Life as it is.


The beginning,

It will always be hazy in my mind for I was only a small child of 8 or 9. So certain details will not be completly true casue for a kid things are different then when you get older and innocense is lost. Bit by bit it will be lost to the child and at points chunks will be taken, harshly.

Having moved to a new city at such a young age is the best time for being a child in 2nd grade for friends are easily made.
Even in the middle of the year.
Being taken down strange new halls by a lady youve never seen is not so scary for a young child who loves meeting new people, especially ones who have large smiles and a pretty face. But when the door opens revealing a class of children all glancing to the door wondering what possibly could have disrupted the class, shyness flows through Her, causing Her cheeks to go bright red almost making the freakles all over Her face, disapper.

The children of the class all get up and form a semi-cirlce infront of the New Girl, the teacher immediatly walks up and introduces herself and welcomes Her with warm smiles and white teeth. Then coming out of the children surrounding Her, a girl with messy blonde hair, walks straight to Her and introduces herself and ask that one question any new kid loves to hear
" Wanna be my friend?"
After that it goes blurry. One memory of a thousand that stands out above the rest, for the little blonde child has been Her best friend since.