Life as it is.


Everybody has that one feeling right?

You know which one im talkin about....the way you catch your breath at unexpected times because the pain seems to be too much. And no matter what your doing you will have the pain flash up at any moment, of any day, any hour of the day!
Its as though someone has ahold of your heart and just squeezes, sometimes they squeeze so tight you have to bend over and catch your breath, or its just that prickling sensation you'd get if your leg or arm fell asleep, but no matter how much pain it is, its always there.
But at nights the pain seems worse, where you just curl up in the smallest ball possible just trying to get away from the pain, anguish, the Hurt. And no matter how much you try to stop them the tears just keep rolling down your face, one after the other, one after the other. Like a constant rainy day where you wish the sun will come out and brighten up the cloudy skies. No matter how many times you wish upon a star, throw a penny down a well, or even break a wishbone every night its the same constant pain, no one can get rid of.

Not even the one who caused it.