Don't Stop if I Fall, and Don't You Dare Look Back

Chapter Two

"So, what's up, doc?" Gerard asked once Frankie and Mikey were outside and had shut the door.

"As a normal procedure, we performed a CAT scan on your brain to make sure that there wasn't any damage. While there wasn't any from the encounter with the guitar, something else showed up on it..."

"And this was...?" Gerard prompted. "It's my body, I have the right to know what's wrong with it. Spit it out."

"Well, there was damage in the central part of the brain which really puzzled everyone. Finally, we got our top physician away from his vacation to look at it, and it turned out to be linked to the Xanax you were once taking and were addicted to for a point in time. It requires you to keep taking some sort of stimulant in order for you to keep functioning properly. But, while you're taking , it's also deteriorating the area more, requiring you to take more in order for it to keep the same level of efficiency."

"So basically, I'm killing my brain either way, it's just that one way is encouraged by you people and will make you richer so that once I die one of your relatives gets my funeral bills too. Fuck no, I'm not taking your drug, and I'm getting the hell out of here. Give me the damn release papers." Gerard said, pulling a shirt over his head.

"It really is encouraged for you to take the stimulant, Mr. Way. You'll stay alive and sane longer that way."

Gerard glared at the doctor, who immediately withered at the fictional daggers being plunged into his body. "If I'm going to go insane like they said I already was, I'm going to turn myself that way. And death catches up to all of us one day, mine's just coming quicker than everyone else's. I repeat: I want my release papers NOW. Or I'll call my lawyer. I may not have much time left on this earth, but I can still sue your ass for all it's worth."

The doctor sighed. "All right, Mr. Way. I'll put down that you refused treatment and get a nurse to bring your papers immediately. Good day to you."

"And fuck you too." Gerard finished, standing up. "I'm coming to the desk with my brother and my friend."

The doctor opened the door and walked out of the room, followed by Gerard. Mikey and Frank rushed up to him, Frank spilling some Vanilla Frappuchino on his black pants.

"Um, I don't want to know what you were thinking of just now. Let's all hope it was Jamia..." Gerard said, looking at the spot and referring to Frank's girlfriend. "Anyways, I'm getting the hell out of here."

"The doctor approved your release?" Mikey asked. "Yes, I'm going to call Ray and Bob, they're making sure that the techies don't kill each other..."

"No Mike, don't. There's something I have to tell you guys first." Gerard said.

"So what is it?" Frank asked, attempting to mop up the spill on his pants and earning a few disgusted glares from the waiting room. "What, haven't you ever spilled shitty hospital food on yourself in inappropriate places?"

"Something tells me 'no.'" Gerard smiled. "Let's get the hell out of here, I'll tell you at home, when we're with the rest of the guys."

"All right then." Mikey said, looking at his brother worriedly. They practically had a twin connection, and Gerard's mannerisms weren't right. He was holding his mouth wrong, and his hands were stuck in his pockets constantly. Normally he motioned to everything, at least with a 'rolling' movement. (A/N: Picture 7th Avenue Drop: My Chemical Romance Part Two when he's introducing "I Don't Love You." That's what I mean. Either that, or that part where he's going "We'll Carry On" in the WTTBP vid)

"This Gerard doesn't seem okay..."