. My eyes grew wide when he saw John in the closet; he was on the verge of crying. “Kennedy, h...hi,” I stuttered apologetically.

“I see,” he whispered and walked away.

“NO KENNEDY!” I called after him, everyone stared at me. The rest of the day really sucked. Loren had early dismissal and texted me during fourth block, my lunch. He said:

Hey i heard about what happened. Wanna skip the rest of the day and come home with me?

I was so relieved and texted back:

Sure meet you at your car.

I saw Loren at his car and I ran to him and gave him a big hug and cried into his shoulder.

“Everything is ruined,” I screamed.

“Shhh it will be ok bearbear.”

“No,” I sobbed, “no it won’t.”
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sorry it took forever to get out. life