Your Makeup on My Pillow Is Proof

Your Face Before Me Though I Don't Know Why.

"Hey Mikey. Is Gerard there?"

"Yeah Frank. Just a sec." Mikey reluctantly handed the phone to Gerard who looked mortified at the mention of Frank.

"I hate you Mikey." He hissed, his hand over the mouthpiece. "Hey Frank. Yeah, I was just thinking about you too..." Gerard made a face and began to slowly hit his head against the wall. "I actually can't hang out tonight... I'm meeting a friend-" My new whore "-and I can't break my promise. I'm sorry Babe... Yeah. Same here. Love and whatnot bye." Gerard quickly hung up the phone and sighed.

"Gerard, you're such a jerk. I can't believe you'd do that to Frank!"

"Mikey. Shut up. It's none of your business. We were never together, so I don't see how this is cheating or whatever you're ranting about now." Gerard chucked the phone at Mikey and stood up. "I'm going out. I'll be back later. Don't tell Frank." Gerard slammed the door behind him.

Mikey glanced at the phone in his lap. Should he call Frank? No, he couldn't sell out his big brother like that... Could he?
Mikey quickly dialed the phone before he changed his mind.

♥ ♦ ♣ ♠

Gerard pressed his lips against Jade's roughly, his hands exploring beneath the thin sheets. Jade moaned as Gerard's hand caressed his package.

"Gerard... don't tease..." He murmured, pushing himself against Gerard.

"Yeah Gerard. Don't tease." Hissed a voice from a corner in the room.
Gerard swore loudly and wrapped the sheet tightly around his waist. Jade squealed and flipped off the far side of the bed, hiding from Frank.

"Fuck, Frank. What the hell are you doing here?" Gerard sat up and glared at the bawling Frank. "Get out Frank! This is none of your business." Gerard stood up now, towering over Frank.

"Gerard! How could you? I love you Gee! Can't you see what you're doing to me?" Frank pressed his hands on Gerard's pale chest.

"No Frank. And I don't want to. Now get out. I'm serious." Gerard pushed Frank's hands off of him.

"Gerard... I love you. I actually do. That... thing over there doesn't love you!" Frank pointed to Jade who was now peering over the bed.

"Don't talk about Jade like that." Gerard hissed, his voice icy.

"WHORE. He's a fucking WHORE!" Frank screamed. "He doesn't love you! He's a who-" Frank gasped loudly as Gerard struck him across the face. The sound seemed deafening in the now silent room, Frank's quiet sobs echoed.

"Shit, Frankie... Babe..." Gerard went to hug Frank, but Frank pulled away quickly. "Frank... I'm sorry..." Again Gerard made a move for Frank. Frank made a small 'eep' noise and backed out of Gerard's reach. He looked at Gerard one final time before sprinting out of the dingy hotel room.

♥ ♦ ♣ ♠

Mikey looked over at Frank, the two of them sitting in Mikey's small car outside of the motel room.
"You alright?" He whispered silently. Frank was holding his face tightly with one hand while the other wiped furiously at the tears spilling down his face.

Frank shook his head quickly. "Unh unh." He mumbled. Frank looked up at Mikey before bursting into a fresh wave of tears. "They... were... naked... and... together..." Frank through himself into Mikey's arms, avoiding the steering wheel with ease.

Mikey wrapped his arms around Frank. "It's alright babe. He's an ass." Mikey kissed the top of Frank's head quietly.
"I'm here for you."