Your Makeup on My Pillow Is Proof

A Familiar Voice with a Stranger's Face Speaks

“Gee? Babe? You in there?” A soft tapping came from the hallway, echoing into the silent room. Their gig had gone reasonably well, winning them enough money to get to the next city they were going to play in. Gerard had disappeared rather quickly afterwards and no one had seen him go. Ray had lent Frank the key to Gerard’s room and asked him to check in on Gerard to make sure he was okay.
“Gerard, it’s me. Frank.” The small figure stepped into the dim room, his skin even paler against the moonlight that spilled across the sickly colored hotel carpet and onto Frank’s small body. “Gerard...” Frank called again, becoming slightly afraid now. Where was Gee?

Frank paused as a quiet moan escaped Gerard’s lips. Following the sound, Frank crossed the room and crawled up onto the bed and across it.
Sprawled on floor between the bed and the wall was a shivering Gerard. Frank gasped aloud, pulling his body up onto the bed.

“Gee! Oh god, are you okay? Is something wrong? Are you okay?” Frank’s fingers fumbled across Gerard’s pale face. “What did you do Gee?” Frank laid Gerard out on the bed and knelt beside his pale and trembling body.

Gerard’s lips opened again, cracking slightly.
“-profen. ‘Cohol.” He said his lips barely moving. Frank’s eyes connected with the fading eyes of Gerard. “Cold.” Gerard closed his eyes, trying to stay conscious. “So cold Frank.”

Frank grabbed Gerard’s hands and kissed the white knuckles roughly as he held back a wave of tears.
“Come on Gee, we have to get you to the hospital or something quick, you don’t look good…” Frank helped Gee’s limp body sit up. “I’ll call Mikey and he’ll help me…”

“No.” Gerard began to struggle against Frank. “Not Mikey.” Every word was more strained than the last; every word seemed to rip his throat deeper than the last.
“Please. Just you.” Gerard’s eyes open to plead with Frank’s soft hazel eyes. Gerard clenched his eyes shut as a wave of pain ran over his body.

“Alright. Fine. Let’s just get you help.” Frank helped a swaying Gerard out the door and down the hallway silently except the occasional gasp of pain from Gerard.
They managed to slip past the front desk without anyone asking any questions by forcing Gerard to walk on his own across the foyer.

“Come on Gee. One more step…” Frank helped the half conscious body into the passenger seat before quickly starting the little run down car that the band shared.